Night Workouts: How do you MOTIVATE yourself?

I exercise at the end of the night because thats the only time i can but i just feel so worn out by the end of the day. any suggestions how i could motivate myself? and how do you guys obtain the energy needed to power through a workout??

thanks :)


  • JonesJennings
    JonesJennings Posts: 59 Member
    I used to train a lot in the evenings, and was often the last person out of the gym. I got a bit of motivation by looking at the clock, and seeing the member of staff sweeping up, thinking 'he's going to kick me out any minute now, better finish the sesh before then so I haven't wasted my journey'.
  • Recently Ive been working out just at night, I typically like to exercise in the morning AND night- however Ive been sick :( But when I come home the first thing I do is change into my exercise clothes and grab a snack. I dont even allow myself to sit down, relax, or get comfortable. If you do you're less likely to want to exercise.
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    Motivation : Know what you want
    Energy : Lotta food :-)
  • My gym time has to be at night time also. I definitely agree with a post below, when you get home change into your clothes immediately. Don't think about it, just put your shoes on and GO! Getting our butts off the couch is the hardest part of getting your workout in.
  • LilSomethin
    LilSomethin Posts: 545 Member
    I usually exercise in the afternoon but occasionally can only fit it in at night. I don't give myself the option not to exercise. I just get dressed and do it cuz I know when I'm done I'm gonna feel so much better :)
  • Daytonsmommy
    Daytonsmommy Posts: 162 Member
    I really don't have any option other than work out at night after I put my son to bed at 8pm. The only thing that truly helps me is to change into my workout clothes as soon as I walk in the front door after work. If I slip into a comfy tshirt and pajama pants there's no way I'm going to end up working out. And as far as energy goes, I agree with one of the above posts, which is to ensure you are eating all of your calories throughout the day :) Good luck!
  • chnkytim42
    chnkytim42 Posts: 127 Member
    i agree with not letting your butt hit the couch. lol get changed and go, and if you do alot of outdoor exercise, grab your music and throw it on before you even walk out the door, so you dont get destracted. and motivation play alot of fast paced music. techno, hard metal, fast rap, anything you listen to that makes you wanna move, find music that makes you wanna hit it hard, even with no energy it will push you
  • vipergts223
    vipergts223 Posts: 114 Member
    I go to the gym right from work, because once I get home, i dont want to move :)
  • I can relate I have a toddler and my husband works evenings so the only time I get to workout is after I put my daughter to bed at night. I work a desk job during the day so I get no exercise what so ever there. My motivation is finally being determined and ready to lose weight and pictures. I have a picture of me when I weighed 112 pounds (my goal) and I keep it on the fridge it stops me from late night eating and reminds me to exercise! :)
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I work out mostly at home, after the 2 yr old goes to bed. The ONLY way I do it is when I get home, I change into my workout clothes. If I don't, I won't exercise later!
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    Usually I would go to the gym straight from work. But now that my husband goes with me I usually swing home, change, and then we go to the gym right away. No sitting around. Or if I'm doing something at home for exercise I have to change into my gym clothes right away and get to it. If I don't then it doesn't get done.

    I am so thankful for having a gym at my work as well. Its small and doesn't have a lot but I know I can usually get in 40 min of intervals on the elliptical or run quick if I don't want to do anything at night. Sometimes I do 2 a days where I do cardio on my lunch and weights at night. Its hard and exhausting but you just HAVE to do it.
  • BrettWithPKU
    BrettWithPKU Posts: 575 Member
    I am also a late-evening gym user, usually after 8PM. I can't get up early in the morning, and early evening is too crowded.

    Where the motivation to "work out" in itself is lacking, condition yourself to associate working out with something you like to do.

    Like myself? I DON'T work out. I block off an hour every day for reading, in a place I won't be interrupted. Never mind the fact that I burn 600-700 calories a day "reading".
    Or, since I'm a long-time blogger, sometimes I piece my next post together in my head during that hour. I'll have a pen and scratch paper on the treadmill with me. People might think I'm nuts, but I don't care. Then I go home and write that post.

    If reading's not your thing, most gyms have TVs on their treadmills, so find something you like to watch and commit to watching that show every week from the gym. Pick a show for every night.

    As far as "energy", my advice would be to just "get yourself there". Get yourself to the gym a few evenings. As your body gets used to the exercise every night, the energy will be there.
  • JJinWI
    JJinWI Posts: 197 Member
    I workout in the evenings.

    99% of the time I go to the gym feeling completed exhausted by the work day
    99% of the time I come out of the gym completely energized and relaxed

    Adamantly agree that you can NOT sit down after work on the couch!
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    By just doing it. I have to mentally push myself and once I start exercising, I start to feel more motivated. When I feel lazy, tired, can't be bothered - I try to remember how good I feel AFTER I exercise and that is what I focus on. It has to be at the right time for you. What time of the day are you free to exercise and feeling at your best energy wise? For me it's mornings.
  • CRVDiva
    CRVDiva Posts: 98
    I've tried various options. During the week I find working out in the evenings works best for me. As soon as I get home from work I eat my dinner and then head down to the gym in my basement. My daughter, who is 10 comes down with me and does her homework while I workout and then we hang out together and do something that she likes. The weekends are a little different becasue we are always busy so I get up extra early to fit my workout in before I start my day. My motivation is seeing so many people on MFP achieve their goals so I want to ensure I stay on track. I also feel really good about myself after a workout because it feels like I have accomplished something.

    Good luck to you ;o)))
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    I go to the gym right from work, because once I get home, i dont want to move :)

    This and a cup of coffee beforehand
  • saralynn594
    saralynn594 Posts: 321
    I hate hate hate morning workouts,and night workouts are best for me with school and 2 soon as they are in bed I head to the gym...BUT the entire time I am getting ready/leaving for the gym I am complaining. I just allow myself to ***** about it until I get there..Lol sounds weird but it helps.I hate working out (at least right now) But I have never regretted a workout. And seeing the numbers on the scale go down a little every day is amazing.Plus..Gym=Eye Candy!!!
    I hate working out..but I hate being unhealthy more.
    That and I have a sister who is a mini Jillian Michaels
  • CottonCandyKisses
    CottonCandyKisses Posts: 246 Member
    i agree with not letting your butt hit the couch. lol get changed and go, and if you do alot of outdoor exercise, grab your music and throw it on before you even walk out the door, so you dont get destracted. and motivation play alot of fast paced music. techno, hard metal, fast rap, anything you listen to that makes you wanna move, find music that makes you wanna hit it hard, even with no energy it will push you

    This. I change from work clothes to workout clothes as soon as I get home. I will often have a small snack at work and some caffiene around 4:30 so I'm ready to get started when I get home. Grab my ipad and head to the basement. Usually after 5 minutes at a brisk walk with some music, I'm ready to go. No sitting down relaxing til I'm done.
  • MelMena
    MelMena Posts: 152 Member
    I get home from work, take a 1-2 hour nap. Get up and fix dinner, do homework with the kids and then I workout from 8:30-10 (home gym) I go to bed late and get up early - the main reason for the nap! I love having older kids that will hang out and stay out of trouble while I rest. I love working out at night. I never have the motivation to do ANYTHING in the morning besides shower and feed the family before I have to rush to work.
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    I workout in the evenings.

    99% of the time I go to the gym feeling completed exhausted by the work day
    99% of the time I come out of the gym completely energized and relaxed

    Adamantly agree that you can NOT sit down after work on the couch!

    ^^This! I am so tired when I get to the gym but I feel great when I leave after a hard workout.