Thick & thin - anybody else half of a fat/thin couple?



  • sollyn
    sollyn Posts: 179
    My hubby is naturally thin and comes from a stick shaped family, I come from a stocky shortish family that needs a high exercise ratio just to stay healthy, I think we weigh about the same, but he is about 6" taller than me. He says really unhelpful things like "are you sure you need that?" I don't think he has yet said well done or shown an interest. As long as his tea is on the table and it doesn't stop his football coaching he doesn't really seem to have noticed! But he will soon cos I got checked out by a hottie the other day! first time in a couple of years! :laugh:
  • Mazzyx
    Mazzyx Posts: 131
    Oh yes! My other half can eat and eat and eat and hardly puts any weight on! It really is unfair! However he really is supportive of me and even joins in my exercises to keep me motivated. :smile:
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    Wow!! I'm not the only one!! Woo hoo!! At my goal weight I will be heavier than my other half as well! He is underweight and trying to gain while I am losing!! It's well annoying! The more crap he eats the thinner he gets as well!! Git!! Thank goodness I am not the only one in a realationship like this!! He loves me and I love him but I sometimes think that when people look at us they see a fat cow who eats all her other halves food!! Lol!!
  • My husband is 5"11" and about 155lbs. He want to gain 20lbs.

    I'm 5'3" and 176 (Goal Weight 135). We make jokes that he can have mine. Sucks, because he, too has really poor eating habits (he tried to make to packages of ramen noodles for lunch, for HIMSELF) with a huge sweet tooth.

    Neither one of us knows how to eat right, but it has different effects on us. Hoping it will even out when we start being healthy together!
  • ThisisMiss
    ThisisMiss Posts: 187 Member
    Yes!!! I am thick of thick&thin. Even at my goal weight, I, too, will weight more than my guy. He is super skinny with a ridiculously high metabolism. His whole family is very athletic too. He loves me just as I am, but is happy that I am trying to lose weight because it is healthier and he knows it will make me feel better about my appearance. I can't wait to get to my goal weight. I hate when people give us looks when they realize we are a couple.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    I am now the thin of us. We used to both be big, and not that I have lost 112lbs I am the thin one. It was very hard and even after I stopped losing our relationship suffered because he kept thinking I would leave him and stuff. We are still together and going strong and even though we are still working on stuff, I am proud to say life is getting better than it was before I lost the weight and my dreams have started to come true.
    I wish you the best and I do remember how hard it was to lose when he was eating all that I wanted but chose not to have so I could lose.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    My wife mentioned this the other day actually, when we got married I was 260 @ 5'7" and she was 180 @ 5'2". Now we are both 185, but carry it much differently. She says preferred me when I was fatter...........but she is getting used to it, it does make her a bit self conscious though......
  • xxslvrxwngsxx
    xxslvrxwngsxx Posts: 195 Member
    My husband is a twig. 6'2'' and may be like 150 at the most. I am 5'6'' and was 244 at my heaviest. He was trying to gain weight as I am trying to lose weight :) I told him he can have all of mine <3
  • Kay2405
    Kay2405 Posts: 54
    I don't actually know what Alex weighs, but you know what he looks like. I am insanely jealous. He's just as supportive of me losing weight as Dave is for you, but sometimes my silly little brain says that it's not enough and wants some sort of magic pill to instantly make me lose weight. I can dream, right? x
  • Bunnehface
    Bunnehface Posts: 129 Member
    Bless him, Dave keeps saying he'll eat whatever I put in front of him but he has a fast metabolism - it's bad enough that I won't allow any snack or junk foods WHATSOEVER in the house, I'm not about to feed him salad too! He's a man, he needs meat lol XD
    Does drive me a bit crazy the other night, when he had an oven pizza and I had a Weight Watchers meal, which wasn't very tasty. But I was hungry so scoffed it all down and then sat there shooting him dirty looks while he took FOREVER to finish his damn pizza! Lol x