Trying to lose 12-15lbs in 6 weeks. Any buddies?

I am currently 145lbs and about 5'6'' My measurements are 33.5-25.5-37. I know i'm not huge but I'm not very pleased with my body at all! I have a pear shaped body so I'm not too bad up top but I have really big thighs. Summer is soon and frankly I just want to change my life. I was 152 some months ago and with exercise and eating nicely i dropped to 140 but then i gained 5 back when I went through an emotional phase. Anyway, is there anyone who would like to be a buddy? I really think 12lbs in 6 weeks is achievable because that is just 2lbs every week. Believe me, I know weight loss is challenging: I've been bigger than this.
My plan is to drink 8 cups of water and have 3 meals a day. probably 1200 calories. I'm not cutting out all carbs but I am only going to eat the most carbs during breakfast, then less during lunch, and none during dinner. I also happen to be doing Shaun T's insanity workout with 5 1/2 weeks left. I really want to spend summer in a bikini and want to just be a healthier individual.
Any takers? :)


  • elizarou
    elizarou Posts: 35 Member
    It's sounds like we are in the same boat. I'm 146 and 5'4". I just gained some weight back recently and need some encouragement to stay on track. I'd love to buddy up and have some steady support.
  • brighteyes31143
    How much do you guys ant to lose? Kelley I think your height/weight is good ;) how much would you want to weigh?
  • elizarou
    elizarou Posts: 35 Member
    My current goal is 125, but I also have the mini goal of 130 and see how satisfied I am with that. I carry most of my weight in my thighs and hips so so I'm hoping to slim down and fit into my old skinny jeans!
  • bambee2013
    bambee2013 Posts: 49 Member
    I have recently had the experience of trying to cut out too many carbs. I had no energy by the time I had to work out. I was having a salad for lunch (about 300 calories with the dressing) with no carbs. By the time I was ready to work out after work, I had no energy.
    So I changed it up and started having maybe some whole wheat bread at lunch, and as weird as it sounds, I lost a 1.5 lbs in a week.
    1200 calories with a little carbs is like starving yourself. Just remember to eat good carbs. I am sick of being on that roller coaster of losing 10 pounds and gaining 10 pounds. So I am focusing on strength training at least 30 minutes of cardio everytime I go to the gym. I am 47 years old and sick of being on diets. I am 5"3 151 lbs. I used to want to go to 130 lbs. I am very curvy, big chest , hips butt, so I am gonna be realistic & change my goal to 140 and try to stay at that weight. I have been going to a Woman's only gym and I really like it. The girls that go there are really focused on working out and not what they look like. They classes are fun and make the workout go by really fast.
  • cheremince
    How much do you guys ant to lose? Kelley I think your height/weight is good ;) how much would you want to weigh?
    For some reason I have denser bones, even my doctor says it. Because at my weight, i can fit into 4s usually and some 6. And a size small shirt. So I am saying 132lbs. Even if I really would like to be 125 by the end of summer.
  • Carelessandflawless
    Sure :) I'm looking to shed my last 24 pounds by July 1st. I was 148 pounds but now i'm down to 129.5 pounds. I am looking forward to losing some more and then toning up for the summer time.
  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 326 Member
    I am in! I'm in the middle of trying to lose 15lbs by June 5th and I'm down 3 now... Let's do this!
  • Ctine786
    Ctine786 Posts: 1
    Of course! :) I am very similar to you actually, I'm the same height and around the same weight...been trying to lose about 10-12 pounds!
  • cheremince
    shall we weigh in every saturdays? or sundays then :D so glad i got some buddies. I'll start logging in full force tomorrow on the calorie tracker
  • cheremince
    Of course! :) I am very similar to you actually, I'm the same height and around the same weight...been trying to lose about 10-12 pounds!
    sweet let's get hotter together :)
  • elizarou
    elizarou Posts: 35 Member
    I usually weigh in on Saturdays. We can do this!! :)
  • AndreaBG
    AndreaBG Posts: 16 Member
    I need to lose at least 20 lbs for a wedding in mid June. I'd be interested in joining.
  • cheremince
    So how's everyone doing? :) I've been sick and I'm finally better so I can exercise today. And, now i'm PMSing :( so my boobs feel really heavy. I hope it doesn't affect my weight when I weigh in on Saturday. I want to be 143 by then.
  • ruopa
    ruopa Posts: 13
    Im in. My current weight is 173.6, I would love to drop some weight before my Birthday on may 29th.
  • cheremince
    I am frightened of the scale right now. My stomach is so bloated and my boobs feel like rocks (sorry for tmi) any tips to help this pms?
  • uniquechic
    uniquechic Posts: 19 Member
    Can I join? I really wanna lose 14 pounds, Im 5 foot 3 and weigh 134.8 at the moment!
  • Tunia85
    Tunia85 Posts: 212 Member
    Me too! I'm 5'6 and weight 143. I want to loose fat & tone up. I'm not huge, but I am not fit either. My body fat % is 23 and it could be lower :) We have similar goals so I'm in!!!
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    I'm 5'6.5 123 lbs feel free to add me :)
  • kimberly0416
    kimberly0416 Posts: 123 Member
    I was doing great and backslid and gained so now I am 144 and I can tell a difference in my body :sad:
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    Yes I am definitely interested. I need the incentive

    I will also stick to 3 meals a day, 1200 cals. Thank you for the motivation to kick my own azz and be more determined to reach my goals :smile: