5'1'' Looking for buddies trying to get the the 115-120 Rang



  • Hi everyone!! I am 5' (when I stretch lol...maybe 4'11 :) VERRRRY much a pear shape as well! I have the low height, because any calculator I use tells me I should weight about 90 Lbs! It's like a bad joke because like I said I am EXTREMELLY hippy w/ a big ol' booty, so even 100 lbs. would look sickening on me!! ANYONE on this thread please add me as a friend!! I am always looking for more friends to motivate eachother, and come up with fun challenges to keep this weight loss jorney/lifestyle change fun and interseting!! ADD ME ADD ME ADD ME EVEYTONE!!!

    I, too, feel that what I'm told should be my goal weight is just TOO skinny. I would look like a little girl if I got down to 100lbs! I am 5'1" and currently 141lbs. My goal weight is to get down to 120lbs. I feel like that would be a good look for me. I'm stuck on 141lbs, though. Trying not to get discouraged. I know this is a process, so I'm trying to be patient. Oh how I would love to see 140 on the scale though! (**sigh**).
  • im 5'1 129 looking to get down to 110 and b fit and healthy not necessarily thin but fit i need a friend to motivate me. i would like to be able to show off this summer and be able to go to pool parties or to the beach and not be the only girl who is in a one piece also i would like to have the confidence to wear shorts this summer.
  • joytron
    joytron Posts: 103 Member
    I'm 5.2 and weigh 136. My goal is 120-125 -- whichever feels best when I get there! Far more into the slender look than the skinny look. I'm relatively new to this site, so always looking for new friends! Feel free to add. : )
  • hitman1268
    hitman1268 Posts: 6 Member
    I"m 5'1'' currently weight146 and i'm working my butt off trying to get to 115! Any new friends welcome :)

    I am 5'4" 190.5lbs, Trying to get to 150lbs....I have lost 9 lbs in about 3 weeks....yeahhhh:wink:
  • I'm 5'3" currently @ 133lbs, started @ 140lbs. My current weight goal is 125lb, but I would like to continue working after that as well. One step at a time :P I would love to compare diaries with you or anyone else with similar weight goals! :D Add me!!
  • I'm 5'2" and 1 lb away from my first 10 lb goal. I agree that it's easier to stay motivated if you have increment goals. Good luck everybody!
  • I am 5'2" and currently 137. I am working to get to at least 120...hoping for 115 eventually. Everyday is a challenge. It is good to find others with the same issues. I am trying to change to get healthier not so much for vanity...but fitting back in to my "small" clothes will be a definit plus!:happy:
  • MillysMission
    MillysMission Posts: 23 Member
    Hi all,

    I am just under 5'2" and currently 143 pounds. Wanting to get down to 125 pounds and then re-assess. I've been on MFP since January but had a 3 week relapse so as of yesterday am back into it again and more determined than ever :)

    Anyone feel free to add me, particularly if your daily calories are 1200. Is always good getting ideas of different foods to eat to keep it interesting.

    All the best on your journeys :)
  • I am also 5'1 but, I on the other hand weight in at a whopping 250! I need some friends to motivate me and just friends for moral support. I was 123 pounds and I'd like to weight that again. Only been on MFP for 2 days. Please add me as a friend. Thanks and best wishes.
  • I am on the 1200 calorie diet as well. Would love to add you but only on MFP for 2 days and LOL I don't know how to add friends!
  • Hi, I am also 5'1". It is all about portion control, in you go to a country where people are short like us you will loose weight if you eat as they do: smaller plates, smaller portions, 3 meals a day and no snacks in between meals; maybe a mandarin orange in the aftyernoon or a cup of tea. I am now used to the snacks and that is my downfall, specially while watching TV after dinner. I am trying to replace them with fruit, plain yogurt or something low in calories. I need to lose 60 pounds. A cup of broth is only 10 calories and can make you think you ate a lot more, give it a try. Diet jello works to.
  • kimmunism
    kimmunism Posts: 4
    5'2", I used to be 120 pre-baby, I'm 146 now...working on getting back there and possibly to 115. I put myself on a 974 calorie diet, and I still eat tons of things. I look for things that have super low calories and I've also been eating better, more fruits and veggies, but I still indulge sometimes with angel cake, only 160 calories for a decent size piece.