I WAS doing good until...

justforme8 Posts: 68 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Soooo Im sure we have all been here before, at least I know I have! And I hate it:grumble: Soo I was doing so good, working out, running (for some reason I LOVE it) Then BAM, got engaged march 5th, keep working out, but messed up here and there, Married on july 4th, where I was at my lowest! and then honeymoon on aug 1st-the 8th.. Now since then, I have just been drinking, and eating WAY too much!:noway: I am Soooo tired again, all the time and i miss the energy I had before. A Little back ground, I am a full time nursing student with a 5 year old and 2 year old. While Im not in school it is so very difficult to keep track and stay on top of things. But while Im in school it's like I almost discpline myself if I don;t stick to schedule. (I am kinda anal when it comes to schedules IE study time,bath time,dinner time):huh:
I guess the point of this post is to get it out there, to admit to myself that I have to get back on track for myself and my kids! And since I spend a lot of time on this site, I just thought I would put myself out there! Im off to work out, and then I have school this afternoon from 1- 10 pm! busy busy! Hope everyone has a good day!!:drinker:


  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    I can definately relate :embarassed: I was doing great until the wedding......after that......alcohol, too much food (I still eat healthier food....but too much of it), and tired. I have no energy or time to workout. I only have 3 hours at home after work before I have to go to bed. By the time I eat dinner, walk the dog, and take a little time to talk to the hubby it's time for bed. I guess that means no more talkin to hubby :bigsmile: :laugh: I blame it on the the hubbies :laugh: Just kidding....its my own fault. I'll have to deal with 30-45 minutes less sleep and just make myself work out. And stop eating so much.:embarassed: I did it before.....I'll do it again. Both of us, let's get back on the program :drinker:
  • leigh72
    leigh72 Posts: 18
    Ahhh yes this happens a lot...I can relate! When I was single I was working out like a mad woman. Then I met the man of my dreams, got engaged, bought a house, graduated from teaching school, and packed on 20 lbs. Its amazing how this can happen! I am determined to get back in shape for the holidays. I am exhauseted all the time as well. I just got home from a weeks vacation and added another four lbs to this bod!!! :sad: I know I have also been a bit depressed with the weight gain and being unemployed for over a year...things are going to start turning around....today is a new day and I am happy to take it on! I just joined this site and I think it is fantastic. I was just about to join weight watchers when a friend told me about this site!! :happy: Good luck in achieving all of your goals, and don't forget to pat yourself on the back once in a while! I am off to a job interview this afternoon and hitting the gym afterwards. Great Monday everyone!!
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    I too can relate!! I was only 3.6 lbs from my goal weight when we went camping for our friends son's 1st birthday and then all hell broke loose!! LOL, we also had her bacherlette party, BBQ's a Road trip to Boston and Cape Cod(love that place and can't wait to go back for a vacation next year)and then finally their wedding on Saturday, so needless to say as of this morning i now have 8.6 lbs to loose, so i am back at it today as well!

    Good luck to all of us!!
    We should try and keep checcking in to keep each other motivated and on track!!
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    Yeah........the summer is another thing that makes it a little tough. All the cookouts and parties. And the heat...ugggh...who wants to do a workout when it's like 100 degrees outside? :grumble: But it's time to get back to it. I've gained only 5 pounds back in these past two months and can lose them in no time. I was very close to my goal and I will still get there. Amazing how it took me over a year to lose 45 lbs but it comes back so quickly :ohwell: :laugh:

    Not to worry........its never too late.......let's do this! :drinker:

    Tonight's plan.......
    Grilled chicken salad for dinner, Walk the dog 2 miles (I found doing the walk after dinner lets my stomach settle before jumping into my aerobics), 35 minute TaeBo workout.

    We'll start with the 35 minute workout to slowly build up. Don't wanna jump in too heavy and be too sore to do anymore the rest of the week :laugh:

    Another thing, I think I'll work out every other day so I don't wear myself out. Before I was working out 6 days a week and only taking one rest day. But on that rest day I still did the 2 mile walk with my dog. I think I really just burnt myself out. Doing all of that plus working 60 hours a week. Just too much.
    Sooooooooo....I'll work out every other day......Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun, Tues, Thurs, Sat and repeat. On my off days, I'll still be walking the dog. And the main thing is, watching my calories, and other nutrition fact intakes. :drinker: I iz readaaaaay....ready to be a sexay beyotch :bigsmile: :drinker: :laugh:
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    Oh! And good luck to the rest of you. :flowerforyou:

    Leigh, good luck on the job interview :flowerforyou:
  • leigh72
    leigh72 Posts: 18
    Thanks Kellch:happy: Stick with it and those 5 lbs will be gone in no time!! I wish it was only 5 lbs for me!!! But I'll get there!!! Does anyone know how to post the ticker to your profile??? I need to see this thing every time I am in here for inspiration to get going!!!
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    Thanks Kellch:happy: Stick with it and those 5 lbs will be gone in no time!! I wish it was only 5 lbs for me!!! But I'll get there!!! Does anyone know how to post the ticker to your profile??? I need to see this thing every time I am in here for inspiration to get going!!!

    Welllllll......it's only 5 lbs to get to where I was before the wedding. But I still had another 10 lbs I wanted to lose. I just put it off for the wedding because my dress was already fitted. I'll check on that ticker thing. I can't remember off the top of my head. BRB :smokin:
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    Oh wait.......gotta go to a meeting.......I do remember from home page hit tools and then tickers. BBL :bigsmile:
  • pdboys1999
    pdboys1999 Posts: 2 Member
    I don't know what happened. It seems like all of the motivation I had six months ago just left. I don't want to get up, I am eating anything and everything in site, even stuff I don't like. Nothing has changed in "my world". I've gained 20 lbs since May 2nd.

    A little history, last year I lost 85 lbs, stayed at a plateau until May then started gaining it back. I am not going gain all my weight back so I started working out again and started limiting my calories and eating healthy. AS of today, I am going to lose that 20 lbs again and lose the 70 more I have to go by focusing on 1 lb at a time.
  • leigh72
    leigh72 Posts: 18
    yeah, I know you go to tool and then tickers to get the code, but once i copy the code, I can't find where to paste it to have it show up. IDK....does anyone rememeber where to paste the code for the ticker???
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    Leigh, Good Luck on the job interview and you put ths code in your signature, go to tools and the change signature HTH
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    Leigh, scrath that it is under settings, not tools.
  • leigh72
    leigh72 Posts: 18
    Thanks for the well wishes on the interview! Paula, I finally found the signature thing...now I cannot wait to get the slider moving on that ticker!! Oh and you girls can call me Jodi, thats my name...Leigh is my middle name that I just used for a sign in.
  • justforme8
    justforme8 Posts: 68 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I am sooooo glad Im not the only one! I was surprised to get on here this morning and see the responses! Makes me realize that a set back is just that, temporary!
    Yesterday I did eat pretty well, even with the stress of hating my new semester!! How was everyone else's day?
    One day at a time. . . . I think I might just jump on here everyday just to keep myself in check!! Happy tuesdays!!

    xoxo Cheree:drinker:
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member

    Well i did good yesterday with eating till the hubby came home and asked if i wanted a glass of wine when we were sitting out on the deck. Today is another day!

    Jodi, how did you make out at your job interview?
  • leigh72
    leigh72 Posts: 18
    It went ok, I think. There were some tough questions...not sure in the long run if I really even want it...I am an English teacher and the position was for a reading teacher that would require emergency certification, and course work towards getting certified...its a foot in the door, which I do need, but it limits me on a lot...we shall see

    I did well on my eating too...ahhh wine....probably one of the hardest things for me to have to give up for a while!:tongue:

    I am off to work in a few hrs....waitressing...AGAIN...ugh

    Good day everyone!
  • leigh72
    leigh72 Posts: 18
    It went ok, I think. There were some tough questions...not sure in the long run if I really even want it...I am an English teacher and the position was for a reading teacher that would require emergency certification, and course work towards getting certified...its a foot in the door, which I do need, but it limits me on a lot...we shall see

    I did well on my eating too...ahhh wine....probably one of the hardest things for me to have to give up for a while!:tongue:

    I am off to work in a few hrs....waitressing...AGAIN...ugh

    Good day everyone!
  • leigh72
    leigh72 Posts: 18
    GOodmorning everyone! Trying to find the motivation to go to the gym today...its not there!:sad: I can never seem to get in sync with the diet and the excercise...it always seems to be one or the other!?! ughhh....I must get to the gym today!!!

    Great day everyone!
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member

    I so know what you mean, and with the things i have going on this week doesn't help, i think for the next fewe days i am just going to concentrate on watching what i eat and my calorie intake and then get back on the treadmill ASAP.

    Good luck!!
  • leigh72
    leigh72 Posts: 18
    ok...i just got back with my daughter and the dog from walking the trails...we did 45 minutes! So...while it was not virorous excercise, we were still moving and burned 202 calories! I will get to the gym...its just too nice out, and when I have to go into work at 5 and get a million other things done, a nice walk will do it....now I don't feel so bad!!
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