calling all morning exercisers!!



  • Amberetta82
    Amberetta82 Posts: 153 Member
    I have been waking up at 5:30am for a 6am jog but I'm going to be starting to wake up at 5am instead. When I started I seriously had to tell myself to get my @ss out of bed and go!! Be determined to wake up and workout! I had to start getting to bed earlier as well. I used to stay up until 1am and I just can't do that anymore. I've noticed a HUGE difference in my days between waking up then working out and just waking up at 7am (when I wake the kids up for school). I feel 5x better when I wake up early and workout. I also eat better. Now, I really enjoy waking up early and going for my jog (aside from my legs feeling like jello for a while LOL).

    Ask yourself this... "what am I going to DO to get myself one step closer to my goal?"

    lol btw, I usually have 3 alarms set to go off starting 30-45min before the time to wake up.
  • Lisamar74
    Lisamar74 Posts: 114
    I used to be able to get up at 6am every day to go running and I can no longer manage it. Don't know if you have an iphone but there's an app called Sleep Cycle and it's very clever. The alarm on your phone wakes you up when it determines you are at your lightest sleep state - thereby waking you at a time when you should find it easy to get up. I've used it twice and it has actually worked and got me up earlier. But I haven't managed a morning run yet as weather been a bit naff.

    This sounds awesome! Do you know if there is a similar app for iPad?

    From what I remember, you have to sleep with the phone in the bed with you. So I don't know if sleeping with an ipad under your pillow would be the greatest idea...

    Yes, you have to have iphone on bed but you can't put it under your pillow, it wouldn't work. Just placing the ipad on the mattress to the side of your pillow would work just the same as it does with the iphone. You also have to have it on charge all during the night.
  • SaunJay1
    SaunJay1 Posts: 7 Member
    I find that the best thing for me is packing all my things the night before. I go to the gym at 5:30, shower there and then go straight to work at 7am. I pack my work clothes in my bag and set it by the door, this way in the morning it actually feels like a bigger hassle to unpack them as opposed to just going to the gym. Sometimes I even sleep in a pair of shorts and t-shirt, so when I wake up all I have to do is put on my socks and shoes and go. I just try to make it as painless as possible to leave in the morning by doing as much as possible before hand. Good preparation is the key.
  • Jenjaz1910
    Jenjaz1910 Posts: 447 Member
    Weekdays I get up at 5/5.15am to do my workout, then get my kids up at 6.45am just before I get in the shower! I find it sooooo much easier getting up early to do it, it gets it out of the way! When I first starting getting up early to workout I was asleep by 9 lol but now I go to sleep between 10 and 11 most nights :) x
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    I go to bed at 9pm and wake up at 4:30am to workout. I get my stuff ready the night before and sometimes even sleep in my workout clothes. I keep my alarm on my night stand and I actually have three morning alarm time...4:30, 4:45, 5:00! I stretch in bed before I get out and that seems to help wake me up....if Im still dragging I will wash my face, crazy but it works!! :)
  • Expialidojess
    Expialidojess Posts: 588 Member
    I get everything ready the night before and get up at 5:45 every morning to work out while my kids are sleeping. I find it so much easier to do it then so I can focus on myself rather than having them bug me every five minutes. Also, if I get my workout over and done with in the morning instead of waiting until later, then I can't use my busy afternoons and evenings as an excuse not to do it.
  • SaunJay1
    SaunJay1 Posts: 7 Member
    I used to be able to get up at 6am every day to go running and I can no longer manage it. Don't know if you have an iphone but there's an app called Sleep Cycle and it's very clever. The alarm on your phone wakes you up when it determines you are at your lightest sleep state - thereby waking you at a time when you should find it easy to get up. I've used it twice and it has actually worked and got me up earlier. But I haven't managed a morning run yet as weather been a bit naff.

    This sounds awesome! Do you know if there is a similar app for iPad?

    From what I remember, you have to sleep with the phone in the bed with you. So I don't know if sleeping with an ipad under your pillow would be the greatest idea...

    Yes, you have to have iphone on bed but you can't put it under your pillow, it wouldn't work. Just placing the ipad on the mattress to the side of your pillow would work just the same as it does with the iphone. You also have to have it on charge all during the night.

