Men who have lost a large amount.... Suggestions needed

Hello, my husband is a large guy with alot to lose. He's currently 383lbs. He's 5'11". He built big, broad shoulders etc, he doesn't want to be "skinny".
He's ready to start, he used to love weights, we don't have much and no gym. Would working out with smallish weights help? Walking? What should he do? He also has a very bad back due to the fact that most of his weight is in his belly.
When he's tried to diet before he gets faint feeling and quits. I'm thinking he should do the TDEE -15%. Which is about 3120 calories. Any suggestions? Also anyone who's lost a large amount please tell me how you did it.


  • cohophysh
    cohophysh Posts: 288
    What is skinny? I think he needs to approach this as being healthy and a life style change. He could probably also just eat his TDEE and start walking
  • marckrebs44
    I lost 115 pounds (from 305 to 190) back in 2007... I did Weight Watchers with some exercise (mostly walking). I then put about 70 pounds back on (got laid off from my job, didn't deal well with the stress of being out of work for 16 months, and basically making excuses for not watching what I was eating). I started doing MFP right after Christmas 2011, and I've lost 35 pounds so far -- mostly with diet and exercise (again, mostly walking, but I just started doing P90X today).

    The main advice I would give your husband is to take it slow, give himself time to adjust to a diet/exercise program, be careful with those fainting spells (he might want to see a doctor before starting a diet/exercise program), and remember that he didn't put the weight on overnight, and he's not going to take it off overnight.

    I wish your husband great success with his diet/exercise program, and look forward to hearing his success stories soon!


    PS - Please feel free to add me as a friend on MFP, so that we can keep tabs on each other's weight loss.
  • liveonlocation
    liveonlocation Posts: 90 Member
    I started at 456 at 6'5" and have lost 60lbs since Jan 3rd this year. I have done it strictly by logging my calories. I have been on the treadmill approx 6 times in that time. Once it's weather finally gets nicer up here, I plan on spending a lot of time on my mountain bike.

    Let him know that cutting back his calories and logging what he eats WILL work for him. The biggest adjustment for me starting out was getting used to feeling hungry once and a while instead of always trying to feel full ALL the time.

    I've been eating about 2100 cals a day since I started and weight has been coming off great. Energy level is better than ever and I eat back most of my excercise cals when I have them.

    For a big guy, the first week is the hardest, then after that it get easier.

    I've been telling myself that I don't "want to get skinny" for years, once you start losing your tone changes. I know I don't want to be skinny, but I DO want to be healthy and fit into life a little better.

    There are lots of big guys on here and tons of support, there's groups and threads that are all "big guy" specific.

    It's even better that you want to support him it makes it that much easier.
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    It's amazing what a difference little things can make to the weight loss "start of journey". Park further away from the grocery store. Start taking the stairs instead of the escalator. I know a bad back is one of those things that can send you back to the couch quick-smart, but once you're in the groove of logging on MFP, it's addictive when you see those exercise calories come off your totals.

    Good luck to your husband! It's great you'll be doing it together - my husband and I are too and it's sooooo much easier!
  • Jyster
    Jyster Posts: 74 Member
    i've only lost 48 pounds but the big thing I had to remember was that this isn't a diet. It is a lifestyle change. I know it sounds like splitting hairs but diets I can give up on, changing my life I realized was an ongoing process and it was okay to fail from time to time.

    What helped me the most was spending a month logging my calories in the diary and realizing exactly what was going into my system, from there I had accountability for that triple cheeseburger and large fries, or eating two pints of ice cream for dessert. I walked and during the winter months I would do stair steps on my stair way. Only one step, started at 7 minutes and worked upto 30 minutes. Injured my knee again from some overzealous working out so now I am doing step on a 3 inch board and working back up to my stair.

    Have him join here and i'll be his friend, or just answer questions best I can. I can only speak on what has been working for me.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    start slow, get him on here and logging what he eats. go for short walks at first and then longer as they become easier. lifting is something I've always enjoyed, and it's a great way to burn calories too.

    a lot of good advice to fallow already, the only thing I would add is get him on here and find some friends with similar goals, I have a few on here that are in his situation and they are doing great.
  • cstew44
    cstew44 Posts: 24 Member
    I started at 460 pounds and have lost as much as 142 pounds since January 6, 2011. Started my fitnesspal back in 3/11 . . . I started a muscle building program on 2/17/12 and have packed on about 15 pounds of which I'm sure is water/muscle.

    The best advice is to log food eaten and exercise here on MFP . . . also . . .

    1. Drink lots of water (at his size, more than 64 ounces a day)

    2. OxyElite Pro - This will increase metabolism and with me it curbs my appetite

    3. CLA - This actually believe it or not burns fat during your resting periods

    4. Take Measurements and Weigh In - Success breeds greater committment to the process

    5. Salt - Get rid of table salt and reduce sodium intake to no more than 2500mg a day

    6. Sugar - work to not ingest any sugar that do not come from qulaity food sources - No candy bars, soft drinks, energy drinks,

    There are a few things that will help immediately . . . Now here's something I share with everyone that ask the question of why no salt, no sugar etc etc . . . Greater than 75% of people are walking around dehydrated and belly fat is increased by the continual spiking of your insulin levels through the ingesting of sugary foods.

    SECRET INGREDIENT: Proceeed with caution because it works . . . Go out and purchase Dieter's Green Tea (any grocer store should have it on the tea aisle).

    Have your husband do the following over the next 7-10 days and he will lose at least 4 pounds or more:

    1. Drink at least 64 ounces of water a day

    2. Drink (1) cup of Dieter's Green Tea a day - Be careful because it is going to send him to the bathroom and once it hits . . . I pray he's close until he gets use to using the product)

    3. NO SALT - Do not season his food with it nor add it afterwards

    4. NO SUGAR - just for the next 7-10 days

    5. Lean Proteins - Eat at least 8-10 ounces of Chicken or Fish

    6. Vegetable - anything green

    7. NO BREAD - at least for the next 7-10 days

    If you have him follow this . . . He will lose a large amount of weigh tin the next 7-10 days

    I am also open to you all becoming friends with me on MFP.

    Trust me this works!!!! I just gave these same instructions to one of the most sceptical peopel I know who says it wouldn't work and they didn't follow all things listed and still lost 4.6 pounds last week.

    Good Luck
  • Lord007
    Lord007 Posts: 338 Member
    Hello, my husband is a large guy with alot to lose. He's currently 383lbs. He's 5'11". He built big, broad shoulders etc, he doesn't want to be "skinny".
    He's ready to start, he used to love weights, we don't have much and no gym. Would working out with smallish weights help? Walking? What should he do? He also has a very bad back due to the fact that most of his weight is in his belly.
    When he's tried to diet before he gets faint feeling and quits. I'm thinking he should do the TDEE -15%. Which is about 3120 calories. Any suggestions? Also anyone who's lost a large amount please tell me how you did it.

    Regarding the faint feeling, has he seen a doctor about it? That can be an indication of high blood pressure.

    As for the exercise, you don't really need a gym. There's a whole world out there that costs nothing. Walking is an excellent way to begin. It's not very strenuous on your legs and joints, but still gets you burning calories. There's plenty of other execrcises he can do also that cost absolutely nothing, i.e. push-ups, sit-ups, lunges, etc. In any case, he needs to be active to the point he's burning more that he's taking in.
    Also, I recommend he log EVERYTHING he eats, whether it's here on MFP, or somewhere else. It helps to know exactly what you're eating. It also can be eye opening to know how high in calories some foods really are, i.e. 1 slice of a large Pizza Hut cheese pizza is over 320 calories! :cry: Once he understands what he's putting in versus burning, it becomes empowering when he realizes he can take control of it.

    As for the bad back, it will get better as he gets in better shape and sheds the pounds. My back used to kill me all the time, now it's only sore a couple of days after a good workout. :wink:
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    invest in a good pair of shoes. walking is all I did for a long time. having a good pair of shoes makes a huge difference
  • aionsnow
    aionsnow Posts: 36 Member
    I am 6'3" and was 298lbs now I am 243. It is a lifestyle change you need to change your eating habit to fit a 1800 - 2300 cal per day. If you take your current weight and times it by 10 that is the minimum calories you have to eat to maintain that weight. If he is 383lbs and stable he is eating almost 4000 calories per day and exercise will not be enough.

    At 5'11" 190 to 210 would not be "Skinny" but would be healthy. I like P90x for exercising but honestly when I was 298 I just starting walking for 30 minutes without stopping. Just get your heart rate up a little... :)
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Hello, my husband is a large guy with alot to lose. He's currently 383lbs. He's 5'11". He built big, broad shoulders etc, he doesn't want to be "skinny".
    He's ready to start, he used to love weights, we don't have much and no gym. Would working out with smallish weights help? Walking? What should he do? He also has a very bad back due to the fact that most of his weight is in his belly.
    When he's tried to diet before he gets faint feeling and quits. I'm thinking he should do the TDEE -15%. Which is about 3120 calories. Any suggestions? Also anyone who's lost a large amount please tell me how you did it.

    If you can afford to buy Supreme 90 Day, do so. It's a 10 dvd program that costs $19.99. You can buy the workout at The Dollar General Store, Target, Walmart, Walgreens and Bed Bath and Beyond (Here it should cost $9.99), you might even find it for $5.00. Some people have found the program for $5.00. It depends on if a store has it on sale. But if not, Bed Bath and Beyond should be the place to get it cheaper.

    You and your husband can preview the workout program here. He doesn't have to do it as a program. He can just incorporate some of the workouts into his workout routine. You will need an stability ball. You can find it for cheap at Walmart. They carry different kind, just check for the cheapest one. The ball goes by the person's height. I have bought my ball for $8.99 compare to a different ball for my height that cost $16.99.

    Leslie Sansone Walk Away The Pound is good for men as well. She doesn't have that many workouts that features men, but that's okay. You can view her workouts on Walmart and Target carries some of her workouts.