Smokin Hot Green Peppers



  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey porka.....sometimes it just SUC-s! sorry to hear bout the work issues and i know how you feel about 'change'.....when i first started drivin the bus, yr after yr it was the same routine, route, for the last few yrs, it is always something new the school is trying, maybe pay us less and drive more, or take away some of our benefits, and usually it is b/c of 'cut backs' now, or so they think they are saving, and i have learned it does not matter who you least in my position, and yes, that makes me feel like they don't value me. i try each yr to prepare myself for any unexpected news, and sometimes i get over it very quickly, other times not. i just have to remind myself that i have a job and i do love what i am doing, money isn't always everything, but it does help. you nailed it on the head...try to stay positive thru this, get some good rest and try not to stress. Monday will be here and gone b4 you know it. glad you shared this with us and hope it helped you some.....i am sure in the end it will all work out hon. :flowerforyou:

    darn pools has been so cold and rainy here this summer the pool usage was very minimal. :frown:

    hang in there christi!! {{{hugs}}} let us know how it goes! :heart:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hey all HAPPY SUNDAY NIGHT!:grumble: not fun for the work day to come, but I am in a rather good mood!:)
    Porka- My thoughts are with you, I hate change at first as well, but it will all work out for you! I just know it:) :bigsmile:
    the way I see it is "change is like sand in your crack, it is uncomfortable as heck, but after you take it out you realize it was just as little pebble in the path of life"
    Kelly- No worries, you can always jump back on track here, and we are always here for you , you know that!:bigsmile:
    Then hubby had watch all day yesterday until late lastnight so i Crafted a bit, which was fun. I got into my "Alone" routine with the girls again which was good as well. Was late for church today, so i didn't go (no biggie) :ohwell: The hubby went golfing today so i took the girls to pick the blackberries down the hill again as they are so ripe now I can smell them in the wind:bigsmile: :blushing: :bigsmile: :blushing: :bigsmile: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    so walked a long way doing that and was stretching the whole darn time:) am gonna freeze them and make a sugarfree jam and someother fun thing i guess.
    Heard from my daughters eye doc, and he wants to go ahead and do a 1day surgery on her eyes (they both go lazy, and I can't afford to keep replacing glasses anymore) so I have explained everything to her, now we are just waiting for the insurance to get back to us and gie us a date. (gonna have to drive to north seattle to do it, which should be fun ) I :heart: going to seattle:) That is were I would live as a single girl if i was one:heart::drinker: :heart: :drinker: :bigsmile: :happy: :tongue:
    Well gonna take the girls on a bike ride and cook up some grub!
    Been doing really good onthe eating (havn't been loging though:grumble: but im getting back to it tomorrow;)
    Hope everyone has a wonderful night and all:)
    :heart: my family
    :heart: r my MFP gal pals
    :heart: the blackberries I want to eat up
    :heart: my health!
    Ill be back here in the am:)
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Good morning all
    Ms V- I agree I love Seattle too. Haven't been back in a while, but I still call it home, even with being in Texas as long as I have.
    Porka- I agree I hate change too, but we can not move forward if there is no change. Who know this boss might be the one to give you the tools for later sucess.
    Kel-Have fun today, the first day of school is always sooo exciting!!
    :heart: No weight gain weekend!!
    :heart: SGHP!
    :heart: Only 2 coke the whole weekend(major)hahaha
    :heart: The best kids in the world!!
    :heart: Prayers work!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Hey Green Peppers!

    made a list of things to do to keep me busy today (between my routes) easy for me to sit and feed my face....workin on changin THAT! have a parents/players football meeting around supper time.

