Quorn - Overprocessed rubbish or does it have a place?



  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I love quorn!! I still eat meat but because it has fewer calories than normal sausages and burgers etc. I still feel like I can have sausages!! It tastes pretty good too. I can't really see how it can be that bad for you :)

    It isn't. The scare stories were starting in the late nineties, and were found to be entirely baseless. There's never been any actual evidence offered to support the view that it's anything other than harmless. The 'scary quorn' stuff you still find out there on the web are all based on anecdotes of people who had pretty standard food intolerances.

    It irritates me when these kinds of stories emerge. Such stories put people off using a perfectly healthy vegetarian option. (I think they actually have their origins in the meat industry, truth be told. Quorn was just a bit *too* successful in the wake of the mad cow scandal.)
  • http://cspinet.org/new/201112011.html

    This is the reason I stopped, just putting it out there but man did I love it!:frown:
  • fuzzyslipperz
    fuzzyslipperz Posts: 49 Member
    I love quorn. Have had it several times a week for years now and have never had any sort of problem. To me, it's SO much better tasting and more realistic than the soy 'chicken'.
  • schwim
    schwim Posts: 65
    i'm pescatarian and i eat quorn just to get some variety in my diet. i love the sausages and chicken fillets. i haven't had meat in 20 years so to me i can't really tell the difference. its low in salt and calories and gives me the ease of making conventional meals instead of having to adapt recipes to be too vegetarian.
  • minnielovesmickey
    minnielovesmickey Posts: 84 Member
    Hi there,
    I never knew that Quorn had a bad rep.
    As long as you're not gluten intolerant then Quorn is a good source of protein. Nobody is veggie in my family but everyones favourite meal is Quorn chicken pesto Linguine, Mmmmm!
  • jj3120
    jj3120 Posts: 358
    I like quorn, I'd stopped using as i've been trying to use as few processed foods as i can, so use more beans & lentils - but have gone back to using it again now to help with my protein. I try to stick with the mince or chunks to use in homemade recipes.
  • reach53
    reach53 Posts: 46 Member
    Personally, I think all overly processed food should be consumed in moderation. But you should always listen to your body, and if it feels right for you, go ahead and eat it.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    About 10 yrs ago I used to eat Quorn all the time as it can be cooked from frozen and was a handy alternative to chicken or mince. My Ex back then was a very fussy eater who only ate chicken or turkey meat. It was very limiting.

    I don't use it now because my current husband is an omnivore and we enjoy all kinds of meat, fish & veg in our diet.

    I've certainly never heard anything bad about Quorn and truly believe that most of the scary stories about certain foods are just that - stories!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member

    This is the reason I stopped, just putting it out there but man did I love it!:frown:

    did you read all the things id already said about this nonsense, though?
  • Stuartm1
    Stuartm1 Posts: 101 Member
    Nothing wrong with it I'm an omnivore but I still eat Quorn with Spag Bol or lasagne and I think it tastes good.
  • quietattheback
    quietattheback Posts: 84 Member
    I love the fake meats but try really hard to stay away from all of the soy based ones. We do still eat them, but only a few times a month. I try to stick to tofu, tempeh, beans and seitan as my main "meat" substitutes.
    i thought tofu was soya? am i wrong?
  • DeTaart
    DeTaart Posts: 93 Member
    It's not exactly the most delicious foodstuff ever but it does have a place - at a BBQ when the alternative is cheap nasty processed burgers I suddenly become a vegetarian.

    Quorn sausage smothered in onions and mustard. YUM.
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    Its not 'mushroom protein' or 'mycoprotien' or any of the other things it claims- its actually soil mould and as such contains levels of mycotoxins. When it first came out so many people got intense stomach cramps from it- they have changed the forumla to 'dilute' it by mixing with a lot of carby fillers. I still know lots of people who can't eat it. When I was veggie I ate loads of it and had no symptoms so i guess its a personal thing. I'm not a fan though- I'd take cheap processed meat over this stuff. I consider Quorn ' proessed junk food'
  • gym_king_carlie
    gym_king_carlie Posts: 528 Member
    The protein in Quorn is superb, but I do have stomach issues with it if I have it regularly, I have to have it once in a while, Quorn tomato and basil fillets are mmm mmm ummmmmmm
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    mmmm, fungus
  • AnneM69
    AnneM69 Posts: 30
    I like it, it doesn't upset my stomach like a lot of things, and even as an omnivore I think it tastes like meat.
    It is expensive here though, $7 for a 300g packet, so we can't have it all the time.
  • queenhiphop
    queenhiphop Posts: 286 Member
    I don't eat it often but once I made it in a lasagne and I had slightly burnt it the quorn while frying it before mixing it with the red sauce (this was before my healthy days) - it was absolutely disgusting burnt, so don't do that. :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm vegetarian, so I use the Quorn crumbles in my vegetarian chili. I like that it's mushroom-based (but not tasting!) instead of soy, since I try to avoid the over-processed soy products. I would just use ground beef if I ate meat, though.

    As for it being high in sodium, well, I eat it on a very regular basis and most days my total sodium is below 1,000 mg and I don't even try to be low on my sodium.
  • Damiilla
    Damiilla Posts: 66
    I like quorn, the only problem is that it uses palm oil, which I try to avoid. I get a dried soya mince in bulk that tastes just like it.

    I don't think it's any more processed than any of the other junk on the shelves though.
  • BSummers321
    BSummers321 Posts: 94 Member
    I like it. I usually buy it when it's on sale. Got a pack of the peppered steaks in the fridge, and I love the frozen burgers. Don't know about the mince, I think I prefer the real stuff. Asda's soya mince isn't bad though, made a nice chilli out of that.