Lost 112 pounds now having food issues



  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    You are speaking about this like it's a diet. Make it a lifestyle change. Give yourself a buffer of say, 5 pounds max. If you gain over that number you will reevaluate what you are doing and get back on board. There is no reason you should let your diet control your life to this extent. How could you not be miserable?

    I'm not thrilled about it that's why I'm talking to my doctor about it. I'm happy with the healthy eating and have no desire to go back to my old life....thus part of my fears. I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to have the 5 pound buffer. That is why I want to lose the last 10 pounds so I have the buffer. Right now, I'm at the top of my weight range. I wanted to go a little further in for this buffer for special occasions or if I creep up a bit and I can stay on top of it. But my weight hasn't dropped in 4 1/2 months. Another frustration.

    I know how you feel. I maintained 192 for over a year without trying so I know you can do it once you get there.
  • trinoc
    trinoc Posts: 73
    You made a choice and worked your butt off (literally!) to lose 112 lbs. It took you a year! It took a LOT of commitment and thought. You don't have to throw caution to the wind. Maintain that same level of commitment and thought. Continue to log food and exercise into MFP and let them calculate your maintenance level of calories. Stick with it. Forever. If you find that the numbers seem to be off and your weight is inching up (don't wait until you're 20 lbs up) then re-evaluate and adjust accordingly.

    You look so healthy and happy. You were beautiful before and you're beautiful after...but I can sure see the excitement in your eyes in your "after" pics!
  • hil30
    hil30 Posts: 8 Member
    WOW! U look GREAT! and I also think it is natural to feel that way ...IM proud of u,I know that is hard work and alot of self disaplin!.Keep up the good work girl:)
  • aweightymatter
    You are speaking about this like it's a diet. Make it a lifestyle change. Give yourself a buffer of say, 5 pounds max. If you gain over that number you will reevaluate what you are doing and get back on board. There is no reason you should let your diet control your life to this extent. How could you not be miserable?

    I'm not thrilled about it that's why I'm talking to my doctor about it. I'm happy with the healthy eating and have no desire to go back to my old life....thus part of my fears. I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to have the 5 pound buffer. That is why I want to lose the last 10 pounds so I have the buffer. Right now, I'm at the top of my weight range. I wanted to go a little further in for this buffer for special occasions or if I creep up a bit and I can stay on top of it. But my weight hasn't dropped in 4 1/2 months. Another frustration.

    I TOTALLY get it, and I have the same fears to an extent after a 50+ pound loss. I'm not gonna lie -- maintaining, at least for me and many others, is HARD work, as hard as dieting. I'm having the same issues -- I'm at the top of my weight range but getting lower is extremely difficult, to say the least. I think I am just readjusting my goals and my whole attitude about this.

    But you are doing the right thing by talking to professionals!! You look awesome now so you deserve it. Oh and I love your ticker :drinker:
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    It's really interesting to me how calorie counting, even done in a healthy way, can mess with your perception of food. I actually stopped logging on here a week or so ago, because I was focusing in more on the number of calories I was eating. Nutrition had taken a back seat to giving my body good fuel. So I stopped logging and started focusing on intuitive eating. I eat when I'm hungry, and I make sure what I'm eating is good for me. I'm really focusing in on listening to my body's natural cues and giving it what it needs.

    I still will log occasionally, but at the end of the day, just so I can make sure I'm still in the ballpark I need to be in.

    Remember, not all calories are created equal. A soda may have 250 calories in it, but that doesn't mean that those calories are the same as 250 calories from fruits or vegetables. In terms of nutrition, the fruit and vegetables pull way ahead.
  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    I feel your pain! I've only lost 30+ lbs, but I have dreams sometimes where I decide to abandon healthy eating and I wake up thinking, "How the heck am I going to log all that food? Why did I eat it all?" Then I realize I'm still on track w/weight loss and I feel like it's only a matter of time before I screw it up.

    The first step, just like with healthy eating, is realizing you have an issue. I am a control freak--- I used to "control" my food intake by eating everything I wanted to, often to escape issues in life. I have moved my "control" into logging my food intake and eating healthy.

    This weekend I found some exciting "diet" recipes for sweets (my weakness) and I baked them. I love baking cookies, cakes, etc. The cookies tasted so-so, not very good, but I couldn't throw them away because I had worked *so hard* at making them! And I knew nobody else would eat them.... .so I ate them *all* for breakfast the next morning. The cookies had black beans in them, and I paid for my mistake with significant GI distress later that day.

    I don't know the answer, but let me know if you figure it out!
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    This thread is directed at people still working to lose weight... but I'm thinking you can expect the same sort of things when moving into maintenance. Knowing what to expect could help eliminate any fears. Hope this helps.


    You know thats a great group and they have some good stickies on their forum.

    Reading this thread makes me glad I am losing weight at 15% TDEE instead of going for low calorie weight loss. I am eating at my goal weight maintenance calories at the moment and losing weight, loving food, not being hungry and I suspect that when it comes time to hop over to the maintenance side of things at goal weight (cant wait for that day!) I won't have such a large psychological barrier to overcome to eating more and weight gain fears. (hopefully)

    OP the amount you have lost is a real achievement and I hope this next transition goes well for you. Maybe check out the "eat more to weigh less" group it may suit your health needs right now and there is a lot of support. There are a number of women at maintenance level now who use those forums.
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    Thanks everyone for your kind responses.