just restarted and could really use some support



  • Evette7
    Evette7 Posts: 156 Member
    hi, i just joined yesterday, havnt got the hang of the site yet, but am looking forward to hopefully makig new friends along the way. would love to find "diet" buddies and share the ups and downs of our journeys,
    good luck all

    Sounds like a good plan!!!
  • Hi Evette,

    I just joined this site and I know how hard it is to stay focused on your goal. I eat to fill the voids in my life which is frustrating since I tend to be a perfectionist. I need to go to work right now but I will look for you later. Hang in there. :flowerforyou:
  • Smythlyd
    Smythlyd Posts: 2
    Congratulations! Beginning is the first step. I would advise that you find an activity that you enjoy and that you can have some fun with. Zumba works for me! Zumba is for everyone - young, old, alll sizes and shapes! Take a risk and you may find that this meets your needs. As for food, BE SELFISH! Find four or five meals that meet your calorie/fat/sugar/fat goals and always have the ingredients you need. Eat these meals regularly and after a couple of weeks add a meal or two to switch it up. I stick to whole grain, plant based (means limit or eliminate all meat, dairy and animal protein in general!) It sounds hard but its not! You will eliminate junk food cravings after a few days. Stay away for white four, rice and really anything white in general. These things turn into sugar and makes you hungry. Eat lots of fruit!

    I would love to share my food diary with you if you need some ideas.

    One more thing - A new day doesn't start the next day. Meaning - if you mess up - make a better choice next time you eat and try to move a little more.

    Good Luck!
  • Hi i seem to be the king of will power this time round. Tried to lose weight all my life but now I'm determined. I've lost 53lb so far since Xmas!! Truly
    On a mission. It's easy to lose its just deciding to. I also quit smoking last year using the same method. I went cold turkey with cigarettes and with the weight loss in well in the swing of meals etc and I don't snack. Haven't eaten chocolate crisps etc for over three months

    Good luck to everyone
  • Tink_889
    Tink_889 Posts: 244 Member
    Hi Evette,

    I'm just re-starting my healthy eating as well. Here's to us.
  • Hi i'm addie hope to gain some froends and support on here :) goodluck! :)
  • Evette7
    Evette7 Posts: 156 Member
    I've sent you a friend request! :D What I really find motivating is the words "Summer is coming whether you're in shape or not!" Those words scare me!! lolz

    That is a scary thought!! But of course the next thought that goes through my mind is "even if I starved I couldnt lose all my weight by summer" so I generally just eat some skittles. :-)
  • Evette7
    Evette7 Posts: 156 Member
    Think about you, just you. Your will power, will gain speed with each minute, each hour, and each day you are ture to yourself. It takes a lot of talking yourself out of why you don't want the junk food. I started Feb 14, 2012, and I have to talk to myself every time I find my self going for food. Sometimes I don't even know how I ended up in the kitchen. I wish you much luck and add me as a friend you would like.

    I have the same problem! In the middle of the night ...
  • Evette7
    Evette7 Posts: 156 Member
    Hey Evette! I hear you - my hubby is eating nachos as I sit here. I just sighed up for the program, and I've just started a cleanse program, which I'm hoping will kick-start me into a better diet once I'm back to solid foods. Will power is everything. I've 40 pounds to take off to get to a healthy weight. Let's keep each other accountable!!!

    Dont you just love when that happens. My partner is currently in full blown chocolate addict mode, it doesnt make my life any easier! That's for sure!
  • Evette7
    Evette7 Posts: 156 Member
    Hi - I have been on here for about three weeks! I can completely relate with you about the junk food around the house. My hubby is constantly buying stuff that I shouldn't eat. I have complained enough that he atleast hides it so it isn't easy for me to find. LOL! Would love some additional support myself and to help motivate others..... I need to lose around 50lbs. Please anyone feel free to add me .... ;0)

    Yesterday my partner and son went to the store and came back with marinated turkey meat that cost $11 and nothing else that I should be eating ... they spent $200.
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    I know how you feel. I've been on the rollercoaster for years! And, it took a while for friends and family to support me without the occasinoal "oh...but one junk food item..etc...won't hurt you..it's just one..." I finally got back in it and was determined to stick to it this time. So far so good. Just realize that YOU are the one who is in control and no one else can change that. best of luck to you!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!
  • Evette7
    Evette7 Posts: 156 Member
    My advice is to take each day as it comes. I only started a few days ago and so far I've not done too great at all, however today I have stuck to my calories so I am really pleased about that (even though it seems like a small thing!) Just take each day as it comes I guess. It can be so hard when thereis junk food around, a lot of people say bin it but I can't. Sometimes it works to just plan it into your allowence so you can have a bit of what you fancy :)

    Good luck :flowerforyou:

    binning is just not practical in this house because out of the 5 people who live here I am the only one watching what I eat. But I hear you on the rest. If I could just get a few days or weeks under my belt I am sure it would be easier (been there and done it) but the starting has just been a huge battle.
  • orangecrayon
    orangecrayon Posts: 293 Member
    I'll add you, girl! I completely understand (fell off the wagon countless times in the beginning, but persevered and look at where I am now!)
    You've already taken the most important step! Recognizing that you want to change, making the account, and taking action! Welcome to MFP!!! :D
  • Evette7
    Evette7 Posts: 156 Member

    i have just started yesterday

    tootsmorgan my daughter in law introduced me to this site

    i am excited

    i know that feeling.worried you are going to fail again

    well dont

    at least you are making an effort

    just do the best you can

    be honest

    try and visualise yourself a stone lighter

    imagine how good that will feel

    you can do it

  • Evette7
    Evette7 Posts: 156 Member
    Hi Evette,

    I just joined this site and I know how hard it is to stay focused on your goal. I eat to fill the voids in my life which is frustrating since I tend to be a perfectionist. I need to go to work right now but I will look for you later. Hang in there. :flowerforyou:

    Isnt that a really depressing realization? I completely relate!
  • Evette7
    Evette7 Posts: 156 Member
    Hi i seem to be the king of will power this time round. Tried to lose weight all my life but now I'm determined. I've lost 53lb so far since Xmas!! Truly
    On a mission. It's easy to lose its just deciding to. I also quit smoking last year using the same method. I went cold turkey with cigarettes and with the weight loss in well in the swing of meals etc and I don't snack. Haven't eaten chocolate crisps etc for over three months

    Good luck to everyone

    Great job!!
  • Memorysketch
    Memorysketch Posts: 41 Member
    I am proof that the 80/20 idea truly works (though sometimes it's probably 70/30, tbh!) I don't really have an issue with my partner/kid eating everything in sight - it's usually my idea for fast food when I don't want to cook, or there isn't enough time to cook.

    I'd love to be friends! :)
  • iqjones
    iqjones Posts: 8
    Too right!!!
  • 86282
    86282 Posts: 8
    I just re-started about a week ago as well - lost 50 pounds through another plan but put it all back on - yikes! One day at a time I guess - here I go again.
  • Roxsand
    Roxsand Posts: 13 Member
    You can do it!!!!! We will all be here to help and inspire you! Add me on here! :smile: