Completely Confused



  • MaggieCorbs
    MaggieCorbs Posts: 8 Member
    I just started today, and was happy to get the 150 calories from a walk.
    Good for you, I have to take up swimming!!!
  • caviarblack
    caviarblack Posts: 41 Member
    I would definitely get a heart rate monitor for better accuracy. Just to give you an idea of how off MFP's calculator can be, my elliptical screen will say I burned about 330 calories in 30 minutes, but MFP will say it's more like 600. If I do eat any of my workout points, I do so as a last resort, and try not to eat more than 25% of them. Good luck!
  • I dont eat back my calories
  • I lap swim. 2000yards in an hour. I used their calculator and just plugged in what type of exercise I chose freestyle swim light/moderate and 60 minutes and that is what it gave me.
    Like I said I am really confused.

    safely, i would start with eating half those cals back, just in case mfp over-estimates (which it can). then if you find your losing, you can stick with that number and tweak it as you go
  • britexmom
    britexmom Posts: 145
    that might be a really high estimation of cals burned...unless you are using a HRM that is really accurate. i just checked out a couple of other websites and unless you weigh 300-400lbs and are swimming nonstop at a moderate to fast pace i doubt you burned that much...i would go with 50% to be on the safe side, and then maybe eat back 35% of that to allow for over estimation of food cals (we all overestimate w/out menaing to).
  • BigMamy
    BigMamy Posts: 43 Member
    When you say you lap swim. Are you constantly at it for a whole hour? My kids swimming coach says swimming doesn't eat up that many calories. An hour of breastroke give 848 calories according to MFP but the swim coach says it more like half of that. To get what you got, you must have been doing frontcrawl or butterfly the whole 60 minutes non stop and probably more. I reckon 600 calories would be more like it for a constant hours swim. But I'm no profesional.
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    Unless you are using a heart rate monitor when you exercise you really cant know that you burned that many calories. I found that when I put my exercises in before purchasing an HRM that My fitness pal WAY over estimated my calories burned. Just FYI in case you were not using one. :) Hope that helps


    I realized I was highly undereating because my basic calorie burn for a normal day was around 2300 BEFORE exercise. I had been eating 1200. That's an 1100 deficit plus any more deficit gained from exercise, and I wasn't losing anymore. My body had entered a pseudo starvation mode, and I was holding onto fat.

    I upped my calories slowly after using my HRM to find out my REAL average daily calorie expenditure. On a normal day, app. 2300. On days that I sit on my couch for 9 hours then go right back to sleep, 1300 (I do this on Saturday and Sunday). So, I set my calories to 1450 per day for maintenance. And if I exercise for the day, which I do Monday through Friday, and depending on the exercise, I burn between 400-1000 calories a work out. So, on a normal day I'm BMR burning 2300ish plus an additional 400-1000, which is 2700-3300 calories a day I'm burning.

    Because of this, I eat from 1800-2200 calories a day. And guess what? I haven't gained any weight almost doubling my calories, and I've lost body fat percentage. If you take my lowest NORMAL burn of 2700 minus what I'm eating at my highest 2200, I still have a deficit of 500 calories AT LEAST a day. I'm 5'2" and 122 lbs. with 20% BF.

    None of this possible without a HRM.

    Buy one.

    edit: To more plainly answer your question. I have my calories set to 1450, and I'm eating 1800-2200 a day. So, yes, I am eating back my exercise calories. Almost all of them. Just never more than them. MFP doesn't give the right calorie burns for exercise. Calorie burn is specific to weight, height, age and HR.
  • arcticbutterfly
    arcticbutterfly Posts: 24 Member
    There is no way you burned 1411 doing any kind of swimmimg in an hour. thats about 1000 calories to much. I am burning 500 for an hour of kickboxing and 680 for an hour on the treadmill at a 9 incline.
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 558 Member
    I lap swim. 2000yards in an hour. I used their calculator and just plugged in what type of exercise I chose freestyle swim light/moderate and 60 minutes and that is what it gave me.
    Like I said I am really confused.

    Yayy swimming! ignore all the neighsayers. They don't swim. And it burns calories like crazy!! I swim too if you can't tell ;-) We have a Swimmers! group. You should join us if you haven't already. For swimming it's a whole day thing for me. I eat more calories at breakfast, add a glass of milk or a piece of toast. Not much but it helps I can't swim if I've not eaten enough. Then before swimming a little snack, nuts, dried fruit, cheese stick, something. After swimming lunch, heavy on protein. Usually large because I'm starving. Then an afternoon snack with a smoothie of some kind or milk if I didn't have some earlier in the day. Dinner is usually my splurge for the week, we'll do pizza or spaghetti something higher calorie that normally I couldn't enjoy. And after all that I usually have 600-800 calories left. I might have a treat of some kind but I never eat all the calories back.

    Swimming is awesome. But remember as you lose weight you will burn less so if you swim now you get to splurge but later it will be less. But always something to be proud of!
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    :grumble: Merrr I wish I could delete blank comments on thread. WHY CAN'T I DELETE MY OWN COMMENTS MFPPPPPP
  • arcticbutterfly
    arcticbutterfly Posts: 24 Member
    I lap swim. 2000yards in an hour. I used their calculator and just plugged in what type of exercise I chose freestyle swim light/moderate and 60 minutes and that is what it gave me.
    Like I said I am really confused.

    Yayy swimming! ignore all the neighsayers. They don't swim. And it burns calories like crazy!! I swim too if you can't tell ;-) We have a Swimmers! group. You should join us if you haven't already. For swimming it's a whole day thing for me. I eat more calories at breakfast, add a glass of milk or a piece of toast. Not much but it helps I can't swim if I've not eaten enough. Then before swimming a little snack, nuts, dried fruit, cheese stick, something. After swimming lunch, heavy on protein. Usually large because I'm starving. Then an afternoon snack with a smoothie of some kind or milk if I didn't have some earlier in the day. Dinner is usually my splurge for the week, we'll do pizza or spaghetti something higher calorie that normally I couldn't enjoy. And after all that I usually have 600-800 calories left. I might have a treat of some kind but I never eat all the calories back.

    Swimming is awesome. But remember as you lose weight you will burn less so if you swim now you get to splurge but later it will be less. But always something to be proud of!
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 558 Member
    When you say you lap swim. Are you constantly at it for a whole hour? My kids swimming coach says swimming doesn't eat up that many calories. An hour of breastroke give 848 calories according to MFP but the swim coach says it more like half of that. To get what you got, you must have been doing frontcrawl or butterfly the whole 60 minutes non stop and probably more. I reckon 600 calories would be more like it for a constant hours swim. But I'm no profesional.

    Efficiency. Hopefully he is more efficient...
  • arcticbutterfly
    arcticbutterfly Posts: 24 Member
    I lap swim. 2000yards in an hour. I used their calculator and just plugged in what type of exercise I chose freestyle swim light/moderate and 60 minutes and that is what it gave me.
    Like I said I am really confused.

    Yayy swimming! ignore all the neighsayers. They don't swim. And it burns calories like crazy!! I swim too if you can't tell ;-) We have a Swimmers! group. You should join us if you haven't already. For swimming it's a whole day thing for me. I eat more calories at breakfast, add a glass of milk or a piece of toast. Not much but it helps I can't swim if I've not eaten enough. Then before swimming a little snack, nuts, dried fruit, cheese stick, something. After swimming lunch, heavy on protein. Usually large because I'm starving. Then an afternoon snack with a smoothie of some kind or milk if I didn't have some earlier in the day. Dinner is usually my splurge for the week, we'll do pizza or spaghetti something higher calorie that normally I couldn't enjoy. And after all that I usually have 600-800 calories left. I might have a treat of some kind but I never eat all the calories back.

    Swimming is awesome. But remember as you lose weight you will burn less so if you swim now you get to splurge but later it will be less. But always something to be proud of!

    Yes, I do swim, almost every day some weeks. you cant burn 1411 doing any kind of swimmimg in an hour.
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    I lap swim. 2000yards in an hour. I used their calculator and just plugged in what type of exercise I chose freestyle swim light/moderate and 60 minutes and that is what it gave me.
    Like I said I am really confused.

    Hrm...I find this odd. I lap swim three times a week. I can do 1760 yards in about 47 minutes. And I only burn around 600 each session. I'm also 190 lbs so it's not like I'm small.....maybe go back and make sure you've logged it correctly?
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    When you say you lap swim. Are you constantly at it for a whole hour? My kids swimming coach says swimming doesn't eat up that many calories. An hour of breastroke give 848 calories according to MFP but the swim coach says it more like half of that. To get what you got, you must have been doing frontcrawl or butterfly the whole 60 minutes non stop and probably more. I reckon 600 calories would be more like it for a constant hours swim. But I'm no profesional.

    This. I burn about that, (though hubby is getting me a HR montior so I can know for sure) doing just under an hour of non stop constant front crawl laps.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    1400 calories isn't as extreme as people seem to think. I can burn 1500 in two hours, but I go high intensity all the time. If you are doing exercises where the effort varies by the weight of the person, a heavier person can rack up calories fast.

    That said, I never use MFP's estimate. They are always high. I use the machine's numbers as I always enter my weight and my experience is that at least the Precor machines are rather conservative relative to my HRM. If I'm exercising outside, I use the app Endomondo which estimates my calories and seems pretty accurate.

    Last night I ran on a treadmill at the gym and over the course of 65 minutes I burned 860 calories. Normally, I don't use the HRM watch when the machine picks up my HR but this time I did. I was surprised to find that my HRM tracked the calories almost exactly with the machine within about +- 5 BMP. I was pretty impressed. However, I have experienced what felt like inflated numbers on other brand machines, e.g. Life Fitness.
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    Ok, I just noticed something, her ticker says she has zero pounds lost (obviously, she just started) and ends on 179lbs lost.

    So, if shes 179 lbs overweight, then I could see burning 1400 cals in one hour of constant front crawl lap swimming, with no rests.
  • nineone1
    nineone1 Posts: 3
    Hooray for swimming! I do water aerobics for an hour and it says I burn 440 calories an hour and more often then not, I break a sweat (yes, in water). I put in "swimming, freestyle, moderate" for 60 minutes and it says I would burn 772.
    I'm new here and am just learning so correct me if I'm wrong but won't the # of calories you burn depend on your current weight? Isn't a 300 lb. woman going to be burn a different amout then a 200 lb. woman?
  • I try not to use calories from exercise, that's when I do any lol, but if you,re burning that many I,m sure you can get away with eating a bit more :)
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 558 Member
    Ok, I just noticed something, her ticker says she has zero pounds lost (obviously, she just started) and ends on 179lbs lost.

    So, if shes 179 lbs overweight, then I could see burning 1400 cals in one hour of constant front crawl lap swimming, with no rests.

    That's what I saw too. So I stick by what I said. Good luck!