Going nuts with nuts!

I love eating nuts but it's so fattening! I know it's good fat, but do you guys thing I should just completely cut it because there's always a chance of me overeating or over snacking on them.


  • Sherry79
    Sherry79 Posts: 74
    I like to get the almonds in the individual packages. That seems to keep me from going back and reaching in a jar over & over so all I eat is the one pack :smile: Of course we're all different and my weakness is sweets so I'm more tempted by them than I am nuts :smile: Sorry I've not been more help but if you haven't seen the packs of almonds I think the brand is "Blue Ridge" or something like that and there's 8 or 10 packets in them.
  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    Yes, portion control is key!

    I agree that small packages are the way to go.
    I also have a hard time stopping ........

    Raw nuts are best, less oils etc.
    Almonds, walnuts are good! :flowerforyou:
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    You can get small plastic bags or plastic containers and make your own individual serving packets. I take mine in the car and I only allow myself to eat them on the way to or from work.

    It is never a good idea--IMHO--to completely eliminate any food from your diet. Especially one that you love. It just sets you up to eventually fail because your willpower will eventually give out.:grumble:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I don't like to spend the extra money on small bags, and I also love to keep going back for more. Recently I have started measuring servings into snack size ziplocs as soon as I open the can, and that seems to help me.
  • muimuimui
    muimuimui Posts: 113
    I keep the almond and walnut package way in the back of my pantry. If I'm ever wanting some almonds or walnuts, I'll reach for two from the package, close up the package all nice and well and then go back to what I was doing previously. Which is usually on the other side of the house from the pantry.
    If I really want more, i go back and get more, but usually my laziness will stop me.
    And then its all good. ; D

    I keep count of how many times I've gone to get some and doing this, I usually have 5-10 almonds a day.
  • mappy
    mappy Posts: 31 Member
    Hello muimuimui

    Are you sure it is the actual nut that is tempting you or the convenience of grabbing something convenient, accessible, and crunchy. Try other small grab-able foods like, grapes, or grape tomatoes, pre-measured packs of spicey/herbed popcorn (no butter or oil), dried fruit chucks, etc.

    Too much of even a "good" fat - is still too much fat.
  • hungrybear
    Thank you! I started weighing out 1oz portions at first. I also bought the 100 calories pack dry roasted almonds, but yes, they are quite expensive compared to the jar ones. I am going to try to not touch them and just reach for them if I am desperate.
  • muimuimui
    muimuimui Posts: 113
    Hello muimuimui

    Are you sure it is the actual nut that is tempting you or the convenience of grabbing something convenient, accessible, and crunchy. Try other small grab-able foods like, grapes, or grape tomatoes, pre-measured packs of spicey/herbed popcorn (no butter or oil), dried fruit chucks, etc.

    Too much of even a "good" fat - is still too much fat.
    I understand where you're coming from and appreciate the tip but no, I actually like the taste of nuts. : P And assuming each almond is around 7cal that brings me to 35-70cals in almonds a day. No biggie.
    It might be too much fat, if I was going with a hunk of fatty meat on the side of my meals.
    But that doesn't happen with my meals; I've noticed recently that I'm rarely actually eating meat, let alone fatty cuts of it.

    I think pre-measured packs are often a waste of packaging and money.
    Grapes, dried fruit and grape tomatoes are fine, I eat those too. But they just don't have the satisfying crunch of almonds.
    As for popcorn, I'm not really that much of a fan. The artificial flavoring taste exactly like that. Artificial. And without it can often be bland.

    edit: You know, looking at the thread, I think you might have accidentally been addressing the OP, and thought the OP was me by mistake. Similar display picture, my bad;;
  • hungrybear
    Thanks for the tips!

    And miumiumiu, we have almost the same icon! Most likely! haha.

    But yes, I have put away my mixed nuts, and I am giving away the unopened ones. I think I'll just have to deal with not eating them. Or if I really want them, I will buy those measure ones by the ounce or something. Hopefully seeing the price of those will make me back off. =)