I eat when I'm NOT hungry...

rsmclaurin Posts: 77
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
Right now is a slow time at work for me, so what do I do at work when I have nothing else to do? EAT! :grumble:
I dont have too many issues with this in the morning, but the afternoon is killer.

In the morning I bring my breakfast to work and eat it here - it always consists of coffee and then either some dry cereal, fruit, yogurt, etc or some sort variation of those 3. I eat my breakfast after the coffee which is usually around 8:30 or 9. Then I'll eat my lunch between 11:30 and 12:30 depending on how filling my breakfast was and what I have going on at work.

Lunch tends to be a sandwich and string cheese, some soup and a few crackers, a Lean frozen meal, a salad, subway, etc (one of the above). I'm usualy hungry for a small snack again at 2:30 or 3:00 (right now! :laugh: ) After I eat that snack tho, I "feel" like I'm still hungry and just keep eating (even tho I am not). I think I'm just stuck on the motion of moving food into my mouth, because it keeps me occupied when there is nothing else to do.

What I'm wondering from you is:
How can I get out of the habit of eating when I am not hungry?
Any food/recipe suggestions that fill you up longer, and are also easy to pack in a lunch?
What are some low calorie foods that I can eat a lot of without overdoing my snack/meal calories? This way I can keep myself busy without packing on the calories.

Thanks for any help!!!! :happy:


  • JJs25th
    JJs25th Posts: 204 Member
    I do this too. So I chew a half stick of gum. I keep a pack in my desk drawer so it is handy. If after a half an hour I still want to eat, then I am hungry and I eat.
  • amberc1982
    amberc1982 Posts: 468 Member
    I am having the same problem.
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    I used to have this problem too. I read somewhere that you have to change up your surroundings because you have gotten yourself into a habit. I rearranged my office and when I would get that craving at 2:30-3:00 (which is rarely now) I got up and took a quick walk around the building. 5 mins tops. After a while your body just stops craving the snacks. If I am truely hungry, then I eat a handful of almonds or a low fat cup of yogurt (both under 100 cals)
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    What are some low calorie foods that I can eat a lot of without overdoing my snack/meal calories?

    Popcorn as long as it isn't covered with all the bad for you stuff like butter and salt.
  • 9726172000
    9726172000 Posts: 428
    I hear this alot and actually just look at your food diary and see whats going on. A friend of mine told me to do that and I had noticed one thing. Even though I was getting enough fruits,vege's, fiber and protien, I wasn't staying full for long periods of time.(more than 2 hours) She told me that maybe I needed more protein than what this site said I should be getting. I had upped my protien throughout the day and now I am not having that problem any more.
    If by the early afternoon you feel like you are still hungry then the problem just might be that you need to add more fruits and vege's and fiber to your daily intake or you need to add more protien to your diet. Please remember that every person is different. I myself feel better with a higher protien diet than a higher fiber diet.
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,277 Member
    I have the same problem too and SOME days there is nothing that helps. What I normally try to do is either chew some gum or drink some water. I have come to the conclusion that it's a combination of habit and boredom. I either don't have enough to do, or I'm bored with what I'm doing. Another thing I've started doing is coming HERE when I wanna eat and read/respond to some of the posts. It makes me feel good about myself and helps combat the want to eat. And when all else fails.....I have a 12 inch buffalo chicken hoagie and side of fried zucchini delivered :laugh: (that was a joke, but man that sounds good!)

    Good luck, you'll get through it!
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I'm like that too. when I am busy at work, I don't want to munch. when it is slower and I am sitting at my desk pushing paper..my mind wanders to what's in my emergency drawer
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    protein, fiber and fat make you feel fuller longer, so make sure you have adequate servings of that in your lunch to get you thru the afternoon. also, take some veggie strips, like green pepper, cucumber, etc. to munch on during those times as you work thru them. At least you're putting something good in your mouth if nothing else works, and you have the habit of hand to mouth without killing all your hard work.

    My latest addiction is frozen blueberries (I froze them from fresh so there's no additives). Low cal, and they're cold and take awhile to eat.. When I'm watching tv, and I get "bored" hungry, I use that as my snack.

    Also, beware of popcorn, high carbs, and be sure to watch the serving size! (100 calorie bags are best)
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    I've been a huge habit eater. For me two things worked. #1 I got involved with this site and I meticulously track everything I eat. Just knowing I have to account for what I'm about to eat changes my mind a lot. I've also cut wayyyy down on sodium, it seems that has helped me, not sure what the chemical reason might have been but it has worked. I also keep a large glass of ice water at my desk, so if the snacking urge hits, I make myself drink some water instead.

    Good luck - it is a very difficult habit to break. Taking a walk is a great idea as well!!1
  • AlannaPie
    AlannaPie Posts: 349 Member
    Keep yourself busy to break the habit now
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I eat every 3 hours. Breakfast at 7 am, snack at 10, lunch at 1 pm, snack at 4, and dinner at 7. If I go workout, I'll add another snack in there right before and after the gym (1/2 protein bar ea). Dinner is not until 8 or so on workout days. My snacks run 100-150 calories are are nuts, fruit, and cheese usually.

