
I just joined MFP. I have been working toward losing weight for the last 1.5 years through a wellness program at work and have lost 40 lbs so far. Since July 2010 I have gone vegetarian and now vegan, and I've started running. I will be running my first 1/2 marathon in a week. Although I've enjoyed some successes, I am still 40-50 lbs from my goal weight and have been stuck at this same weight for about 6 mos. I joined MFP as a way to reassess how much I am eating (because let's face it, 2000 calories of vegetables is still 2000 calories).

Are there any other vegans out there? How about runners? Motivation, portion control, and patience are the areas I struggle with most. I'd love to hear what others do to stay motivated, keep their food in check, and enjoy the journey.


  • StarryEyed500
    StarryEyed500 Posts: 225 Member
  • vegan1975
    vegan1975 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi - I'm vegan but not a runner though. I've been vegan for many years now and my weight fluctuated down initially, then shot right up when I realised just how many things were in fact vegan, then back down a bit with about 20 pounds left to go at this point. Sugar has been the culprit for me, as well as portion sizes and underestimating the number of calories I really eat in a day and the number of calories I burn (I sit at my desk for anywhere from 8-12 hours a day. Couch potatoes likely burn more calories than I do!).

    I am starting to eat much better now (less food but packed with more nutrients) and also exercise a bit more. I have asthma so running is out at this stage but I am incorporating some stationary cycling and even P90X into my regimen as I can do that in a controlled environment where I'm able to stop if needed.

    Self-discipline is my weak point. If I see a vegan cupcake at a store, it's incredibly difficult for me to NOT buy it. So I try to stay away from that section of the store and address my cravings for sweet things by making low-calorie fruit smoothies instead. This kind of compromise seems to be working for me.

    Good luck and congrats on the 1/2 marathon by the way - that's awesome!
  • justmanette
    justmanette Posts: 3 Member
    I am vegan too and lost 22lbs (I wasn't vegan then) last year. I've been stalled for many months now. I ran/walked 10 miles yesterday for the first time and didn't lose anything. I've read it all and been changing up my exercise daily for 3 mths now. Guess my body likes this weight and isn't going to budge. I am 40 and had my hormones checked last year. My cortisol rides the line between normal and abnormal but they could not figure out why. Running and taking control of my own health was my answer. I've also given up sugar for 2 mths and lost nothing. Although discouraged, I feel stronger and looked more toned. My skin looks fantastice due to being vegan. Continue your path and be proud of your accomplishments. Thats all we can do!
  • anitadpatel
    Hi i am not vegans but vegtrian if u guys can ginve me some tip about diet i nee to lose about 25lbs....
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Vegan but running has just never worked for me. But I admire runners. :)
  • alane15
    alane15 Posts: 121 Member
    There is a group on here called happy herbivores. It's made up of mostly vegetarians and vegans. You should check it out. I'm transitioning to a vegan diet after being vegetarian for almost three years. Feel free to add me.
  • SpazzyMal
    SpazzyMal Posts: 276 Member
    I've been vegan for 7 years now, and while I eat far healthier now I'm realizing I never lost weight because I still ate too much! This site is really helping me, since it counts my calories. I've started exercising, and I'm slowly building up what I can do there. One day I hope to be able to run for about 30 minutes or so, but don't have aspirations as far as running goes beyond that. But who knows? Maybe one day. It'll take me a while to get there because I'm so out of shape right now and have previous ankle problems to overcome.

    The hardest thing for me, I've found, is not eating less, which I've found surprisingly easy (and it's working for me!), but maintaining the motivation to get up and move and exercise every day.
  • marienaegele
    marienaegele Posts: 35 Member
    Hey I have been Vegetarian since i was 11 so for almost 7 years now. A few weeks ago i started eating vegan, but since i did that i feel like im having a lack of energy and for me its really hard to get motivated and do some sport in cause of that.
    I tried to eat more fruits that are high in fruitsugar but i couldnt feel a difference..

    What do you guys eat when you have a lack of energy?
  • yarn_nerd
    yarn_nerd Posts: 26
    If I'm feeling run down I usually up the protein (nuts/seeds, tofu/seitan/tempeh, almond milk) as well as increase water intake. I've just recently adjusted to a vegan diet so I'm still learning too. I find if I eat too much sugar I crash and burn. Complex carbs will help with sustained energy as well.
  • toasterlisa
    toasterlisa Posts: 100 Member
    I have eaten mostly-vegan in the past - I really like eggs - and am currently enjoying a "omnivorous" diet, still high in vegetables and fruits as well.

    I did lose a bunch of weight early in my vegan time, mostly because I was just eating so much better. But then weight crept back on because I was eating of a lot of high-calorie foods like vegan breads, crackers, snacks, nuts, beans, and fruit.

    I've found it easier to keep my weight in check by eating mostly vegan, but adding some lean meats along with my vegan protein sources. I had a great veggie-only Mongolian BBQ bowl for lunch today, and look forward to seeing what the hubby is making us for dinner tonight :-)

    Best wishes on your health and wellness journey!
  • marienaegele
    marienaegele Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks for the great tipp! I will try to increase my protein intake! I watched what i ate today and its true... im really low on protein.
    I'll let you know if it helped. :)
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    I was a vegan for 15 years but you may not be interested in what I have to offer.... Because when I started running I demoted myself to a lacto ovo vegetarian instead. I am training for my third half marathon, and really needed the protein from dairy. And I was vegan for my entire pregnancy and was healthy. But once I amped up my work outs, I started gaining weight as a vegan because I was eating too much to make up for what I wasn't getting.... So I started eating fage yogurt and an occasional dairy product. I am not crazy with daily, but definitely wouldn't call myself vegan anymore. I am toying with eating organic cage free eggs again as well....
  • marienaegele
    marienaegele Posts: 35 Member
    I think being vegan is great but as soon as it gets bad for your health and weight you should stop and do whatever is needed to become healthy again. So i really understand your choice. If i will figure out that im not getting enough potein im probably going to eat dairy products again. But of course i hope that i dont have to :)
  • veggiesaurus15
    veggiesaurus15 Posts: 152 Member
    Have you ever heard of the Engine 2 diet or the Eat to Live program? I transitioned from vegetarian to vegan in the fall of 2011, but cut out all processed foods on January 1, 2012. I've been listening to stories of people who adopted whole food, plant based diets and how they lost weight, got healthier, and even got involved in athletic pursuits.

    Here's a great story, check this out:
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    i'm vegetarian, but not vegan. I love my eggs too much. :P
  • candycaneps
    candycaneps Posts: 340 Member
  • jahlyn
    jahlyn Posts: 2
    Hey welcome :) I was Vegan and I am a mad runner. I normally run 10 km a day (except for my rest day haha). Due to the demand that running puts on your body and the amount of mad calories your burning I just felt that I coulnt eat under my calorie goal without protien cause I was sooo hungry! I loved the vegan lifestyle and felt it very easy so on days that I dont exercise I dont have any animal products. Its very hard because I love egg whites and they are low calorie. I know you can get protien other ways like almonds (but very high calorie bu delicious) but I did find a good protien shake in the past two days with is high protien and has only 2 grams carbs and fills me up. So yeah try it, its a great change but running is very difficult without protien.
  • CosmicBella
    CosmicBella Posts: 195 Member
    I'm vegan...and I run about 5 miles a day... Add me if you'd like! :)