    Miss V ~ what kind of crafts do you do? i put all my jewelry stuff away, but gettin the itch to get at it again. I made about $177 from the show in May. I would rather custom make than try to figure out what ppl like. MMMM black berries! :tongue: my inlaws have them, but someone picked them all...i just bought some frozen ones yesterday! hope all goes well for you dd eye surgery. they monitored my son from about age 4> 12 for that. OMG, the price of glasses was awful, and he had the thick lenses. in MS he was able to get contacts, the permiable gas ones ( last a yr or so, not disposable) and they are very thick, not cheap either, but our new ins does help pay. Seattle sounds like a hot place....hope to get there someday

    Jacque ~ hey hun, we started school last Wed....we are on our first full week now. kids on the bus have been pretty good, cept have some rowdy kindergartners, girls! :laugh: our school has mandatory assigned seats, and they don't get it yet......still too soon. have some road construction going on, and actually it has shortened my route, so fine with that. i am so happy for you.....not gaining! that is very good Jacque! you will have a loss i am sure by Fri! keep at it, one day at a time! :bigsmile:

    have a great Monday SHGP!

    :heart: the sun is shining!
    :heart: my son starts his 2nd yr of college today
    :heart: my doggies are going to get baths and their bed cleaned
    :heart: the motivation my SHGP's provide
    :heart: prioritize ME
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: Morning all!
    Well started the day off rigth for me so far!:bigsmile: Got some plain oatmeal, a cup of coffee, fat free creamer, and 1/2 cup of blackberries:) Then off to the GYM (Finally) It has been so long and I am so excited:) :heart:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    found a great website! i think it will do us good to look at it!
    you enter in the food you are looking for and it pops up and shows you how it holds on the fullness meter, and all vitamins in the food, and all facts:) I am gonna look at it somemore:bigsmile:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    hey Kel sorry I knew that I guess I was just in back to school mode with my son and ran with it.
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    did ok on the meals today, had what seemed like a million snacks though:grumble: but that is because i can't get any water down me:grumble:
    did workout at the gym though! :) which was ok..... so not used to it anymore thoguh:grumble:
    all in all it was an ok day. Trying not to let that things on my mind consume me though and working hard at it.
    :heart: v
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    was up late lastnite readin and then woke up @ 4 and could not go back to sleep:angry: so i am kinda tired now.:yawn: yesterday was so-so. i started off good then it went downhill from there. i was WAY over on my cals....need to plan and prepare more...which i have done in the past, so need to get back at it. did i tell you all i bought the JM Master your Metabolism book? well, i am only on ch 4 but it has been the most eye opening, SCARY diet book i have ever bought, and i have a library of 17/19 yr old boys are not going to like what i do the the cupboards here. dh is kinda supportive, but we'll see. i thought i was eatin pretty healthy, and well, since Jacque mentioned the diet coke info, plus aspartame and all the many other preservatives, i am seriously gonna try harder at de-junking my body. it will be even harder than what i was doin, so small changes will be the only way.

    takin my oldest pugger to the vet today, for her annual visit. she is almost 10 and doing pretty good considering she has hypo thyroid. then will work on my house chores, meal preps, and get some exercise in.

    Miss V ~ thanks for the website, good to have that available. you did great yesterday! happy for ya!

    wonder how christi's day went with the new boss? thinkin of ya girl!

    HI to everyone else!! hope all is going good for you!

