Nervous to give up breastfeeding!



  • bfbooty
    bfbooty Posts: 189 Member
    I agree that two years is ideal, but a vanishingly small percent of women make it to that point. It's a great goal if you can make it. If not, striving for 1 year is a good idea. But this is a personal decision, so you have to do what's right for yourself. If the OP wants to conntinue and needs support, it's out there. Pumping can be so demoralizing, so doing only what you have to is a lot easier.

    oh i absolutely agree wean when you are ready not when someone says you should wean :-), was just correcting the slightly wrong info that you still continue to bennefit your child by continuing on after a year if you can, a lot of people are under the impression after a year there is no bnnefit to bf but that is incorrect you will still continue to enhance your babies immune system and provide them with the best nourishment available.

    i'm still feeding my own she turned a year last week, i expressed for 8 weeks as she was preemi and had problems latching, i HATED pumping with a passion so was thrilled when she started to feed direct i also expressed mainly on my son it was hard and wouldn't recommend it unless it's nessesary.

    ps - don;t think i'll make it to 2 years myself she's driving me mad feeding all night long going to have to at least night wean and see how we go lol
  • Deelite2012
    Deelite2012 Posts: 8 Member
    My son is 3 years old and still breast feeding (never in public of course). I started dieting about 2 weeks ago and since my milk slowed down so much since I reduced my calories he is finally stopping me which is a great thing because I have been trying to break the habit for months, So do what is right for you and when it is time you will know - it is best that both of you are ready especially since it is your last one!
  • MomOfJoey
    MomOfJoey Posts: 58
    oh i absolutely agree wean when you are ready not when someone says you should wean :-), was just correcting the slightly wrong info that you still continue to bennefit your child by continuing on after a year if you can, a lot of people are under the impression after a year there is no bnnefit to bf but that is incorrect you will still continue to enhance your babies immune system and provide them with the best nourishment available.

    Of course there is benefit. Early man nursed until ~4 years old. But the "full benefit" being really the baseline. Anything beyond that continues to offer nutritional, immune system, and emotional benefits. It can be very daunting to hear "do it for 2 years" when you feel like quitting at 5 months. Make it to one year if you possibly can, then see what you can do. Often, if you make it that long, you don't feel like you even want to wean anymore, because you don't need to pump anymore and can just nurse when you feel like. Once the pressure is off, it's not stressful anymore.

    Still going at 2.5, despite blocked ducts, mastitis, and Renaud's of the nipple. And a slight congenital insanity ;-)