"Fat Girl Thinking"

I had a discussion at work with a coworker who calls herself a skinny girl trapped in a fat girls body(she was a borderline anorexic in her younger years) and i realized that i just may be the opposite a fat girl in a thin girls body. I realized how hard it is to break free from. Still to this day a year and a half after i was in the 200 club and in a size 18-20 and even higher at times I still think like i am that fat...not food wise or anythign but just the HMMMMMM I cant wear that Im a big girl kinda thing. It is way harder than i thought to break free from that prison...have any of you ever dealt with that???? Even know you know your are smaller and healthier and right where u need to be...do you resort to a fat girl insecurity mentality??? How do you overcome it????


  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    I had a discussion at work with a coworker who calls herself a skinny girl trapped in a fat girls body(she was a borderline anorexic in her younger years) and i realized that i just may be the opposite a fat girl in a thin girls body. I realized how hard it is to break free from. Still to this day a year and a half after i was in the 200 club and in a size 18-20 and even higher at times I still think like i am that fat...not food wise or anythign but just the HMMMMMM I cant wear that Im a big girl kinda thing. It is way harder than i thought to break free from that prison...have any of you ever dealt with that???? Even know you know your are smaller and healthier and right where u need to be...do you resort to a fat girl insecurity mentality??? How do you overcome it????

    I keep constantly looking in the mirror, because other wise, I DO still feel like I used to feel!
    You should see me stare at myself whenever I'm near a full length mirror, or even a store window! I used to look down getting close to a store, but now I try like heck to remember TO look, just to remind myself that I'm not big anymore! Sounds screwy, but, it works for me! :laugh:
  • shannahrenee
    I'm worried about that happening to me. I've almost lost 30 lbs and am down 2 pants sizes almost 3 but I still feel like I look exactly the same. I'm worried I'll never feel like I'm not fat. :ohwell:
  • licia67
    licia67 Posts: 109
    I still feel like the "fat girl" even though in reality I am not...my problem is that sometimes when I look in the mirror I still don't see that I am now in the best shape I have ever been in!
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I hit my goal weight last year and I still feel like people perceive me as "fat". It's a difficult mentality to shake. :ohwell:
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    That's a tough one. Practicing "reality thinking" is so hard because, after all, it's thinking...it's in your head and often we're not bouncing those thoughts off anyone else who can present a "level set". I have the opposite problem....I always think I'm thinner than I am. I even see myself in the mirror as thinner than I am. I think sometimes that's why it's hard for me to always make good choices for eating and exercising.

    I think this is where being aware of your numbers is important....what was the outcome of your last physical (blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, tryglycerides, etc....not that being thin or normal can put all these numbers in normal range) - are you "in range" of where you should be on the scale, how are your measurements? Sometimes the hard cold facts can help us in making sure we are healthy and where we need to be individually....

    Although it's really tough taking the emotion out of it, but perhaps a good round of factual thinking can help.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I thnk looking at a PICTURE of yourself gives a much more accurate representation to your eyes than a mirror. Even at my heaviest, when I looked in a mirror, I told myself, "I am not thin, but it isn't that bad, I carry my weight well. Everyone says so" < File this one under lies you tell yourself to justify staying fat!:laugh: :laugh:

    Seeing a picture of myself made it impossible to ignore.:grumble: Thus, a week after my birthday in April I decided the best gift I could give myself in the coming year was to make 100 lbs, "hit the road Jack--and don't come back no more" (If you are too young to recognize that song lyric, sue me!!:bigsmile:

    I still have a long way to go, but after 30 lbs. it is noticeable to others and to me,--but not from looking in the mirror. I can put clothes on that use to fit and now fall off, and that reminds me I am getting smaller.
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    Same thing here. I was really into the "fat girl" thinking this weekend. I felt HUGE!!! Hopefully we won't ALWAYS feel this way!:huh: