Broken Wrist - Ideas!

Hi, I broke my wrist some time ago and managing to exercise has been quite difficult for me. Since its been able to take some stress I've been doing a lot of walking, running on my treadmill and crunches. I'm getting a bit bored of it and would like to spice it up a bit, does anyone have any ideas for me? :)


  • whenstars
    whenstars Posts: 27
    ..? :/
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Planks, squats, star jumps,

    would yuo be able for spinning?
  • whenstars
    whenstars Posts: 27
    I never really knew what spinning was, I just googled it and defiantly something I can do :) Thanks for the tips!
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    some of the movements in spinning might but so pressure on your wrist, but you could adopt them a bit to make it work while the wrist heals I'd say.
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    Dancing - put on some music and dance but if you still have a pot on - watch your ornaments or anyone walking by :smile:
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    I had a pretty severe ankle injury in 2010, and reinjured it last year as well. And what is awesome is it feels stronger now that I'm eating healthy and losing weight! I still opt for lower impact options (elliptical for the bulk of my cardio and only about 1/4 of it running) and wear my brace, but it feels much better! Even in the winter months (as those have always proven to be harder on it than the others in the past.)
  • whenstars
    whenstars Posts: 27
    Thanks for the advice guys! I love dancing :) I really hope it does fix up even stronger as I want to do more strength training later on :D
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    My wrist was utterly destroyed some years ago. I'm doing weight training now. It's USUALLY fine.

    To what degree has your doctor released you on your wrist? Mine wouldn't let me pick up weights until about a year after the surgery.
  • whenstars
    whenstars Posts: 27
    Woah a whole year! I'm meant to getting my cast off and having it re xrayed on Wednesday so I guess I shall see what they say then.. :/
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Woah a whole year! I'm meant to getting my cast off and having it re xrayed on Wednesday so I guess I shall see what they say then.. :/

    Well, that was just me.
    One bit of advice:

    DO YOUR FLEXBILITY EXERCISES. Do -not- slack on them. Hopefully you won't lose any range of motion.