    have a great day SHGP! keep on keepin and focus on YOU!! :smile:
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Went to the gym yesterday and going again today! cant wait.
    did 8 miles on the bike last night and did 1 round of circuit training and only .5 mile on the elliptical. ( i dont like the elliptical) but going to do more tonight. i wasnt into it as much last night.....last minutes decision to go.
    I wish I could say I have been doing great with eating. the only thing I have done is follow jacques technique and stopped the diet drinks and dont use splenda or sugar free things anymore. Its seems to have stopped most of my cravings. Its great!
    I hope that the SHGP are doing great.
    KELLY...thanks for the friendly are the glue that holds this team together. You are always supportive of EVERYONE and its makes it so nice to see the things you say.
    Great job MISS V on the gym....its is hard to get into it again...but 1 day there is 1 day you werent at home doing as I tend to do...which is NOTHING! :bigsmile:
    Jacque...hope all is well on your and all isnt kicking your butt and you are still doing great with your new change in eating and drinking.
    where our doing the great do's she does and loving married life? miss ya sassie...
    everyone else....lets get motivated. I know I am using halloween as 1 incentive for me b/c the costumes my hubby and I are doing for our party is something I want to be a bit smaller for so as to look super sexy that night! we want to really stand out!!!! :bigsmile: :tongue:
    and also our trip to the biltmore is next month....the 18th and 19th....cannot wait. i have found our hotel and its soooo cute!!! nothing spectacular but its nice and has some great ammentities....A BAR AND RESTAURANT soooo glug glug glug...:drinker:
    luv you all :heart:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hey all,
    Sorry MIA yesterday, In meetings all day the went to work after work. Never got a second to get on PC. So hanging in there. Going thru some body function changes, not sure if because of the chemicals, or intake of regular sugar some or lime juice. Feeling good. Have not been to gym, really going to try and get there today.
    :heart: It's Wednesday-Hump Day
    :heart: Finished a major project!!
    :heart: Kids are doing great
    :heart: Got gas, food and shelter
    :heart: SHGP!!!
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    So I have added a new ticker....I have seen how great MissV is doing and so many others with their quiting and I had a friend tell me I NEED to put one up.
    I have been smoke free for 1 year and 6 months and still counting!!! :drinker:
    I have NEVER felt better b/c I dont huff and puff and cough or even get as sick. And believe it or not later that year.....when I husband quit and he said he thought he NEVER would. hes been 1 yr FREE of cigs!:drinker: :bigsmile:
    Its a nasty habit...and one that I am SOOO glad I am not doing anymore!
    To those that have quit....CONGRATS...b/c its hard but well worth it...
    and those that havent....and want to....
    I can be done with patience, a little self control, and support!:drinker: :bigsmile: :tongue:

    Just thought I would share this.
  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    Yay Ktn. That's amazing!!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey friends....

    been doing good today so far on eatin...hope to get things made ahead of time to help lessen the 'food prep stress'! i ate clean all day yesterday and i don't know if it is too early to reap the benefits, but today i have been like the energizer bunny! i am just bouncin all over the house here doing my cleanin, laundry, etc. HYPER! a good hyper tho. it is very time consuming makin sure there are no preservatives/fake sugar in foods, and i think if i master just one or two meals a day, i will eventually get there. C25K on the treadmill today...too humid outside and rainin

    kitn ~ thanks to you always cheer me up! nice workout yesterday! you go girl! AND....that is so great of your 1 1/2 yrs no smokin! i am so glad you feel is a really tough habit to stop. gotta be proud of YOU! :flowerforyou: what you and dh dressin as for Hall? i used to have an annual party years ago, for family, and we all dressed up and ate, drank, played games and had a scavenger hunt. FUN!! your upcoming trip sounds like a good time too!

    Jacque ~ i want to really thank you for mentioning this whole diet coke, artificial sweetner info. i am trying to grasp it by the horns. i dont really drink pop, but man o man, all the fake sugar and preservatives in the foods we eat. UNBELIEVABLE! no wonder we have so many health issues and metabolic problems. i have learned a lot from JM Master Your Metabolism book. not finished either. REAL sugar is much better for us folks. i wouldn't be surprised if you are feeling some bodily changes....good ones i hope. i buy lemons and limes and slice them up or chunk them up and freeze them and add to my daily water. they act as an ice cube too, but a flavored one! you are doing great jacque!! so happy for you and all that you bring here!

    well, have a good one SHGP's! are we still doing a weigh in Friday? i think i am finally back on track and ready to do what's important again.....let's do it green team! :bigsmile:
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    hey friends....

    been doing good today so far on eatin...hope to get things made ahead of time to help lessen the 'food prep stress'! i ate clean all day yesterday and i don't know if it is too early to reap the benefits, but today i have been like the energizer bunny! i am just bouncin all over the house here doing my cleanin, laundry, etc. HYPER! a good hyper tho. it is very time consuming makin sure there are no preservatives/fake sugar in foods, and i think if i master just one or two meals a day, i will eventually get there. C25K on the treadmill today...too humid outside and rainin

    kitn ~ thanks to you always cheer me up! nice workout yesterday! you go girl! AND....that is so great of your 1 1/2 yrs no smokin! i am so glad you feel is a really tough habit to stop. gotta be proud of YOU! :flowerforyou: what you and dh dressin as for Hall? i used to have an annual party years ago, for family, and we all dressed up and ate, drank, played games and had a scavenger hunt. FUN!! your upcoming trip sounds like a good time too!

