HELP! I'm falling!

The best way to describe how I'm feeling right now is spinning my wheels...and about to run out of gas!

I have been on this journey for almost a year now, have lost nearly 70lbs was feeling awesome and then...nothing! I've lost my motivation! The foods I'm eating seem boring, the exercises I'm doing are half hearted. Not to mention I'm busy at work and by the time I get home I am bushed! I'm falling back to old habits more and more, and I REALLY don't want to go back THERE again!!

If anyone has any good suggestions on how to change things up on a busy schedule or just some encouraging words...I would GREATLY appreciate it!


  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    I feel you sister...let's see if you can get any help here.....I wish I could...but I too am in the same boat!! Someone has had to go through the same thing and know how to bump it up or change it up!!

    Come on her out!! I too will be able to take something from it!!
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    Hi :) 70lbs...that is amazing!! I think it comes back to remembering why you started!!

    Try experimenting with new foods, say to yourself you'll add one new food or recipe every week. Take up a exercise you may have wanted to try but were to nervous to do it....or find a workout buddy!!

    You can't give've come a long way to get where you are now, the guilt if you do will be worse then the work it takes to get you where you are me!! :) Good have this in you, you've already shown that!!! :)
  • downhomechik
    The best way to describe how I'm feeling right now is spinning my wheels...and about to run out of gas!

    I have been on this journey for almost a year now, have lost nearly 70lbs was feeling awesome and then...nothing! I've lost my motivation! The foods I'm eating seem boring, the exercises I'm doing are half hearted. Not to mention I'm busy at work and by the time I get home I am bushed! I'm falling back to old habits more and more, and I REALLY don't want to go back THERE again!!

    If anyone has any good suggestions on how to change things up on a busy schedule or just some encouraging words...I would GREATLY appreciate it!

    I've struggled with this my whole life. I've successfully lost 50-70 lbs and over time I gave up and just stopped taking care of me. Number one in your life should be YOU. If you fall back into old habits it means you aren't putting you first. Who is first in your life if not yourself? If you had any health problems that improved by losing weight - remind yourself they will come back. Remind yourself it isn't a diet you are on but a change of life and an exciting journey you have committed to.

    Change up the food you are eating with something different. Maybe something culturally different (Greek, Mediterraneon...something with spices that are foreign to your tongue). Try a different exercise...if you walk, try a pilates class or vice versa. If you were working on fixing up a Mercedes - you wouldn't stop mid way and jump back into your old Ford Ranger, would you? You are SOOO worth this journey. You may be stressed at work and its slowly penetrating into your personal life. Take a day off and go hiking or get outside or go see someone you've been missing.

    Keeping busy, changing up routine may help and GOOD LUCK... we are here to support!!!!
  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    You know, it's funny, including myself I know several people who've hit the 70lb mark and have experienced a complete lack of motivation!

    How I busted through that plateau was to sit and re-think about my goals about why I wanted to lose weight. Turns out, I had actually achieved my goal! I was healthier than I'd ever been and my goals was to get healthy. So I had to sit and ask myself why it was important for me to continue and then I decided to shake things up. I started doing some new workouts that challenged me more than the ones I was doing before and I also spent a week looking through cookbooks and food blogs to get more ideas for new and exciting meals.

    In short, it sounds like you need to shake things up a bit! Re-evaluate your goals and try something new! You can get there! I'm now nearing 100lbs lost and my motivation has increased exponentially!
  • moepwr
    moepwr Posts: 349 Member
    Have you thought about joining an exercise group? Like training for a specific run with a local running group? There is nothing better thne crossing that finish line. And you don't have to run, walk it! We walk or run a 10 miler as a staff. There is about 20 of us that train together and race together for one race a year. We get together and have dinner before the race and a couple of brunches during the training. Or a biggest loser challenge? Maybe take up new exercises like yoga or Zumba?

    Try new foods by visiting the local farmers market and buy one or two veg you have never heard of then google a recipe to go with it? I like going to restaurants and then going home and trying to make the dish that I had.

    Good luck and I hope you find your mojo!
  • trinoc
    trinoc Posts: 73
    One of the things that really kicks me into gear FAST is using that food diary projection. I type in a day of what I used to eat and then complete the diary. Seeing what I'll weigh in 5 weeks, if every day were like that, puts everything in perspective really quickly.

    I hope you find your mojo again real soon!
  • jwerman
    jwerman Posts: 176
    ^^^ This why I'm so glad to be part of MFP! Thanks for all the comments and support so far...keep 'em coming!
  • LoserCruiser
    70lbs is a lot of weight, that is awesome! Maybe hang a before and after picture on your fridge to remind you of how far you have come and how awesome you look and how you don't want to go back there!
  • busymommyx3
    busymommyx3 Posts: 40 Member
    Don't give up! You have come so far already. 70 pounds is amazing and inspiring to me as I am trying to lose over 100! Try purchasing or checking out a new recipe book and try new things. There are hundreds of great healthy recipe books for quick and easy meals that might inspire you to keep eating healthy. Also try adding a little extra to your work out routine or try something new entirely. Your body can adapt to the same workouts after a long time of repeating them and then they end up being less effective as well as boring. Look up new excersizes like Yoga, Tai Chi, Zumba, Spinning, etc. I also work full time and have 3 little ones so it is hard to find time but even when you come home dead tired it is worth it to push yourself to do some physical activity because no matter how tired you are you always feel better afterwards :) You can do it!! Congrats on coming so far already.
  • jwerman
    jwerman Posts: 176
    Again thanks to everyone for your support and suggestions...I DO often put myself on the back burner, or give in to my tiredness or my mood after work. I wish I had a secret stash of energy to kick in at that time! I always feel better after a good work out, it's just getting there sometimes... And as far as food, I think I am lacking flavor...we've tried adding spicy, but my tastes just keep finding the sweet or salty that's missing... :( My hubby and I like trying food from different cultures, the suggestion about trying a new dish at a restaurant and then making it at home is great!
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    I like to read this when I need a jump start:
    It will never be:
    the right time

    Nobody is going to:
    tell you exactly what to do
    drag you out of bed in the morning
    yell at you to eat healthy
    lift weights for you
    run a race for you

    There will always be:
    sick days
    sleepless nights
    early mornings
    bad weather
    long days at the office

    It will always be easier to:
    say no
    hit SNOOZE
    do nothing
    blame others
    make excuses
    give up
    say “I tried my best” when you really didn’t

    Life is freaking tough - health, wealth, and happiness certainly don’t come easy.

    For those reasons, you don’t need:
    The best equipment
    The best business plan
    The PERFECT workout program (it doesn’t exist)
    A super specific meal plan

    And it’s okay to:
    not have all of the answers yet – NOBODY does
    not have your life completely figured out yet – NOBODY does
    get started and figure things out as you go

    As Teddy Roosevelt once said, “Do the best you can, with what you have, where you are.”

    Take action. Make changes.

    You will make mistakes. You will fail. Embrace it.

    You know what’s NOT okay?
    to expect instant success and gratification
    to give up immediately when life doesn’t go your way
    to keep doing the same thing while expecting different results
    to coast through life while complaining about it
    to constantly wonder “what if” without ever finding out

    Tomorrow never comes.

    Eventually never happens.



    Shut up and start.
  • jwerman
    jwerman Posts: 176
    Again thanks to everyone for your support and suggestions...I DO often put myself on the back burner, or give in to my tiredness or my mood after work. I wish I had a secret stash of energy to kick in at that time! I always feel better after a good work out, it's just getting there sometimes... And as far as food, I think I am lacking flavor...we've tried adding spicy, but my tastes just keep finding the sweet or salty that's missing... :( My hubby and I like trying food from different cultures, the suggestion about trying a new dish at a restaurant and then making it at home is great!
  • jwerman
    jwerman Posts: 176
    ^^ Oops got a little repetitive didn't I...LOL!
  • jwerman
    jwerman Posts: 176
    I like to read this when I need a jump start:
    It will never be:
    the right time

    Nobody is going to:
    tell you exactly what to do
    drag you out of bed in the morning
    yell at you to eat healthy
    lift weights for you
    run a race for you

    There will always be:
    sick days
    sleepless nights
    early mornings
    bad weather
    long days at the office

    It will always be easier to:
    say no
    hit SNOOZE
    do nothing
    blame others
    make excuses
    give up
    say “I tried my best” when you really didn’t

    Life is freaking tough - health, wealth, and happiness certainly don’t come easy.

