Pin Up Girls!!!!

soooo usually I am not one to care about things at all (sometimes) HAHAH BUT my fiance and I are moving in together soo that means going through a lot of crap!!! soo anywho I am not a pin up girl NOR will I ever be one of those!!! and I am in process of trying to lose weight and he is very supportive BUT at the same time he tells me that I look fine the way I am and he doesnt like his girls to be sticks blah blah blah!!! sooo while sometimes that really makes it hard to diet becuz I know he loves me the way I am but then I have to remember that this isnt about him its about me!!! soo I work hard and its a battle constantly everyday to diet!!!! sooooo we go through this things and he has boxes of Playboy and posters upon posters of models and girls that are sticks...some are framed and he has calendars galore....soo it really makes it hard to believe that he means it when he says he doesnt like girls like that!!! and I know thats in the past but currently he has about 10-15 pics of VS models and other girls in football gear etc on his phone (and yes I know its hot to see Erin Andrews in a WVU uniform and I am not mad about the fact that he does that becuz trust me she is hot and I look at men too) BUT my point is that it makes it hard to believe that when he tells me that I look good and he doesnt like his girls like that BUT it seems that he does???? IDK am I being tooo senstive OR insecure or what do you all think???? Just something I have been thinking about!!!!


  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    men are attracted to all shapes and sizes. i wouldnt take it to heart. he really likes/loves you so he is going to say you are fine the way you are. do what makes YOU happy.
  • RattieLove
    RattieLove Posts: 125
    Wow, he sounds like a douche. He shouldn't be looking at other women and while it's "sweet" that he tells you he likes you the way you are, he isn't supportive of you.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Everyone likes to look at sexy photos. He's dating you, not a model or stick-thin woman.
  • tig_ol_bitties
    tig_ol_bitties Posts: 561 Member
    Men like bewbies. Men look at bewbies. Even if a man tells you he doesn't, he still is. Whether those bewbies are on a super thin model or a voluptuous lady, they are still there and he will still look. This is normal male behavior. He loves you, and that's what is most important.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    We take pictures on vacation, but it doesn't mean we don't think our home towns are beautiful.

    All women that make the most of what they were born with are beautiful.
  • mgero212
    mgero212 Posts: 96
    My boyfriend says the same thing that he loves the way I am but the only thing that matters is if you do. As much as I love that he loves me for me, I need to love me (its the most important). My guy use to have posters and calendars too but I told him that if he gets to have them so do I with guys who are ripped. He said he didn't like that so we came to the agreement to him having a swimsuit calendar and me having a calendar so our walls are covered in half naked guys and girls.
  • Myslissa
    Myslissa Posts: 760 Member
    Sounds like he just wants you to be more secure in yourself.
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    Oh boy. . . here we go. How often do you ever see any guy with a "chubby, not skinny, not fat" magazine?

    I have felt the same way, but think I remember that my husband's first attempt to get me I was A LOT heavier.

    Also it would probably make an amazing gift if you ever got a specail photo session done. . you don't have to be sluty to look hot. . .just saying

    For example my ticker was a session for my husband. .
  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    My hubs has gazillions of pics of women that do NOT have my body shape, at all! (Thin, twiggy- I'm super curvy!) All I know is that he's never had a problem getting it up for me- which leads me to believe that he finds me attractive. Don't think too hard about how your SO gets his jollies.... don't compare yourself... just be the best you that you can be.
  • melodymist
    melodymist Posts: 43 Member
    men are attracted to all shapes and sizes. i wouldnt take it to heart. he really likes/loves you so he is going to say you are fine the way you are. do what makes YOU happy.

    I agree :)
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    Wow, he sounds like a douche. He shouldn't be looking at other women and while it's "sweet" that he tells you he likes you the way you are, he isn't supportive of you.

    NOT this
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    Wow, he sounds like a douche. He shouldn't be looking at other women and while it's "sweet" that he tells you he likes you the way you are, he isn't supportive of you.

    NOT this

    Haha I'm in love :love:
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    My ex used to have a calendar of Orlando bloom, did it bother me? Not at all. She thinks he's cute, so what. If she had a calendar of someone she sees everyday at work/school etc. that would be a little different lol. It doesn't matter to me if my s/o has a crush on a celebrity. I have mine too! Lol I don't know what her name is but I think that girl from "new girl" is really cute haha
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    He's with you, not someone else. But if you want to lose weight that is your business, he will love you either way. And every guy I've known has a porn stash somewhere. If he just has Playboys and posters... well that's not that bad really... = )
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    10-15 pictures is really nothing to be worried about. A entire hard drive of hard core bestiality porn? That I'd be worried about.
  • ChristiH4000
    ChristiH4000 Posts: 531 Member
    When my bf and I moved in together, I had a momentary flash of insecurity when he was putting up posters of Jessica Alba and Kat Von D (amid posters of ninja turtles and the hulk and only in his man-cave, not in our shared spaces), but I realize that he both loves me for me and appreciates their fiery hotness. I can't say that they aren't super-hot because they are, and I can appreciate the appeal of a beautiful woman. Our bodies are truly beautiful by nature. I can't say he's a douche either just because he has them. He would be a douche if he expected me to look like them or criticized me because I don't. They are paid to maintain a certain image and that image is certainly nice to look at, but most people understand that most people can't maintain that kind of body as we don't have a dedicated staff of personal trainers and nutritionists catering to us. Men are visual creatures capable, just as we are, of being turned on by many different styles, body types, and people. It's not realistic to think that your significant other never sees the beauty or sexuality in another woman, and I'd much rather it be a fact that we can be honest and open about instead of a topic that is shameful or hidden. Hot bodies are nice to look at, and he likes to look at my body too. As long as he is not disrespectful to me with unrealistic expectations, I have no issue.
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    We take pictures on vacation, but it doesn't mean we don't think our home towns are beautiful.

    All women that make the most of what they were born with are beautiful.

    LOVE THIS!!!!!!
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    10-15 pictures is really nothing to be worried about. A entire hard drive of hard core bestiality porn? That I'd be worried about.
    Hahaha the funniest thing I've herd all day!!!!
  • Natty0506
    Natty0506 Posts: 103 Member
    Wow, he sounds like a douche. He shouldn't be looking at other women and while it's "sweet" that he tells you he likes you the way you are, he isn't supportive of you.

    NOT this


    OP, men look at women. It's just part of life. I'm sure you appreciate a nice set of abs when you see them and yet you love your fiance even if he doesn't have those abs. Hell, I'm a sucker for an amazing body. Like, drool worthy is good for me. But I'm attracted to larger men. *shrug* I wouldn't think too hard about it.
  • chach918
    chach918 Posts: 80 Member
    Here's a mans point of view. We find alot of woman beautiful , but would not want to live with them and have a life.
    Woman find other men attractive , that does not make them bad either. Be yourself and stay healthy by exercising and
    staying at a healthy weight. Good luck to you both .