Please help me! BMR related, I am so freaked out :(



  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    In my humblest honest opinion, if you have flirted with eating disorders in the past, instead of jumping in to calorie counting you should seek some professional help first. You need to learn how to accept yourself for who you are to help make this long journey easier for you. Counting calories can become sort of an obsession, and if you are someone who suffered from disordered eating, jumping in to this could bring it back. Instead, maybe try just logging for now and making better food choices as well as logging your exercise calories. If you are eating the right food you have nothing to be afraid of when it comes to your calorie amount. I was at a standstill for a while and learned it was because i wasnt eating enough. The idea of eating more freaked me out but as i slowly introduced more food, my body started changing again. Please dont be afraid of food, food is our bodies nourishment and it keeps us alive.

    Good luck!
  • Jessi__
    Jessi__ Posts: 31
    @MrsLong - Hi! :D that makes so much sense, thank you for taking the time to reply! I think protein shakes are definitely the way to go, and thanks for pointing out the jogging thing - you're right! That'll be my next stop once I've gotten up to my BMR I think :) x
  • Jessi__
    Jessi__ Posts: 31
    @ Linda - thank you for being concerned about me :) I have had counselling and extremely limited treatment but honestly feel ready to do this, it's just finding out that I was doing it wrong completely threw me for a loop! I have a great family and wonderful fiancee and friends, who all look out for me and make sure that I'm ok. That's why I asked for help here, too - I want to make sure I stay healthy and do this right!
  • charcharbec
    charcharbec Posts: 253 Member
    I TOTALLY get you here. When I was first trying to lose weight some bad advice from a trainer told me to eat about 600 cals a day. Eventually I ended up eating closer to 300-450. I didnt do it specifically to starve myself but it just kind of happened. Eventually I realized that I was going to need to eat more.... and so I upped my cals slowly (about 150 a week) until I got to about 1100 calories. 10 days ago another trainer told me that I should be eating more than I am to get more protein in my diet. So I now eat 1400 calories a day. Of course everything feels a lot slower.... I am now really working on building some really good muscle and increasing my strength. But even the thought of 1400 calories was a lot. I was SUPER bloated every day too at first... hoping that this doesnt always happen. Anyway I understand where you are at. I never log my exercise personally.... but I do take a protein shake immediately following my workout to help with the repairing of my muscles. I don't log that shake either.

    You will be okay. Try not to worry toooo much.
  • LauraJWStevenson
    LauraJWStevenson Posts: 55 Member
    Ya got some great advice all all I can do is add my two cents.... PROTEIN SHAKES!!!! I couldn't eat back my my was telling me to cut calories to lose weight. It don't work! I lost lean...I needed to lose FAT. Eating them back and making sure I got the protein numbers up...the weight starts coming off! Gotta feed those muscles! Finally figured that out!
  • charcharbec
    charcharbec Posts: 253 Member
    ALSO I am a Vegan as well!! SO here are some foods I use for protein:

    Black Beans, Spinach, Non GMO Tofu, Tempeh, Almonds/Nuts/Seeds, Garden of Life Raw Protein Powder, Nutritional Yeast, Sprouts, Asparagus, Kale/other leafy greens, Nut Butters

    There ARE some wonderful protein sources out there for vegans and a lot of them use up a lot of your daily cals... especially nuts and nut butters. I am a huge fan of almond butter myself.
  • Jessi__
    Jessi__ Posts: 31
    @rkorduner & @Laura - thanks guys! I've been doing a bit more reading up while the thread's been running and I'm definitely going to get me some protein shakes :D seems like a really good way to get a chunk of my daily cals in a healthy way, especially after a jog!
  • Jessi__
    Jessi__ Posts: 31
    ALSO I am a Vegan as well!! SO here are some foods I use for protein:

    Black Beans, Spinach, Non GMO Tofu, Tempeh, Almonds/Nuts/Seeds, Garden of Life Raw Protein Powder, Nutritional Yeast, Sprouts, Asparagus, Kale/other leafy greens, Nut Butters

    There ARE some wonderful protein sources out there for vegans and a lot of them use up a lot of your daily cals... especially nuts and nut butters. I am a huge fan of almond butter myself.

    If I could 'like' this here I would :D can I add you as a friend?

