need help kicking the soda..

Trying to stop drinking soda and eating candy..


  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Use a 90/10 rule!
    90% whole foods and 10% junk.
    Case solved!
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    have you swapped to diet cola ect?
    better than normal you will grow to like it better!
  • sheryllamb72
    sheryllamb72 Posts: 163 Member
    Just dont buy it!! :tongue:
  • ruerue623
    ruerue623 Posts: 16 Member
    Theres days that I dont drink any soda even weeks and then I get an itch to drink it and its all down hill from there...
  • Laurej
    Laurej Posts: 227
    you can also make your own soda, while you wean yourself off.

    arrowhead sparkling water
    half fresh squeezed lemon
    scoop of stevia or even sugar is better than the syrups in reg soda makes an amazing sparkling lemon soda, same for any citrus, even strawberry, havent tried with other fruits but i would expect it woudl work with any liquid fruit

    with the stevia you can get creative, vanilla extract, kola extract, cherry etc

    Zevia is also REALLY good, I like it better than reg or diet sodas but it gets a bit expensive
  • kenpogrl
    kenpogrl Posts: 10 Member
    Try tea. If not try Metromint water. Chocolate and orange are my favorites! I got addicted to the plain unsweetened teas from Mickey D's. Also, greek yogurt w/ strawberries sweetened with Splenda is good. If I am super bad I will add a little dark chocolate shavings with whipped cream. not bad but helps with the chocolate cravings and is nutritious (whipped cream take it or leave it).
  • pouringraina
    pouringraina Posts: 106 Member
    When I was trying to give up soda, I went to diet, and then I started drinking carbonated drinks that were not soda. My favorite was flavored water I got from Walmart. I didn't have soda for a long time, and then I started drinking it again about 5 days ago. I'd say try something carbonated that isn't soda and see if that works for you. For me, it was all about the bubbles.
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    I had some trouble kicking that too. Just try and substitute pop for water when you can, eventually you might prefer water! And besides pop in moderation is no big deal!! I have it a lot less now but by no means have I exiled it from my diet completely!
  • ruerue623
    ruerue623 Posts: 16 Member
    As much as I take it out it always finds a way back. I am hooked on Crystal light green tea rasberry. I was told to drink green tea before bed and i will lose calories. Is this true??
  • diet soda isnt really better than normal soda except for the 0 calories but health wise its not good for you. But it is a good way to replace regular soda! If your trying to stay away from diet soda too than you can try flavored waters or iced teas. I gave up soda and have been off it for about 2 months!! it gets easier but you do need something to help you!! I now drink a lot of unsweetend iced teas and if i want them sweet i will sweeten them with honey or splenda Good luck OP!
  • I had to do it cold turkey. I switched to water (which I never drank before.. I thought it was so boring and soda is so sweet!) I really can't believe how many calories and sugar I was drinking everyday. It's been three months and I don't even miss it anymore... Unless someone's (my husband) cherry coke is fizzing right under my nose with it's amazing aroma! I still like to treat myself to candy every once in a while. I had a peep the other day (just realized I forgot to log that-oops) good luck on your journey!
  • ruerue623
    ruerue623 Posts: 16 Member
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    This worked for me...but you need a buddy haha:

    Me and my friend bet each other $100 bucks that we would stop drinking soda. We had all our other friends police us....

    ....Saturdays we allowed each other one can.

    Still don't know who won this bet haha. We don't even live in the same country anymore.
  • ruerue623
    ruerue623 Posts: 16 Member
    Im going to try really hard.. Pepsi is my weakness and truffles.... gees.... I will take all of your helpful tips amd statt doing it
    I just hate the caffiene headaches
  • chantellove
    chantellove Posts: 63 Member
    You're better than me! For me, soda is something I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE. I drink it too often, and I should give it up, but I just don't want to. I DO drink water, and when I drink soda, I don't drink a lot in one sitting. I can barely finish a can. But I love the taste, I love it with pizza, or a burger & fries, and I allow myself to drink it. Diet soda is actually WORSE for you health-wise, if the studies I've read are correct. You're better off going cold turkey, or letting yourself have regular soda once in a while, than drinking diet soda every day. :)
  • AmyQ11
    AmyQ11 Posts: 2
    Diet coke is delicious but the devil. In fact my friends and I call it the dark master. It literally makes you crave sweets because it tricks your brain into thinking its getting sugar..... Instead you're getting aspartame. It also traps the aspartame like its actually sugar and sticks right where you don't want it. There's nothing diet about it, really. Look it up. I wish it wasn't true, I have a tough time with sparkling water. Any other suggestions on bubbles?
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    I used to be a coke addict before.. Now I drink diet coke whenever I feel the urge, which is once a week or so.

    Try diet ones.
  • ruerue623
    ruerue623 Posts: 16 Member
    Well i started this journey because I work for a Nurse midwife clinic amd one of my patients challenged me to lose weigjt with her.
    Well she is about 4 weeks post partum and she is doing fabulous.. She is the one the help me get started with this website
  • Jkmumma
    Jkmumma Posts: 254
    If you NEED that soda feel, and you're comfortable with energy drinks, Monster and Rockstar (Rehab, and Recovery, respectively) have 20 calories in the normal sized can.

    While this is NOT the healthiest possible way to cut soda, it does work well for for those that just aren't the cold turkey type.

    I used to take in 2 20 ounce bottle of mountain dew during the day, and a couple of cans (or 3 or 4) at night.

    I switched to Monsters and Rockstars (REHAB AND ROCOVERY, NOT NORMAL) and I found I NEEDED less because there's more caffeine ETC, AND I found that I WANTED more water with them, so it increased my water intake. Just by need, I was drinking 4 a day at first, which is a RIDICULOUS amount, just for the record. As the water intake increased, my desire for energy drinks decreased. It kind of did it to itself, really.

    NOW, I have had about 2 mountain dews in the past 3 weeks, and I have a rockstar/monster or two a week.

    AS A SIDE NOTE: This is DECIDEDLY bad for your heart, there is a pretty high risk of tachycardia, (really high pulse rate) and combined with smoking, this is likely a recipe for disaster.

    AS ANOTHER SIDE NOTE: while I was doing all this, I also started eating healthy, and working out, so THAT also has had impact on my energy levels without caffeine, AND how much water I take in.

    My method is probably not the smartest best method, but without my crazy extremes, it is a lower cal high caffeine possibility. AND they taste good too LOL.
  • AmyQ11
    AmyQ11 Posts: 2
    Diet coke is delicious but the devil. In fact my friends and I call it the dark master. It literally makes you crave sweets because it tricks your brain into thinking its getting sugar..... Instead you're getting aspartame. It also traps the aspartame like its actually sugar and sticks right where you don't want it. There's nothing diet about it, really. Look it up. I wish it wasn't true, I have a tough time with sparkling water. Any other suggestions on bubbles?