People Don’t Get It?



  • Qatsi
    Qatsi Posts: 2,191 Member
    I had someone tell me I should start jogging instead of walking to lose weight. This was after I had just told him I'd lost over 30 pounds with my daily walks. Apparently I'm doing it wrong...
  • nyla23608
    nyla23608 Posts: 66 Member
    What idiots!!!! :grumble:

    You are doing great, keep up the great work and the results of your hard work will show them!!! :flowerforyou:

    I concur! :)
  • jonnyb62
    jonnyb62 Posts: 426
    I had someone tell me I should start jogging instead of walking to lose weight. This was after I had just told him I'd lost over 30 pounds with my daily walks. Apparently I'm doing it wrong...

    This one just makes me laugh. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • You listen to your body and it will tell you what works for you. I say shut 'em up with your results...that will be the best satisfaction!

    Thats what I do. I was told the other day I was doomed to failure and that if I continued I would NEVER loose weight. I looked her right in the eyes and said "Really, I have already lost 33 lbs, How much have you lost?" (shes lost 10 doing weight watchers for the same amount of time)

    Normally the best thing to do is acutally take it as a compliment. IF they say "Really You cant loose weight eating that." look at them and say THANK YOU! I have lost weight eating that, thanks for the compliment. I would take it as a surprised OMG you are doing so well if you can loose weight eating that. Thats just me. I have OCD for Negative thinking so I have become a pro at changing Negative thoughts and comments into postive. IT really works and its like shoving it back in their face. KILL THEM WITH KINDNESS!
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    Your results will definitely speak for themselves!! Keep up the amazing work :)

    What they said!

    Keep at it and don't let someone else's negativity impact you. You're doing a great job!
  • howeclectic
    howeclectic Posts: 121 Member
    All of this kind of reminds me of the incident with Michelle Obama. The lady ordered a cheese burger and french fries and everyone got in to a hissy about the bad example she was setting. The lady exercises daily and looks great. Unfortunately, for women, I dont think it even stops when you lose the weight....
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    When it starts to show that your slimming down, their gonna eat those words. Ignore them.
  • Thomas8260
    Thomas8260 Posts: 8 Member
    Let the naysayers speak and use that as motivation to keep doing what your doing. Or, chalk it up to a NSV!:smile:
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    I had someone tell me I should start jogging instead of walking to lose weight. This was after I had just told him I'd lost over 30 pounds with my daily walks. Apparently I'm doing it wrong...

    This one just makes me laugh. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Thats ok, I told a doctor that I already lost weight n he still told me being big was hazardous to my health, even though I just told him I lost weight. It dont matter. These people have high expectations and probably think if you jog, a mile all that weight should just slide right off the following day. People can be morons.
  • jynckz
    jynckz Posts: 29 Member
    My biggest pet peeve is when people suggest supplements for me to try.. "I saw this on the Doctors.. it will make your body burn fat" or.. try this shake or this supplement..

    I have chosen clean eating and exercise to make myself fit and healthy. I don't need a magic pill or concoction to make it happen faster!

    And I HAVE excluded a lot of foods from what I eat and have people tell me I won't be able to maintain this 'diet'... I have chosen to eat healthy foods.. very little processed, NO take-out meals... 95% of what I eat is cooked at home. It isn't convenient, but neither was being 120lbs overweight! It IS a lifestyle change and one I will continue for the rest of my life...

    Rant over :)
  • plarcade
    plarcade Posts: 125 Member
    Everyone's an expert when you're on a diet, no matter if you want to lose weight, gain weight or get healthy. This is why I don't tell anyone.
  • JennedyJLD
    JennedyJLD Posts: 123 Member
    All of this kind of reminds me of the incident with Michelle Obama. The lady ordered a cheese burger and french fries and everyone got in to a hissy about the bad example she was setting. The lady exercises daily and looks great. Unfortunately, for women, I dont think it even stops when you lose the weight....

    You're completely right. I remember that controversy, and I was thinking, "Michelle probably more than earned that cheeseburger with exercise, and she probably only has a meal like that once or twice a week at most. It's the people who never work out and eat like that ALL THE TIME who criticize her for having the nerve to eat what she wants and look great regardless!"
  • _ylime_
    _ylime_ Posts: 661 Member
    Just went for a really quick walk with a co-worker.... the conversation was a perfect example... funny really.... (not really, more sad than anything... )

    Co-worker: "You look really good - what are you doing again?"
    Me: "MFP, bascially watching calories, macros and staying active... I feel great - thank you"

    pause... walking....

    Co-worker: "You should try these new diet pills - I have lost 5 pounds in 3 days!"
    Me: :noway:

    It is some weird pyramid scheme thing with pills and strange powdered food replacements... sounds terrible. I'll just hope for the best for them and keep doing what I am doing... lead by example... hopefully! Thanks again everyone! You guys rock! :drinker: Keep up all your great work :flowerforyou:
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Just went for a really quick walk with a co-worker.... the conversation was a perfect example... funny really.... (not really, more sad than anything... )

    Co-worker: "You look really good - what are you doing again?"
    Me: "MFP, bascially watching calories, macros and staying active... I feel great - thank you"

    pause... walking....

    Co-worker: "You should try these new diet pills - I have lost 5 pounds in 3 days!"
    Me: :noway:

    It is some weird pyramid scheme thing with pills and strange powdered food replacements... sounds terrible. I'll just hope for the best for them and keep doing what I am doing... lead by example... hopefully! Thanks again everyone! You guys rock! :drinker: Keep up all your great work :flowerforyou:

    Hey, I hear crack is a great way to lose weight fast too lol Well- when she gains all that weight back you'll be there to answer her questions :D
  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    You now have the answer to why obesity is an epidemic in this country....ignorance.

    ^This^ I too was one of the ignorant :frown:
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    For some reason, my husband decided yesterday to ask me "Should you really be eating that?" He then decided he would look silly with a fork in his eye and opted for "You're looking hawt!"

    He's a smart man and a quick learner.
  • scmcgee
    scmcgee Posts: 165
    I just never told anyone until they noticed the difference, then they couldn't start with the "Oh that won't work!"

    ^^^This - What I do - everyone around you wants to tell you how to do it but until they are fit and healthy - leave me alone!!! Don't tell me I can't go to the gym and lift weights if I want. Strength training does not make you bulky, it makes you lose weight more effectively. Burn the fat off. Or you get the opposite side of the coin of the people who are just changing their diets but not working out...not going to work people - you have to exercise and build some muscle!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    For some reason, my husband decided yesterday to ask me "Should you really be eating that?" He then decided he would look silly with a fork in his eye and opted for "You're looking hawt!"

    He's a smart man and a quick learner.

    My husband and I have the same outlook. I don't nag him about his chocolate bunnies and he doesn't nag me about my Aero mint chocolate lambs. Neither of us want to wake up with a steak knife in the chest.

    I learned that it's not about what I ate but how much. I still eat a ton of crap, but it's not the whole bag/jar/container anymore. I'm slowly working on phasing out the junk and replacing it with better options.
  • mahutch1
    mahutch1 Posts: 37 Member
    Keep it up! Keep it up! Keep it up!

    What works for one person does not necessarily work for the next. It's all about attitude and I say a 10 pound loss gives you an attitude--an attitude of "Oh Yeah"!

    Standing in line to give you a hive five, too. :happy:
  • You are absolutely right. "Diets" are a short term fix and they don't cure a long term proble. You are curing the long term problem with LIFESTYLE CHANGES, which means sometimes you indulge, because that's life, but you exercise and live an overall healthy lifestyle. YOU ARE RIGHT. Keep up the geat work and ignore that kind of diet advice.