    I use tofu a lot in my evening meals, and sprouts, and am trying to get more spinch into my diet too (especially as I'm already prone to iron defficiency). I can always have a spoon of nut butter if need be :D
  • Emagali74
    Emagali74 Posts: 132 Member
    Well said Jessica and another poster- 800 calories a day is in no way healthy. I cant understand the mentality of anyone who thinks this is ok....
  • expouk
    expouk Posts: 4
    Best advice I can give you, calculate how many calories you need to maintain your current weight (don't include exercise in this). Once you've got this, take off 10/20% and use that on a day to day basis. You should start losing 1lb a week. Get enough protein in you and lots of fruit/veg.

    Also, make sure you intake enough fats, from nuts, milk, cheese etc. Dietary fat is completely different from the fat you see on your body and if you want a more detailed explanation then let me know.

    Other than that, eat what you want! As long as you hit your calorie target for the day you'll be good to go!
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member

    My BMR is 1626 and my TDEE 1951
    (if I set it as sedentary - I have a desk job - with the aim to eat my exercise cals).

    I don't know how to eat 1626 calories a day without panicking. Just the thought of it now makes me want to burst into tears because I literally CANNOT compute that that will make me lose weight. The thought of eating that amount every day just starts this internal monologue of "Oh god oh god oh god I'm going to get even fatter I'm never going to lose weight oh god PANIC".

    So basically... can someone please reassure me here? Hearing from people who eat at or above their BMRs and are still losing weight or have lost a decent amount of weight would be so good for me right now. I wish I wasn't so messed up that this is a problem, but it is, and I'm aking for your help so that I can push myself to eat my BMR and be okay with it, and secure that I WILL lose weight doing so.

    Are you losing weight by eating your BMR or above?
    How much/how fast?
    What is your BMR?

    P.S. I understand that there is no logic behind any of my worrying, but I can't control it, sorry for being so pathetic :(

    first of all, you are not pathetic, you are doing amazing just by being on here and trying to get healthy.

    you dont say what you weigh, but my BMR is pretty similar @ 1574. My TDEE is around 2358 inc exercise, without exercise its around 2000. I have a desk job but have set as moderately active rather than sedentary, that takes away the hassle of logging exercise cals as exercise is already included. I exercise 5x a week (mainly boxing / swimming / weights), and over the week my burn is around 3000. I eat 1950 but usually come in a little over, so average net cals are around 1600.
    I lose an average of 1.5lbs per week doing this (40lbs since October 11). Until January I was eating 1650 / net 1200 and didnt lose any more than i am doing now, due to an injury I had to lay off exercise for a bit and lost 2 or 3lbs a week eating 1650 with no exercise so i decided to stick with that level as net by increasing cals as i added exercise back in. Im very rarely hungry, except coming up to meal times which is perfectly normal!

    Ive eaten stupidly low cals in the past and in the end put all the weight back on, eating at a higher cal level makes you feel like you are not 'on a diet' so there is no reason not to stick to it, and you can lose weight more slowly but have less chance of regaining it.

    If you are vegan, the best way to get your cals up would be healthy fats like nuts, olive oil, avocado, hummus etc, also protein shakes (ive made some recently with kara coconut milk and they came out pretty tasty!)

    You shouldnt feel bad about eating more cals if it is all coming from healthy, nutritious foods. If you're currently eating less than your bmr, increase cals gradually, maybe adding 50 or 100 each week until you get to your goal :-)
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    You got some good responses. (And a bad one) don't feel pathetic! Your amazing for seeking help! Good luck and I hope the thread helped! Xxx
  • Jessi__
    Jessi__ Posts: 31
    @em9371 - that's so great that it's working so wel for you! :) well done. I plan to up my exercise a bit once I'm properly up to speed with my BMR and stuff, boxing has always looked fun! I'm definitely going to be eating more seeds and avocado and stuff, though I do not need an excuse to eat more hummus :D

    @xxxzaraxxx thanks so much hun, it definitely has :) xx
  • Gwoman2012
    Gwoman2012 Posts: 163 Member
    Hm...why is it not healthy to starve your body? Do you think the starving children in Africa are "healthy"?

    The symptoms you should be looking for- "gaining all the weight back because there is no way you can maintain a diet of 800 long term".

    I can't believe you would post this nonsense in a thread started by someone who has an eating disorder. How irresponsible of you.

    OP- I am steadily losing on 1740 net + exercise calories. You CAN do this!
  • Tink_889
    Tink_889 Posts: 244 Member
    Hi Jessica,

    I can relate a lot to your post and to be honest, I never thought I would find anybody else who had experienced similar.

