How much weight do you loose in a month



  • Here's my stats- I just reached my first goal of 185 lbs, down 65 lbs since the birth of my child... for info on what has inspired me and what I'm doing, take a look at my blog on my page:

    (dates /weights since end of pregnancy)

    Date / Weight

    12/13: 250.0 (day I went to the hospital to deliver my daughter)

    12/19: 224.0 (-26)

    12/26: 211.4 (-12.6)

    01/13: 206.2 (-5.2)

    01/17: 205.8 (-.4)

    01/21: 204.4 (-1.4)

    01/22: 202.6 (-1.8)

    01/30: 207.2 (+4.6) (yikes- what's going on here??... better start eating better / change my ways!)

    02/02: 207.6 (+.4) (gallbladder surgery day) :-(


    Here's when I decided to start doing some research on what I need to do to lose weight because I wanted to lose it the right way this time - I am breastfeeding, so I took the "slow and steady" approach, but it has turned out to be the "fast" way in the long run!!! I am pleasantly surprised!! See below:


    02/06: 206.8 (-.8)

    02/10: 199.2 (-7.6 lbs!)

    02/17: 199.2 (-0) Uh oh... what did I do wrong? Time for more research...

    02/18 : 198.8

    02/20 : 198.6

    02/24 : 197.6 (-1.6)

    02/26 : 196.6

    02/27 : 196.0

    02/28 : 195.6 Total this month: 12 lbs

    03/02 : 194.8 (-2.8)

    03/07 : 193.8

    03/09 : 193.4 (-1.4)

    03/10 : 192.8

    03/11 : 192.0

    03/12 : 191.2

    03/16 : 190.0 (-3.4)

    03/17 : 189.4

    03/23 : 189.2 (-.8)

    03/24 : 188.8

    03/25 : 187.8

    03/26 : 187.6

    03/30 : 187.4 (-1.8) (My Birthday) Total this month: 8.2

    04/01 : 187.2

    04/06 : 187.0 (-.4) *since 2/6: 19.8, Overall: 12/13: 63! still lost w/ birthday! :-D

    04/10 : 185.6 (down 1.4 since 4/6) and *2.75 inches lost (since 4/2)

    04/13 : 184.8 (- 2.2) - I've actually increased my calories even more lately... interesting!!

    Hopefully this is a helpful visual for some of you out there struggling with your weight loss- it took a lot for me to post this here... I started out being confused, not knowing what to do. The links I have saved on my blog were soooooo incredibly helpful in me understanding what I was doing wrong, and my life is changed forever. I also am a huge fan of the concepts behind Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle. Tom Venuto is a genius. :bigsmile: I know now that I will reach my goals, without a problem, without defeat, and without frustration- finally!! Losing weight is not the evil, dreaded thing it used to be... now I look forward to it!
  • @mandamommy - How did you lose so much weight in one month? My profile is set to lose 1 pound per week. On most days, I am very under my daily net calories. I don't know what to do if I am not hungry and I burned over 1000 calories in one workout. I don't want to overeat but I am worried I will get to the starvation mode and not lose any weight. I am new to this site - only a member for about 1 week. I want to lose a total of 50 pounds. Any advise will be greatly appreciated.

    hi there..m too new here. My profile was set for 1 pound per week just like yours. I followed it for around 6 days. I was loosing good weight until I ate back burned calories on April 8th and I was back to my starting weight. It was then I realized that its time to change my goals. I have set it to 2 pounds per week. I take 1200 calories a day as recommended whether m hungry or not. Well food is almost same as before. All I have changed is my mind and exercising time. I burn around 350 calories a day doing stationary biking (light effort). Its so much fun.
  • Iamjulez
    Iamjulez Posts: 48 Member
    I had this exact question! I wasn't sure if I was doing anything right... I put mine to lose 2 lbs per week and am trying to keep steady between 1200 - 1300 calories a day I've also started walking between 30-60 minutes a day to ease myself back into exercise (after a long period of not lol) .. but I'm tryin not to "starve myself" just make better choices... I'd love to hear more details on the diets/routine everyone else is doing to get such great results so that I don't hurt instead of help myself!

  • mnfrank11
    mnfrank11 Posts: 35 Member
    Personally I have mine set to lose 1.5lbs per week, but generally eat around 1400cals a day. I NEVER deprive myself of anything I want or crave, but try to eat majority of my calories before 2pm, then have a light dinner. I don't work out a whole lot, but try to do something active every day whether it be a 45 minute walk with my puppy or playing an hour of tennis.

    I think the major thing is finding something that works for you! Don't get to caught up on the numbers every month or week (although I am a compulsive weigher myself.... every day i step on the scale), but to not stress over it. Stress makes you gain weight/ retain water/ eat mindlessly, so just enjoy your journey and with Summer here maybe find something you like doing outdoors! I tend to exercise for a longer period of time if I am outdoors just because I am not thinking about the time ticking down on the treadmill. Cheers and best of luck on your Journey! You can do it!

  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    Grammar police!! Where are you??
  • Liberty_7728
    Liberty_7728 Posts: 51 Member
    I started MFP three weeks ago and I am down 9 pounds. I am really overweight and have at least another 66 pounds to go. It depends on how over weight you are. The bigger you are now the more you can safely shed monthly. Be careful and do it on a healthy scale or it will come back as you will not be able to hold that loss. Listen to your body and work with it. Keep a good food diary and try to go back and look at what you are eating. Switching it up can help keep your metabolism chugging along. Good luck!
  • Sb65513n
    Sb65513n Posts: 131 Member
    I was losing about 8 to 9 pounds a month. Last month I lost 10 this month will probably be about 6.
    THICKandFIT Posts: 63 Member
    I've lost 22 pounds since March 27th 2012 so it still hasn't been quite a month yet. I'm doing a raw food thing this week as a challenge to myself so I expect to drop a few more pounds before the month is over. Although much of this initial loss is water weight it feels incredible to see the numbers fall so quickly. If only it would continue this fast!
  • greenteasky
    greenteasky Posts: 11 Member
    I lost 4 lb so far, but I have been using this application for months....
    I need motivation......
    Please add me greenteasky so we can motivate each other.
    :smile: :smile:
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    I'm losing about a pound every five days or so. I'm delighted! Slow and steady. And healthy.
  • idziak04
    idziak04 Posts: 69
    March was my first month and I lost about 5 pounds.

  • I've lost 20 in 3 months. (12 weeks)
    There is a lot of advice on here about eat your exercise calories, don't eat your exercise calories, etc...
    I think you have to find what works for you and your body. I am short ( 5 ft) and have 70 lbs to lose.
    What has worked for me is eating around 1250 -1400 a day, doing an hour of Zumba 4 times a week and walking at least an hour 2 days a week. But that is me. Your story may be different. The key is to stay focused and determined, trust this process and move forward! This process of losing weight is so individual, but we are all striving for the same thing which makes this site great. Keep looking at the success stories to keep you motivated too!
    Good luck on your journey. I can say being down 24 lbs into my 70 that I need to lose, that I have never felt better and am so excited to see this process through to a more fit and healthy me. You can do it too!
  • Since Dec. Ive lost 17 ibs, but I did not really start pushing myself until about 3 weeks ago, so in the last 3 weeks ive lost 9 ibs -- I hope to keep losing 2ib a week
  • erh12275
    erh12275 Posts: 40 Member
    On an average I have lost about 10lbs per month over the last 2.
  • deejaycee114
    deejaycee114 Posts: 139 Member
    i lost 10 my first month, and so far now during my second month, i've lost 5 more. the first 10-20 are usually the easiest and fastest to lose....or so i've heard. lol
  • jsugihara86
    jsugihara86 Posts: 71 Member
    I lost 11 lbs the 1st month, thats with cheating on the weekends and going over quiet a few days.
  • robsgurl
    robsgurl Posts: 97 Member
    I have been working for 2 months now and the first month I lost 4 1/2 pounds and this month so far I have lost 5 1/2
  • bb_34
    bb_34 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm dropping about 15 pounds a month (55 pounds since 1/2/2012), but I started high (289). I assume it will slow down as I get closer to a normal weight. I typically eat around 1200-1800 calories a day and exercise most of that back to end up around a net 0-500.
  • JB5349
    JB5349 Posts: 135 Member
    Sometimes 10, sometimes none. Doesn't matter much to me anymore, I just keep going.

    I have to admit to me this is inspiring...I am trying not to be ruled by the scale. I am trying to be ruled by eating normally and working out! I now am getting my highs from working out rather than food. I also got my first "you look skinny" comment today. Although my weight loss is minimal I am just happy that it is going in the right direction.

    Where I used to crave food I now crave excercise ~ and I like it!
  • logitech
    logitech Posts: 31 Member
    Really people - this is not a grammar website! People are here for support, positive feedback and guidance. All you syntax snobs should start your own insufferable group called "loosers".
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