    Jacque ~ i want to really thank you for mentioning this whole diet coke, artificial sweetner info. i am trying to grasp it by the horns. i dont really drink pop, but man o man, all the fake sugar and preservatives in the foods we eat. UNBELIEVABLE! no wonder we have so many health issues and metabolic problems. i have learned a lot from JM Master Your Metabolism book. not finished either. REAL sugar is much better for us folks. i wouldn't be surprised if you are feeling some bodily changes....good ones i hope. i buy lemons and limes and slice them up or chunk them up and freeze them and add to my daily water. they act as an ice cube too, but a flavored one! you are doing great jacque!! so happy for you and all that you bring here!

    well, have a good one SHGP's! are we still doing a weigh in Friday? i think i am finally back on track and ready to do what's important again.....let's do it green team! :bigsmile:

    well we always go as a matching couple and my crazy a** hubby loves to shock people so this year we will peter pan and tinker bell. Last year, i was the naughty school girl and he was a nun....DRESS and panty hose, and ALL! It was freakin hilarious!!!!
    and the funny thing is, he wont buy his, he will make and create his own. Hes so thrifty! I cant wait till halloween. For whatever reason...its one of my favorite holidays. But b/c its on a saturday this year and to not interfere with my kids' trick or treating...i am going to have to have the party that Friday or the prior weekend...have to wait and see.
    We have a HUGE field next door to my moms house that we might use. It will allow everyone to hang out in an area where they cant trash my house. Huge bon fires and LOTS and LOTS of drinks!!
    I dont remember much of last years after about 3 hrs into it. Its sad...wont get that drunk again b/c I hate to not know what is going on.
    But going this week to start my costume shopping...just hate to buy anything just yet b/c I want to lose a bit more so maybe late next month or the first of October.
    Thanks for asking Kell
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Hello everyone, thanks for the message kellya, I have been busier than usual and didn't realize that I hadn't updated you all. I often get confused on who I tell things especially when I do chats with friends on Facebook and stuff - since I'm typing it's not like I'm on the phone....anyway, I had my meeting with the new boss. She is nice and really just feeling her way around this as she's never worked DHMO before, I basically just filled her in on where I am with my goals thus far this year, my intentions going forward and they types of things I needed my old boss for. Primarily I am pretty self-sufficient in S. Florida, I have a decent sized network, some membership and there is alot of competiton - unlike my counter part in the Tampa area who covers tampa, orlando north through Tallahassee, Jax and the pan handle. Those are much harder areas for low-copay plans and capitation in general as they really don't have to take it. She seems like she is going to be very on the straight and narrow, which is not something I'm used to but at the same time I realize she is new to the job so that is fine. All in all, I feel better about it, I have gotten to speak with my old boss several times now and she will be around filling in the blanks and stuff until 9/30.

    Well there were alot of things I wanted to comment on from things posted but I guess some of them went to another page so I can't see them right off! Sorry - will go through again later and re-post. thanks again for everyone's support. Some good news in my area is that Raffy may be getting a job for at least 6 weeks with his welder friend - under the table or so I've been told, so keep your fingers crossed - October will be a year that he's been laid off as a commercial union plumber. :noway:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Allright so the things that I wanted to comment on:

    jac - you are right the new boss is from a bigger team so I think we'll have alot more tools available to us in the future, this may take some time but that is fine.

    kellya - I bought the JM metabolism book too although haven't made it far, so it's beside the bed, hopin to get in it now that I have interesting feedback from you!

    kitn - you and hubby are goin to the biltmore? NC? I get confused on some of the hotels that have similar just wanted to clarify which one - no matter in the end - yall will have a great time and you will look fab!

    oh and someone posted a cigarette non-smoking ticker - that is great (sorry I didn't rescroll to figure who - but we have approx three people here I think that have that ticker and esp for the ones like sass and miss v I think that are new to that - so kudos to you all! I used to smoke, never did until college, but did here and there, then with a job where that would be the break we all took, it did it more. Finally gave that up altogether and don't smoke unless drinking now for about the last 15 years. Although being honest, sometimes I do alot more than I'd like when drinking but that is another story and at least it's not daily and all day.

    Okay, so I think that got most of the thoughts I had out! I hope all those who have kids are dealing wtih new school okay and that includes bus drivers! lol :happy:
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Allright so the things that I wanted to comment on:

    jac - you are right the new boss is from a bigger team so I think we'll have alot more tools available to us in the future, this may take some time but that is fine.

    kellya - I bought the JM metabolism book too although haven't made it far, so it's beside the bed, hopin to get in it now that I have interesting feedback from you!

    kitn - you and hubby are goin to the biltmore? NC? I get confused on some of the hotels that have similar just wanted to clarify which one - no matter in the end - yall will have a great time and you will look fab!

    oh and someone posted a cigarette non-smoking ticker - that is great (sorry I didn't rescroll to figure who - but we have approx three people here I think that have that ticker and esp for the ones like sass and miss v I think that are new to that - so kudos to you all! I used to smoke, never did until college, but did here and there, then with a job where that would be the break we all took, it did it more. Finally gave that up altogether and don't smoke unless drinking now for about the last 15 years. Although being honest, sometimes I do alot more than I'd like when drinking but that is another story and at least it's not daily and all day.

    Okay, so I think that got most of the thoughts I had out! I hope all those who have kids are dealing wtih new school okay and that includes bus drivers! lol :happy:

    Hey porka.....yes it is the Biltmore in NC....I cannot wait!!! it will be so much fun! And I was the newly added smoking ticker. I am very happy with it and I know in the long run I have made the best decision I could have made to allow me to be in the best health for my family! Thanks for the kudos!:bigsmile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    mornin SHGP's!

    so far, so good today. oatmeal, blueberries, walnuts, skim milk, flaxseed..really fills you up! :tongue: need to get some groceries so i can do better with this clean eatin. i started (again) the C25K yesterday...hope to stick with it this time. are we goin to do challenges anymore? just wondering since tomorrow is wi day....let me know what you think....

    kitn ~ sounds like you guys really know how to master the H party! so so funny :laugh: we have been hillbilly's (funky teeth, bibs), mornin couple (face cream, rollers, robes, slippers and eye mask), and king queen get up. it is so much fun and when everyone else does it, you really dont care what you look like! :bigsmile: how fun for you and the partiers! :drinker:

    christi ~ glad everything is going good for you....i am sure you will adjust fine. you seem very experienced and confident! yippy for Raffy! that is def good news and maybe less stress for you all. happy for ya! :flowerforyou:

    been a good 7 mos now for some of us.....i am proud that we are still here and not giving up on this journey. i know each and everyone of us has it in us to get to where we want to be. change is not easy and just think how much we have learned. we are striving for health and making the choices that are necessary. Keep at it SHGP'S!!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Good Morning all!!
    Wow so I am really struggling this week with keeping all the balls in the air. Good news is DD is in a boot and walking some but still has to wait till near the end of Sept to start physical therapy. She really working hard on the home school. Wants to finish in Dec and start college in Jan. I am so proud of her she starting to get it. DS loves high school, seems so motivated,I am so proud:blushing: of my kids.
    Other good news by second job is going to let me work from home yay!!!:bigsmile: Now I don't feel so guilty leaving the kids at night. Plus they gave me 2 more accounts so hoprfully that will help the paycheck.
    But I am really stuggling with exercising, Since I went off the sugarfree stuff, I actually been having hunger pains, I actually feel when I am hungry but the weird part I been getting full quicker. So even so I am eating whatever I want I haven't gain weight, so I know if I could just get motivate to work out I might actually lose some weight. I know this but I just don't know why I don't do it. :indifferent:
    :heart: I love my kids!!
    :heart: One more day closer to the weekend
    :heart: My SHGP!!!
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: