2 miles

I just jogged for 2 miles on my treadmill! I usually do a mile and then one lap of a cool down walk. But yesterday I did it and it seemed a little too easy. So today I decided I would keep going once I hit that mile mark. I thought I'd do a mile and a half but when that came I was determined to make it to two miles...and I did! I'm so proud of myself :happy: Oh and here's a little something that helps keep me motivated...if you can, put a mirror in front of your treadmill. It makes it so much easier to keep going because you see all your fat bouncing around lol. Keep working hard everyone!

:heart: Kels


  • Smilineyes
    Smilineyes Posts: 346 Member
    I just jogged for 2 miles on my treadmill! I usually do a mile and then one lap of a cool down walk. But yesterday I did it and it seemed a little too easy. So today I decided I would keep going once I hit that mile mark. I thought I'd do a mile and a half but when that came I was determined to make it to two miles...and I did! I'm so proud of myself :happy: Oh and here's a little something that helps keep me motivated...if you can, put a mirror in front of your treadmill. It makes it so much easier to keep going because you see all your fat bouncing around lol. Keep working hard everyone!

    :heart: Kels
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    You go!! That rocks :drinker:

    No, no mirror for me :happy: AHHHHH the horror, the horror :laugh:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Awesome Kels! Do that for 2 weeks then try bumping it up a bit more! When you get to 3 you can come join me in some 5K's :happy:
  • jbuehrer
    jbuehrer Posts: 285
    woot! i went jogging last night for one mile and nearly died!! so good for you !!:tongue::drinker:
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    Woohoo!!! Nice job!
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Aw... my Kelsey girls is getting into it!!!!!
    Yay for you girl!!!:drinker:
