30 day shred?



  • staceydeelane
    yes its called 30 day shred dvd
    its by julian something
    apparently its not good for compleatly unfit overweight poeple to start with as its quite intense but theres 3 levels so you can adjust accordingly to your level of fitness im ok leval of fitness cycle to work go to the gym so im going to give it ago :-) you should be fine with it two if your at a certain level of fitness

    I found it Julian Michaels just looking at some clips on you tube.. the only problem i have with it is there seems to be some jumping round moves and my neighbour is a complete arsehole (excuse my language) and complains if i make any noise.. I live in a flat and they live below me.. i might still get it anyway looks good! I go tgym about 4 times a week so should be ok to do it and not grossly overweight..

    same here got about 23lbs left to lose so not huge either lol all ive heard is good things about it so deffinatly worth it.......its only 20 mins or 30 mins a day do your neibours go to work or anything were you could sqeeze it in lol
    we could buddy up amd start it at th same time if you want? keep each other motivated lol
  • staceydeelane
    I am on level 1 day 9. My most improvement has been my legs. My calves were getting toned before, however, know they are very nice. But I am the most happy with my thighs- must be from the lunges and squats. My abs were in decent shape, but I am seeing slight improvement there also. The biggest thing is my endurance and I think I am finally going to master push-ups! Like others have said, it is fun. But unlike others, I have not lost anything, actually I've gained .4lbs. What's up with that? Anyway, you will enjoy it!
    muscle gain maybe? if your thighs are the best improovement, theres some big muscles in your thighs and if there getting more defined you will have deffinatly gained more muscle mass
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member

    same here got about 23lbs left to lose so not huge either lol all ive heard is good things about it so deffinatly worth it.......its only 20 mins or 30 mins a day do your neibours go to work or anything were you could sqeeze it in lol
    we could buddy up amd start it at th same time if you want? keep each other motivated lol

    Sounds like a bloody good idea! I was stalking them the other day to watch them leaving the house so i could do 100 ski jumps for a MFP group challenge lol! I'll add you .. I also have 23lbs to loose!
  • ElBo58
    ElBo58 Posts: 44

    There are whole threads dedicated to that workout!
    I like it because it's "simple"--not easy, obviously, but no complicated "steps" or "routines" or "moves" to learn. It's all very straightforward.
    I tried it a while back but was eating like a fiend (stress eater here) so I didn't lose and I gave up. But I'm going to try again after seeing other people's results.
  • eryka86
    eryka86 Posts: 80
    I just finished Day 1 on Level 1 i am so sore right now but im gonna do the whole 30 days ive heard alot of great reviews
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    I just finished Day 1 on Level 1 i am so sore right now but im gonna do the whole 30 days ive heard alot of great reviews

    No pain no gain! I love that feeling of aching knowing you've worked hard!

    I do cardio anyway to burn fat so this will be good to tone up! DVD is ordered!
  • micmac327
    micmac327 Posts: 128
  • honeybearhoneybear
    honeybearhoneybear Posts: 12 Member
    I just finished day one level one and realized just how out of shape I am. It is a really good workout and easy to follow. I had purchased Zumba DVDs with high hopes and got annoyed with trying to keep up with the constantly changing moves. Jillian makes the workout easy to follow but challenging at the same time.