Feeling Deflated

I am not sure why but today I've been feeling deflated. Probably because I weighed in and stayed the same this week. Although you could say "well at least you didn't gain" it isn't enough for me. I am scared to death of hitting a plateau and then getting unmotivated and gaining the weight back. 26 pounds is no joke and I am happy about it and feel incredibly better but I expect so much from myself and I don't like when I get let down by weight loss. I know I am doing everything I can including completing a two hour Zumbathon yesterday which was awesome but I still beat myself up about every little thing.

I do measure and I lost inches but some how that doesn't seem to matter to me right now.


  • LilSomethin
    LilSomethin Posts: 545 Member
    As tough as it is, the scale will not always move. That's why u gotta look at the inches lost and be super proud!!! Just think....u are smaller than u were last month which means your clothes are fitting better. I know it's hard and I used to be the same way. I was obsessed with the scale and would say the same thing when inches were lost. I wanted the number to go down on the scale and that's all that mattered. I've learned over the last year that the scale really isn't nice. I weigh the same now as I did last summer but am wearing a size 4/6 versus an 8/10 last year. I hardly ever get on the scale now because it doesn't know the difference between fat and muscle.
    Your muscles are probably retaining water this morning after the 2 hour Zumbathon yesterday so don't get too frustrated :) They do this to repair themselves so I bet next week u will see a loss. Just keep up what u are doing and u will succeed :)
  • mowu
    mowu Posts: 245 Member
    What the above poster said - the thing that springs to my mind is that you did some intense exercise yesterday.

    Try reading this thread


    And see if you can use something in it
  • LisaVld34
    LisaVld34 Posts: 63 Member
    Thank you all, I weighed in the day before I did the Zumbathon so water weight wouldn't really apply. I appreciate the feedback and am trying to not look at only the numbers but then I think of the Biggest Loser and they always lose weight EVEN when they work out all the time and gain muscle...
  • Nekhet
    Nekhet Posts: 380
    The scale is evil...throw it away!! Your body is changing from exercise and building muscle as well which can weigh more than fat. Go by the mirror and your clothes...don't worry or get too fixated on the numbers...it will just drive you crazy.
  • dctina
    dctina Posts: 5
    don't go by Biggest Loser--you have NO idea what goes on that they DON'T show. if you lost inches, but not weight, it is very likely that you built muscle, which means you are now a lean, mean, fat-burning machine! you will see it.

    one thing they do that they don't really discuss on BL that you might look into for a "tweak" of your diet if you do plateau, is The Zone. South Beach phase 2 is similar. It is the proper balance of carbs/fat/protein (40%/30%/30%).

    if you're making good food choices, though, it WILL happen. i think often our bodies need to be convinced that we really mean it. i also think that we sometimes need a day where we go over our calories by a decent little bit, as a "challenge" to our metabolism. plus, on days when you do things like Zumbathon, you need to be SURE you're getting at least to your calorie recommendation, or you go into starvation mode.

    you can do it!!
  • LisaVld34
    LisaVld34 Posts: 63 Member
    Thank you dctina!!! I did make sure to eat what I wanted yesterday (within my calories of course) to compensate for all the work I did and also had a cheat day on Saturday. If I have issues with the scale this coming Saturday morning I will look into the Zone diet.

    I still feel like a failure but I am not giving up.
  • LisaVld34
    LisaVld34 Posts: 63 Member
    As tough as it is, the scale will not always move. That's why u gotta look at the inches lost and be super proud!!! Just think....u are smaller than u were last month which means your clothes are fitting better. I know it's hard and I used to be the same way. I was obsessed with the scale and would say the same thing when inches were lost. I wanted the number to go down on the scale and that's all that mattered. I've learned over the last year that the scale really isn't nice. I weigh the same now as I did last summer but am wearing a size 4/6 versus an 8/10 last year. I hardly ever get on the scale now because it doesn't know the difference between fat and muscle.
    Your muscles are probably retaining water this morning after the 2 hour Zumbathon yesterday so don't get too frustrated :) They do this to repair themselves so I bet next week u will see a loss. Just keep up what u are doing and u will succeed :)

    Maybe I should throw the scale away LOL but I can't! ahhhh