
So I have been using MFP for like 2 months now and I have actually gained 5 lbs and then yo-yo loss/gain the same 3 lbs for the past 3 weeks. I work out 5 days a week ( weight training, power walking or spinning) for 30mins to and hour.
The calculator says I need 1960 cals, Which is alot in my opinion. I am 6'2 female and currently wght 259.
I also have a gluten sensitivity and was previously insulin resistant- So I stay away from most bad carbs( white stuff and sugar) I think I eat pretty healthy ( meats, little dairy, fruits, veggies, some low GI carbs) no fast food, fried foods, or processed stuff.
I'm struggling as what I need to do. I gained those 5 lbs eating the max calories. So I dont know if I'm eating too much or not enough or what!!! I'm just really fustrated.



  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Open your diary so we can see why this might be happening.
  • I'm about to spout a total cliche, but here goes: Don't give up. That's it. You will find out what works for you over the long haul, and if you don't give up you will not fail - might take longer than you like, but which is better: Quit and never get there, or keep going and get there slowly?

    Anyway - sorry for such a crappy answer. In closing - WANT it (don't NEED it), and never give up.
  • jyotinaik
    jyotinaik Posts: 31 Member
    If you were insulin sensitive in the past, I suggest you eliminate low GI products and stick to meat and veggies. I had the same issue and it worked after eliminating fruits and carbs
  • Comabo
    Comabo Posts: 6 Member
    How do u open ur dairy?

    I'm still chugging along just very annoyed.

    I rarely eat the low GI carbs. Like maybe a sweet potato once a month or quinoa or flax meal muffin.
    Giving up fruit would be really hard seeing that I dont eat sweets very often ( a piece of SF chocolate once a week); its really tough cuz I have a big sweet tooth.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Home-settings-diary settings change it so it's viewable to every one. That way we can see exactly what you are eating and what may be happening.
    How do u open ur dairy?

    I'm still chugging along just very annoyed.

    I rarely eat the low GI carbs. Like maybe a sweet potato once a month or quinoa or flax meal muffin.
    Giving up fruit would be really hard seeing that I dont eat sweets very often ( a piece of SF chocolate once a week); its really tough cuz I have a big sweet tooth.
  • Could your five pound weight gain actually be muscle gain in which case it wouldn't be bad?

    Actually I feel your frustration because I've been going through a similar problem. I've been trying to loose three pounds for
    months now and don't know if I'm eating too little or too much. I did a tough two hour yoga class yesterday and walked
    up hill. Today I gained a pound. I sometimes think the science behind weight loss is all off. Supposedly 3500 extra calories
    will cause you to gain a pound. That formula never works for me.
  • zia130
    zia130 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm frustrated too! Like you, i have been on for about 2 months, i've lost a total of 1 pound in that time, i got down a few pounds but next way in they were back with no change to how i was eating / exercising....i'm confused too, do i up my calorie intake, everyone says not to decrease it because i'm already at 1200 for my daily net goal...if you figure this out would love to know, so happy for all who are seeing the results they are setting out to see, just wish i was among them
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    What is your activity level set at? Sedentary, lightly active, active or very active?

    Do you eat back your exercise calories? If so are you sure they are accurate?

    How many total calories are you eating on an average day? Net?
  • kd_mazur
    kd_mazur Posts: 569 Member
    I am 6ft and started at 270. feel free to add if you like.
    As others here have suggested it will be helpful to open you dairy so we can give you some feed back.

    Have you taken a look at how much you are eating? Have you logged everything? Have you measured or weighed your food? I found that I was orginally over estimating my exercise cals burned and under estimating the food I was eating. I think this may be true for many:)
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Are you drinking diet soda? Sometimes this hurts weight loss, the carbonation. I am also 6'2" and started this journey at 205. My calories are now at 1,605, but I think when I started last year it was at 1,750 or somewhere in there. Back to drinking. Make sure you get lots of water throughout the day, it helps me greatly. Good luck! Keep working hard, it will come!! Off, that is!
  • Comabo
    Comabo Posts: 6 Member
    What is your activity level set at? Sedentary, lightly active, active or very active?

    Do you eat back your exercise calories? If so are you sure they are accurate?

    How many total calories are you eating on an average day? Net?

    Its set at active, I dont eat back my exercise cals ( mainly cuz I cant get enough cals in a day) I try to avg about 1300 to 1400.
  • Comabo
    Comabo Posts: 6 Member
    Ok I made it public

    I drink about a liter or more of water a day. I drink soda very rarely (coke 0) usually when I'm a lil sick to the stomach.

    KD I dont weigh and measure that much ( I do measure my yogurt and fruit but not my meats and veggies.) but I can usually eyeball fairly well. but I also underestimate my exercise cals but I dont eat them back though anyway.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Okay, from what I can see you are not eating enough calories. (I know that sounds crazy) you should be consuming your daily goal (or very close to it). My fitness pal creates a caloric deficit for you as it is. Eating below that significantly (like you have been) will hinder you weight loss goals. I suggest you eat more, more protein, and try to hit your calorie goal.

    Best of luck!!!!
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 633 Member
    I agree, you have to eat enough of healthy food to actually lose weight.
    Okay, from what I can see you are not eating enough calories. (I know that sounds crazy) you should be consuming your daily goal (or very close to it). My fitness pal creates a caloric deficit for you as it is. Eating below that significantly (like you have been) will hinder you weight loss goals. I suggest you eat more, more protein, and try to hit your calorie goal.

    Best of luck!!!!
  • Comabo
    Comabo Posts: 6 Member
    I agree, you have to eat enough of healthy food to actually lose weight.

    So what do u suggest i eat that's healthy???? that's enough calories
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I agree, you have to eat enough of healthy food to actually lose weight.

    So what do u suggest i eat that's healthy???? that's enough calories

    Lean meats chicken, fish, etc., fresh fruits and veggies, avocados, nuts, peanut butter. You could add a whey protein shake in here and there. :)