    Also, drink LOTS of water...tons of it. If you think you're hungry, go get a glass of water. Wait 10 minutes and see if you still feel hungry. If so, you might really be hungry :tongue: .
  • jdelisle
    jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
    I hear you!
  • Kelly11
    Kelly11 Posts: 75 Member
    I start the day with plently of protein and fiber, and as far as during the workday, I spread my lunch out. My lunch usually consists of a salad, sandwich, or leftovers, and then other items like a fruit, veggies, yogurt, or cheese. I eat one item late morning, then my main item at lunch, and then the others as the day goes on. That way I'm making my lunch last and satisfying my munchies with good foods I had already alloted for the day :smile:
  • faithjobes
    faithjobes Posts: 104 Member
    eat baby carrots, celery and broccoli...no one ever got fat eating those so you can eat as much as you "want" and maybe because it isn't too appetizing to eat plain, you won't "want" to eat so bad, you know?
  • _SpeshK_
    _SpeshK_ Posts: 496 Member
    I reached this point, too, bigtime, and there was absolutely nothing stopping me. I work at a hotel overnight and we have a mini-convenience store within the hotel. I'm the only employee there the entire night, and slowly but surely I would eat probably over 2,000 calories between the hours of 11pm and 7am. And I would just LOATHE myself, but could never stop it.
    I would reccomend you try everyone's suggestions first, and if none of those seem to help, ask a doctor(if you know of a weight loss clinic, go there) about a prescription for Adipex. For the first few days you are on it, it completely rids you of your appetite, therefore encouraging you to eat only when you need to, and to eat foods that are benefitial to you. I was significantly overweight and I lost 10 lbs in the first week. I would only recommend it if you are at the end of your rope as far as cravings and overeating, and if you have more than 50 lbs to lose. It is NOT meant to be taken for a long period of time though, but once you are off your appetite and your habits have changed.

    Best of Luck!!
  • i eat a serving of almonds or a granola bar (i like odwalla berry go mega) almonds really do the trick to fill me up. also, try counting your calories the night before. pack your lunch and log everything that night. I don't carry cash at work because i know i will go to the vending machine.
  • LeeiaL
    LeeiaL Posts: 40
    Right now is a slow time at work for me, so what do I do at work when I have nothing else to do? EAT! :grumble:
    I dont have too many issues with this in the morning, but the afternoon is killer.

    In the morning I bring my breakfast to work and eat it here - it always consists of coffee and then either some dry cereal, fruit, yogurt, etc or some sort variation of those 3. I eat my breakfast after the coffee which is usually around 8:30 or 9. Then I'll eat my lunch between 11:30 and 12:30 depending on how filling my breakfast was and what I have going on at work.

    Lunch tends to be a sandwich and string cheese, some soup and a few crackers, a Lean frozen meal, a salad, subway, etc (one of the above). I'm usualy hungry for a small snack again at 2:30 or 3:00 (right now! :laugh: ) After I eat that snack tho, I "feel" like I'm still hungry and just keep eating (even tho I am not). I think I'm just stuck on the motion of moving food into my mouth, because it keeps me occupied when there is nothing else to do.

    What I'm wondering from you is:
    How can I get out of the habit of eating when I am not hungry?
    Any food/recipe suggestions that fill you up longer, and are also easy to pack in a lunch?
    What are some low calorie foods that I can eat a lot of without overdoing my snack/meal calories? This way I can keep myself busy without packing on the calories.

    Thanks for any help!!!! :happy:

    First, I think you're doing great! Lots of people have that same problem, I used to have it too. It took a lot of willpower to break.

    I suspect that whatever you are eating at breakfast may be part of the problem. Most breakfast cereals do NOTHING to combat hunger long term, even if you put fruit, etc on it. That meal 'disappears' in about an hour, your blood sugar dips and bang - you're eating mindlessly again.

    Do a more substantial breakfast...I do oatmeal (not the instant kind) w/blueberries, a few strawberries, some walnuts and a 1/2 scoop of protein powder. I don't ever get hungry before at least 3 hours have passed, sometimes not even then. You can also try an omlette w/3 whites and 1 yolk w/some fruit and 1/2 a whole wheat english muffin or bagel.

    As someone else suggested, you may not be getting enough protein in your diet, especially if you're working out. Instead of snacking, try a small high-protein meal - like tuna on a whole wheat eng. muffin OR an omlette w/3 egg whites and one egg.

    Small snacks are ok, long as they don't have refined carbs or sugar in them, which will only make you MORE hungry. If you feel you must snack, then a handful of nuts or some cottage cheese (protein) would be best. Try to make sure you get some good, high quality protein in EVERY meal and snack.

    Before you decide to eat again, take a minute, drink a glass of water and then ask yourself if you're really hungry or eating out of boredom. Sometimes interruping your 'eat' thoughts is enough to get you on the right track again.

    You're on the right track - not eating when you're not hungry is part willpower, part good, smart nutrition and eating strategies.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Preplan a snack for midafternoon....if your still hungry after what you're snacking on you may need to look at a snack with more protein and/or fiber. Also - before you snack - drink 8 oz of water!
  • Thanks for the help and suggestions everyone!! I will definitely try each of those!!!
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