ZUMBA - any good?



  • nyla23608
    nyla23608 Posts: 66 Member
    OMG! I LOVE Zumba. It's a great workout that I truly enjoy. I started out with friends and now it's just me, but I've meet some wonderful people in my class. If you enjoy dancing, you'll love it. I go 3 times a week and my instructor is awesome! I think you should try it. It's far from boring. Cheers!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I have done so many different types of exercise in my life but I've never found anything as FUN as Zumba that also is a really intense workout. It really is unique and a blast to do. And it does wonderful things for your core!
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    Zumba is great although I prefer Sh'bam. I don't know the Latin dances very well and spend most of my time stumbling over my own feet during Zumba. I had a great time doing it and breaking a sweat but I prefer Sh'bam with moves that don't require me to know what the Tango is.
  • AshleyRKnutson
    AshleyRKnutson Posts: 98 Member
    I love Zumba!! Do it!!
  • LOL! I read all the comments, and I totally agree! It has only been about 3 months for me doing Zumba, but it is so much fun and makes me feel happy. I loved the comment about your facial muscles getting a workout from all the smiling! I am not coordinated at all, but I do find that I am getting better and I always feel so proud of myself when I finally get a move down! Keep it up! I highly recommend it, it is a fun way to get in a great workout! 45 minutes on the ellipitical seems to take forever to me, but a 45 minute Zumba class just flies by!
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    find a good instructor and GO!!

    This is KEY. I've been to Zumba classes where I didn't even break a sweat. Probably why it's not something I do regularly (at ALL).

    I'm all about a cardio kickboxing class ... I've never left one and not been a heaving, sweaty mess. ;)