    For those reasons, you don’t need:
    The best equipment
    The best business plan
    The PERFECT workout program (it doesn’t exist)
    A super specific meal plan

    And it’s okay to:
    not have all of the answers yet – NOBODY does
    not have your life completely figured out yet – NOBODY does
    get started and figure things out as you go

    As Teddy Roosevelt once said, “Do the best you can, with what you have, where you are.”

    Take action. Make changes.

    You will make mistakes. You will fail. Embrace it.

    You know what’s NOT okay?
    to expect instant success and gratification
    to give up immediately when life doesn’t go your way
    to keep doing the same thing while expecting different results
    to coast through life while complaining about it
    to constantly wonder “what if” without ever finding out

    Tomorrow never comes.

    Eventually never happens.



    Shut up and start.
    Cbirdso, I can ALWAYS count on you to tell me like it is! THANK YOU!!! 2 copies of this will be made...1 for my fridge and 1 for my purse. Possibly more, who knows?! But THIS is something we all need to remember everyday!
  • shimewazaMan
    Hey j. I can definitely empathise with you as probably can a lot of the people on here. You've already gotten some great responses ... probably much better than anything I have to offer. However, having been struggling with weight my entire life, I like to lend support any time I can. It's OK to go on auto-pilot sometimes and just kind of maintain. Losing weight is hard on your body (at least for me it seems that way) and sometimes you just need to ease up and let your body recover. I'm not saying go crazy, stop exercising, and start eating poorly. I'm just saying, it's OK to have periods where you just kind of go on maintenance for a while. Give yourself a deadline and say, "On May 1, I'm gonna start hitting it hard again!" and hold yourself to it. While you are in maintenance mode, find things to inspire you. For me, I like looking at pictures of people I want to look like and at athletes whose accomplishments I admire. I also try to find new goals. I am not one of those people who can exercise just to exercise. I always have to have a goal. Right now my goal is one-armed pushups, one-arm pullups, and handstand push-ups. Sorry ... rambling now. Hope that helped some!
  • carlaroopoo
    Do what I have just done and what I always do when I want to have something yummy.....I get a glass of water food of choice (normally chocolate or cheese in my case) bite off a great big mouthful. Chew, spit then chug the water....Tricks your body into thinking you just ate the yumminess :)) x
  • shimewazaMan
    Do what I have just done and what I always do when I want to have something yummy.....I get a glass of water food of choice (normally chocolate or cheese in my case) bite off a great big mouthful. Chew, spit then chug the water....Tricks your body into thinking you just ate the yumminess :)) x
    WOW ... I LOVE that idea. I gotta try that!
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    Sounds like it's time to shake things up!

    You've lost SEVENTY pounds, girl. You can do all sorts of new things that you couldn't do before. You could take up dancing, a martial art, rock climbing, hiking, all sorts of great things. I say pick one and start doing that. You won't be feeling bored for long!!! :)

    As far as food goes, you gotta have some variety at some point, right? I'm no cook, but I've seen how much fun my brother has with messing around with new recipes and trying new things. If you're into that kind of stuff, I say have a culinary adventure! Have some girl friends over and make pizzas with weird toppings!

    Plan some adventures and enjoy yourself!! You're doing so great so go have some fun with it!!
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    "If you hate starting over, stop quitting." I tell yself this at least once a week. I've lost and gained more times than I can count, and starting over SUCKS! The other little self-talk I use is that the hardest distance to complete is the 20 feet to the front door. It's silly but true, if we can just get ourselves started and not stop we will succeed. Best of luck. Honestly I'm struggling with motivation right now, and sharing this with you really helps me get my head back where it needs to be. Thanks.