Anyone need to lose 100 pounds?



  • priscygut
    priscygut Posts: 3 Member
    hello feel free to add me need more friends and motivation.
  • saraphim41
    saraphim41 Posts: 205 Member
    Yup! Please add me.

    I am 70 years old, and I have been obese for as long as I can remember. I ran across a picture of myself at about age 4, and it was a beautiful little girl. I would like to meet that woman.

    You are already a help for me. I often think of myself as some kind of freak: no will power (or is that "won't power?") , I think we all get down on ourselves pretty easily. But

  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    I just realized that i neeed to lose 100 pounds and it's a bit daunting! Especially since I lose 80 once before and put it ALL back on and then some. I could definitely use some online buddies, support nad maybe a challenge (nothing like friendly competition). :tongue:

    Welcome :-) I know the feeling. I too lost 100 pounds a few years ago and put most back on. Then I had enough, joined MFP and in exactly one year I lost 112 pounds. You're welcome to add me for support. I'm a good buddy.
  • Hi everyone

    i would like to lose 90lbs. I've only lost 7lb so far.
    Feel free to add me
  • mfn64
    mfn64 Posts: 5
    I also have to lose about another 80 nice to have some support
  • u go girl>>> you can do it if you try!good luck gf!!!:smile::smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • AdaliaXe
    AdaliaXe Posts: 2
    I joined today and need to lose 90-100 pounds. I'm pretty sure with moral
    Support we can do this, add me :)
  • MoeNificent
    MoeNificent Posts: 31 Member
    Just want to say thanks again! :flowerforyou: You guys have been awesome. I just posted the other day and already have 28 amazing friends for support and to keep me in line. :tongue: I'm excited about this journey and seeing everyone be amazing. :heart:
  • HealthyAim
    HealthyAim Posts: 41 Member
    I am pretty new to MFP and don't have a lot of friends yet so I'm looking for some friends too to help motivate and support through our journey to health. I've got 100 pounds to lose and I've lost 16 so far. I've been logging my food and exercise pretty steadily since I've joined MFP and I have found that it helps keep me on track. If I'm tempted to make a bad choice during the day, I now have that little voice in my head that says, you are going to have to log that and it's going to show up in your food diary! LOL I also like to eat (clearly that's what got me here in the first place) so I'm also motivated by MFP to exercise so that I've got more breathing room on the calorie allotment :) I've sent a friend request to you Mihisha and anyone else can feel free to friend me too! Thanks, Amy
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    Yup!! Lost 60 so far and have at least another 110 to go :)
  • I've got 100 - 110 to lose and am trying to build up my network of friends to stay motivated! Feel free to add me if you like and we will help support one another! :)
  • beeficus
    beeficus Posts: 6
    I have noticed that this site is mostly women posters. Us men are here too, and we mean business. My name is Jason, and I need to lose around 104 more pounds. My personal goal is 260. Beginning of March i was a whopping 400. I started MFP around the 14th of March. 26 pounds gone since then and Im showing no signs of giving in! If you would like a buddy to get this done and become the best us we can possibly be, Ill be there for you if youre there for me. We can do this, let us show the world.
  • Jackiejames417
    Jackiejames417 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in the same boat I lost 107 lbs & gained it all back. 2 kids later its not as easy. We can do it though, we did it before!! Good luck!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I just realized that i neeed to lose 100 pounds and it's a bit daunting! Especially since I lose 80 once before and put it ALL back on and then some. I could definitely use some online buddies, support nad maybe a challenge (nothing like friendly competition). :tongue:

    Hey, you are almost 10% there already... Just another 90% to go... Do it like I eat an alligator... one bite at a time. Find small goals and put 'em together and they make bigger ones... You can do it... Then keep up with it on the maintenance level. As for me, I started out at 344 and am now 293 with a goal weight of 190 +/-... Still about a 100 lbs to go but have 51 lbs down already. We can do this... and we can also maintain it... I have failed before.. But I know I can do it... and you can too.
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 780 Member
    I've lost 60, gained back 20 and still need to lose 120 so I'm with you on the needing friends to motivate me! Add me and we can yell at each other :)
    Good Luck!!!
  • Amy_Lee_2012
    Amy_Lee_2012 Posts: 156 Member
    I've lost 79 pounds and still need to lose 100-110 more.

    Anyone can add me- I don't have any rules or regulations for being my friend- we're all in this together, afterall :smile:
  • Jali0722
    Jali0722 Posts: 3
    ive lost 67 and been yoyo dieting for a bout a yr..... i gain some n lose some i need to lose 84 lbs but i will join the club!
  • I have plenty more than 100 to lose. I see people saying "add me" so go ahead and "add me" whatever that means. I'll figure it out with more time and experience on the website. :-)
  • cjlong00
    cjlong00 Posts: 1
    i would love to get some friends myself i have a history of giving up so the more support the better i will be :smile: