nauseous during workouts-??

I am doing JM 30 Day Shred, day 9 completed. I did not notice getting nauseous during the first few days, but as I seem to progress I am getting extremely nauseous, even got sick and actually puked one day. I have been a pre-diabetic for several years(one of the reasons I want to loose weight and get healthier) . I was out of test strips so I wasn't able to test and decided maybe it would gelp to eat somethint 30 mins before I work out. I have since bought the test strips, eat before I worked out nauseous when I worked out and test my sugar and it was well within normal ranges.

any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated


  • aritchey1977
    aritchey1977 Posts: 65 Member
    I am doing the 30ds too. Ugg! I am on level 2 and my eyeballs are sweating! Anyway, I used to have trouble with getting sick. I learned that if I don't drink water unless it's a little tiny sip that I feel less sick. Also sometimes I will eat a small spoonful of peanut butter about 10min before I start and that helps. Are you working out in the morning? For me that's always worse but I have adjusted and now don't get sick as much. Hope that helps.
  • mgs68pony
    mgs68pony Posts: 306 Member
    The mornings are definetly worse than the afternoons. I don't drink any water during the workout, but sweat my tail off! I will try the peanut butter.

  • Jess5825
    Jess5825 Posts: 228
    My trainer told me it could be just you're really pushing your body. I do train to failure with her and I've been doing it for 5 weeks and been fine. Last week I was doing sit ups on the bench (she had raised it one notch) and when I got up I had to wait before I moved to the next exercise. I felt very nauseous. She said it was the intensity and my body pushing itself. Usually my legs just shake (mostly during assisted pull ups and dips). She said it is ok to feel like that and just sip water.
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 263 Member
    I get nauseous and light headed if I push too hard. When I was 290 pounds I rode a bike 5 miles then threw up all over the road. It still happens, especially if I lift weights.
  • mgs68pony
    mgs68pony Posts: 306 Member
    Thanks, that is one of the theories I was considering.