3 quick and random questions ...



  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    1. Veggies, milk and diapers.
    2. my dog breathing funny in his sleep.
    3. Cruising mfp, and watch my show, it's on again.
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    ~ what was the last thing (no matter how small) you purchased? starbucks strawberry lemonade frozen drink.( i work there)

    ~ what can you hear right now? im phoning my boyfriend at work asking where the hell he is. so a dial tone. wind. and adult swim. edit- lol he just walked in the door.

    ~ what you you doing and what should you be doing instead?
    watching tv/ being lazy. i should be doing a tun of course work. but i cant bring myself to do it :c
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    ~ Groceries

    ~ The Ocean .... Waves crashing in on the beach ... it appears to be rough out there tonight ! :tongue:

    ~ Waiting, Waiting, Waiting ..... Sleeping, Sleeping, Sleeping

    ~ Sigh ~ :flowerforyou:
  • Last thing I purchased was groceries. tic tags was the last thing I put down (damn all the candy everywhere)
    I can only hear my typing...it's super silent.
    I should be studying then fussing around on myfitnesspal.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    ~ what was the last thing (no matter how small) you purchased? Kitty litter, granola bars, a kite, and hamburger buns

    ~ what can you hear right now? A fan in the background.

    ~ what you you doing and what should you be doing instead? typing on MFP
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    oh and should be sleeping
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 559 Member
    The last thing I purchased: A carton of soy milk on the ferry.

    What I hear: The dishwasher, and my cat purring.

    What I should be doing: Taking out the garbage and then doing my homework.

    What I am doing: Wasting time on MFP, of course.
  • Last thing I bought? Delicious Ham Sandwhich. Thank you Subway!
    What I Hear? The dehumidifyer and my keys on the keyboard.
    What am I doint? On MFP...Duh!!!
    What should I be doing? zzzzzz......
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    ~ what was the last thing (no matter how small) you purchased?

    Some ribbon from a vintage fair, to be used in lavender bags.

    ~ what can you hear right now?

    Police siren down in the valley & the washing machine in the kitchen

    ~ what you you doing and what should you be doing instead?

    Here on MFP

    I should be packing a couple of items I've sold on Ebay ready to post later.

  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    ~ what was the last thing (no matter how small) you purchased? Petrol (£20) to keep me going till today :(

    ~ what can you hear right now? Someone cutting the grass outside!

    ~ what you you doing and what should you be doing instead? On MFP and sdhould be working! xx
  • GailEMac
    GailEMac Posts: 90 Member
    ~children on the wii
    ~messing around on mfp , should be doing chores!
  • aquasw16
    aquasw16 Posts: 342 Member
    ~ what was the last thing (no matter how small) you purchased? The book "new lifting techniques for women"

    ~ what can you hear right now? Cardiac monitors going off

    ~ what you you doing and what should you be doing instead? I am doing this post and I should be watching the cardiac monitor lol
  • bangersnmash90
    bangersnmash90 Posts: 78 Member
    Last thing I purchased - New rules of lifting for women paperback (on amazon, waiting for it to arrive)

    What can I hear right now - Typing and phones ringing

    What I'm doing and what I should be doing instead - I'm on MFP when I should be working!
  • Ladyiianae
    Ladyiianae Posts: 271 Member
    ~ what was the last thing (no matter how small) you purchased? Groceries, yesterday at Target

    ~ what can you hear right now? The wind howling and rain pelting outside

    ~ what you you doing and what should you be doing instead? I am on MFP. I SHOULD be working...
  • Sharney3154
    Sharney3154 Posts: 9 Member
    Last thing purchased: strawberries
    I can hear: News is on
    should be doing: Getting ready for work and off the computer
  • joytron
    joytron Posts: 103 Member
    ~ what was the last thing (no matter how small) you purchased?
    A 250 ml bottle of wine. (I can't be trusted with the full-sized bottles on weeknights! There have been many disastrous experiments with this, but no, it can't be done.)

    ~ what can you hear right now?
    The Violent Femmes: "Children of the Revolution". This is their Greatest Hits album I think. Not my favorite song to be honest. "Add it Up" is heaps better! Followed closely by "Kiss Off", and aw hell "American Music". It's hard for Canadians to say that, but there, it's done. Also, "Blister in the Sun".

    ~ what you you doing and what should you be doing instead?
    I'm writing this, and sipping the aforementioned red wine, when I should be checking on dinner, e-mailing a friend who's gone to Australia for a month for dramatic reasons, and editing some photographs that Work is demanding, and yoga, and getting lunch ready for tomorrow, and CHILLING OUT (I can't properly chill out if my computer's on), and maybe switching the music to the Cure.
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    ~ what was the last thing (no matter how small) you purchased?

    ~ what can you hear right now?

    ~ what you you doing and what should you be doing instead?

    ~ what was the last thing (no matter how small) you purchased? - a sleep mask and ear plugs & some cooling gel patches

    ~ what can you hear right now? - Roadworks outside my house

    ~ what you you doing and what should you be doing instead? - I am sat on MFP when i should be doing housework !!
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    ~ what was the last thing (no matter how small) you purchased? Loaf of bread

    ~ what can you hear right now? My sibling kitties chasing each other around upstairs

    ~ what you you doing and what should you be doing instead? playing draw something when I really should be trying to fix my washing machine
  • 1979rrh
    1979rrh Posts: 83 Member
    ~ what was the last thing (no matter how small) you purchased? Jeans... and smaller sized!!!

    ~ what can you hear right now? traffic (Live on a busy street)

    ~ what you you doing and what should you be doing instead? going to work... but feel like *kitten*, sucks being a woman sometimes :-(
  • Pengi81
    Pengi81 Posts: 336 Member
    ~ what was the last thing (no matter how small) you purchased? A pint of milk

    ~ what can you hear right now? The random chit-chat and conversations of colleagues

    ~ what you you doing and what should you be doing instead? Dallying, I should be doing work but I've got none right now - and it's lunchtime in ten mins anyways