Cheap Raised Garden for a Small Yard



  • katieklg
    katieklg Posts: 38 Member
    I just went to a gardening class. They said that for raised beds you need 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 vermicullite, and 1/3 compost. The guys said that if you have any problems growing anything or problems with bugs it's because your soil is not good enough. You might want to consider adding some compost (a mixture of different kinds is best) to that top soil. Just a suggestion ...
    I'm going to be starting my beds soon too - good luck with yours!!
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    for the watermelons and pumpkins, build a "hill" in your backyard and plant at the top so they can grow down the hill. cucumbers and beans, you can put in posts or arches and let them grow up and around. cucumbers can also be planted in the hill like the pumpkins. any kind of melon can.

    i transplanted my strawberries into a bigger box yesterday :-) i have raised beds too, but the set up is a bit different. i love gardening and growing my own food.

    cherry tomatoes, peas, and raspberries are my favorites because you can just walk outside, pick and eat! we have chickens for fresh eggs as well!!

    That's awesome. So have you decided on what you'll be planting this season. It is so much fun watching things grow. In Toronto, my dad has a garden also. We had to watch out for the deer, cats and rabbits which kept coming in, so my dad ended up putting chicken wire around the box.....yummy fresh vegetables coming up....great job :-)

    We do get stray cats in our yard often (there's a nursery right behind our house that they live in) so I might need to put up some fencing to keep them out.

    I'm hoping to plant some watermelon, cucumbers, tomatoes, and pumpkin. I also got some beans.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I just went to a gardening class. They said that for raised beds you need 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 vermicullite, and 1/3 compost. The guys said that if you have any problems growing anything or problems with bugs it's because your soil is not good enough. You might want to consider adding some compost (a mixture of different kinds is best) to that top soil. Just a suggestion ...
    I'm going to be starting my beds soon too - good luck with yours!!

    That's a good idea. I've usually just grown in top soil and added a bit of fertilizer to it before planting. That works decently well. I'm not going for prize-winning veggies, just tasty stuff my husband and I can eat. It's good to improve though as much as possible. I'm fairly new to gardening.
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    quality compost is a MUST!! you can make your own in your own backyard. save grass clippings, leaves, food from the kitchen...... pile it up and turn every once in a while. it's great for a garden!!!

    I just went to a gardening class. They said that for raised beds you need 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 vermicullite, and 1/3 compost. The guys said that if you have any problems growing anything or problems with bugs it's because your soil is not good enough. You might want to consider adding some compost (a mixture of different kinds is best) to that top soil. Just a suggestion ...
    I'm going to be starting my beds soon too - good luck with yours!!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Great job! I have been working on my container veggie garden and go home everyday excited to see how much my plants have grown. It's such a good feeling to have a hobby that also leads to eating haha but at least it's healthy eating :smile:

    LOL for sure! I have blueberries and big boy tomatoes in pots already. Good stuff! If this goes well, I may put out some peppers in another box later.
  • schol74
    schol74 Posts: 12 Member
    Bump! I want to remember this ...thanks.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    This is so great! Way to go.

    I have a pot garden in our yard. Hehehe, not that kind of pot! We have tiny, 100% covered in concrete backyard (about 20ft x 15ft) but I love to grow things so decided to expand the pot collection when we moved here.

    Currently I have had a nice dill harvest and basil, thyme, mint, and tomatoes growing out of control. I am always trying to pawn off the herbs on my neighbors. We moved in early summer last year, too late to start veggies but I am anxious to get some things going this year.

    BTW - we live in extreme south texas, hence the prolific growth so early in the season.

    I live in Miami, so we can grow pretty much year round with some stuff doing better in winter (broccoli, cucumbers) than summer.

    I'm excited! I miss having home-grown veggies.