    Like you, I had an eating disorder (and guess to some extent I still do) but to "recover", I started binging and so I went from being tiny to well, being the size I am now!

    It freaks me out everyday to try and get to the calories it tells me to eat on here because I think "How on earth can I eat properly and lose the weight?" - I guess it doesn't make sense to me but I'm gradually learning, from reading other peoples posts mostly and testing it out for myself.

    You can do it lovely. I hope you don't mind if I add you as a friend?

    Lottie x
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm sure someone has said this, but you need actual professional help. Find a therapist and an ED support group. This site and the people on it are not going to be able to give you the help you truly need.
  • Mommyof3texans
    There is a lot of good advice in here already, just wanted to offer some support. I also wanted to say not to be afraid of calories or healthy fats, your body needs them. You have to fuel your body to lose weight. I would say 1200 is too low, though you will need to find that level that works for you.

    I'm not at all knowledgeable on vegan diets so I'm no help there, but I think a protein shake is a great idea especially for workout days. I think if you stick to healthy, whole foods and make sure you're getting enough protein and dietary fats you'll be on the right track.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    ALSO I am a Vegan as well!! SO here are some foods I use for protein:

    Black Beans, Spinach, Non GMO Tofu, Tempeh, Almonds/Nuts/Seeds, Garden of Life Raw Protein Powder, Nutritional Yeast, Sprouts, Asparagus, Kale/other leafy greens, Nut Butters

    There ARE some wonderful protein sources out there for vegans and a lot of them use up a lot of your daily cals... especially nuts and nut butters. I am a huge fan of almond butter myself.

    Peas are pretty nice as well for both protein and fiber. (Also I like peas) :P
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    I am sorry I didn't get to read everyones response but here is the thing. You will not gain fat if you don't eat more than your TDEE. It is physically impossible. Also, don't be afraid of calories as it helps you burn fat. Too little and you will impede your process.

    So here is a response from a 36 year old 5'5" woman who eats 2100 calories on lifting days and 1800 calories on non workout days with Zero cardio.

    "I just wanted to thank you for your help. You helped me a few months back and I just wanted to give you an update on my progress. 12 weeks ago I started at 154 and 28% bf. I got my bf remeasured last Friday and it was 24%. But I only lost 1 pound. It is crazy to me but I have learned to ignore the scale. You were right that keeping consistent and not giving up my body would finally adjust.

    Thanks again for your help!


    You need to find a way where you can stop worrying about weight and worry about what your body looks like. Take pictures and measurements. Start lifting and do a little cardio and you will see what I posted above. And when you stop putting soo much value on eating too little you might get past it.

    So I also did an experiment on a person that is recoverying from and ED/had an unhealthy relationship with food. She only ate 900 calories for years. Now for 1 week I had her eat 1700 calories and she couldn't ask why. All she had to do was lift weights 3 days a week and light cardio for 3 days a week.

    After two days, I asked her how things were going and here was her resonse:

    "yayyyyyyy :D thank you for this. idk how my body is going to adjust yet, but i sure as hell feel better mentally. im in a better mood, more nrg like u said, and not freezing all the time anymore :) "

    After a week, here was my question:

    "So I quoted this as a starting point. We have already established that you are less irritable and have more energy. Here are some other questions I have for you.

    1. Think about your weight lifting, where you lifting more weights this week?
    2. Post workout, where you as sore this week as compared to last?
    3. Overall, did you feel stronger?
    4. Any more observations?

    You ate pretty good. The only thing I would switch would be reduce some carbs (maybe 50gs) and add fats.

    Lemon "

    And here is her response.

    "hey! so im def sticking to 1700, thanks so much!

    1. yes i was lifting more. i feel strnger and i already see a difference especially in the abdominal region.
    2. nope, less sore!
    3. yess i feel stronger :)
    4. just overall i feel so much better and i'm very grateful for this!!

    yea i do need to limit carbs a bit, yesterday was pretty bad ahaa but thanks so much :) i do feel kinda water weight-y but it doesn't bother me much. "

    You know something, after 2 weeks I spoke with her again and she was upset she was losing weight at 1700 calories. And we had to bump her calories to 2000 so we can work on building muscle. The biggest thing is working on getting out of your own way and keep reading stories of those very successful and see how much they eat.
  • pukekolive
    pukekolive Posts: 237 Member
    I love a scoop of vanilla protein powder in my breakfast cereal or with whole grain porridge - mix it in well before adding low fat milk tastes yummy!

    With the porridge mix it in with some milk after cooking the porridge