    All the app does it track your movements during the night and approximates your sleep cycles. So unless you sleep on a wood plank, your movements should transfer to underneath the pillow just fine. When I used to use the app, I did it under the pillow because I was afraid of breaking my phone and/or drooling on it (lol). Only problem with under the pillow I found was that the alarm sound would be muffled a bit.
  • 84jeepster
    84jeepster Posts: 198 Member
    I am up between 4 and 415 AM. I work out from 430 to 530 or 6. Then I head to work. I love the fact that the workout is done for the day and if I have time later in the day, I can toss in an extra run or something. It works for me!
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    I love working out in the morning. It's the best way to start the day, and now that it's light earlier, it's so easy. I get up at 5:30 am, stretch, brush my teeth (works almost every time to wake me up), wash my face and go for an hour class at the gym at 6 am every weekday. On weekends, I "sleep in" and take the 8 am class. I don't usually eat anything in the morning, because it does sit heavy in my stomach and will repeat on me during the class. I try to eat a substantial dinner the night before though. Also, I read online, that most people keep enough energy in their bodies overnight to do 90 minutes of exercise. So it's just water for me, or sometimes a scoop of peanut butter if I feel I need it.

    Working out in the am, gives me "more" time with my family at night. I do tend to start to crash around 9 pm, and am usually in bed and asleep by 10:30 every night. But, even when I don't sleep well, or get to sleep early enough, I've learned that getting up for class and working out boostes my energy for the day.

    If you're not a morning person, don't worry. Neither was I. But once you go for a few weeks, you will be a convert also. It makes the whole day better!
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    I`m not quite as early as most posts on this thread but I have 3 kids in the morning to get up and dressed and breakfast. I get myself up at 6:30am get dressed quickly and have some coffee while I check in here and fb. then at 7am I wake my girls up age 5 and 6 get them dressed , hair done and breakfast , then around 7:30 get the baby ready and out the door we go getting the girls to school just before 8am. Once they are dropped off the baby and I head back home get him bf and change of diaper then place him in the play yard in our living room and start up a workout dvd while he plays (right now its INSANITY) works great because by the time I`m done with my work out he is ready for a morning nap so I can lye him down right after then grab a shower and get cleaned up for the day and grab my morning snack all while he is napping :)
  • kellie27523
    I get up at 420, at the Y when the doors open at 5. Yes, I go to bed 830 - 9ish. Its the best way for me.

    I am trying to add evening cardio, here and there. We just bought bikes~
  • niss63
    niss63 Posts: 82 Member
    I cant seem to get my but out o fbed before 7 to work out..what do you all do? what time do you wake up..

    A couple of years ago, I use to get up at 5 to work out and lost weight felt great...but now with 2 kids Im need ur advice!!

    Feeling great is what it is about. When it comes time to get up, just do it. Moving around for 5-10 minutes will get you past the initial grogginess - unless you are not getting enough sleep or you are anemic.

    For me, it is up at 4 a.m. and I'm exercising by 4:20. Nighty-night is around 9 p.m. If I follow this schedule and eat several smallish meals rather than three bigger meals, I feel pretty good and energized all day long.

    What really saps my energy is when I am forced to stop exercising. Right now it is irritating because I just had an angiogram, so no meaningful exercise for a week - which sends me into a boredom cycle and triggers wanting to eat.
  • bbriscoe13
    bbriscoe13 Posts: 175 Member
    I wake up at 4:30 to go work out and I am at work by 7:30. I do that because I know, if I wait until after work then I will find excuses. Lately I have been sleeping in and going at lunch, but I like the mornings much better. I have a lot more energy when I get to work too. I am usually in bed by like 9:30-10:00...I literally cannot stay up any later when I have early morning workouts. Ha.
  • reenasamaan
    reenasamaan Posts: 66 Member
    Working out in the morning as opposed to after-work has honestly changed my life and my body. Since I've switched to morning workouts, about a year and a half ago, I've lost 20 lbs. Because it's much easier for me to skip a workout at night, after work, when I'm exhausted then to wake up early. It sounds crazy, I know. It was really hard at first but I'm telling you, once you get going you'll find that you look forward to your morning workouts. Just think- by the time the world wakes up, you're already one step ahead. I found this blog post to be really helpful in understanding that:

    Something else that helps too is: hop on the scale first thing and get exercise equipment at home. I bought an elliptical off of and really had no excuse to not work out if I didn't have to go far to do so. Nevertheless, said elliptical bit the dust yesterday so it's off to the gym now for me.

    Good luck!!
  • GwendolynMartin
    GwendolynMartin Posts: 12 Member
    I get up at 4:45 am. It's the only way I can stick to an exercise plan. You just have to make the commitment and do it. Once your feet hit the floor, it's fine. (and I am not a morning person).
  • vickystrand1
    vickystrand1 Posts: 47 Member
    I wake up the first time at 4:30 a.m, then get out of bed by 4:50. Get into my workout clothes and head to the basement-it's finished, so it's a nice big room!

    Workout from 5 to 6. I'm a working mother of two kids and a wife! It is hard, but I do it! For me and them!

    Good luck!
  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    I try to get up each morning around 4:45 to workout. My first thought as I get out of bed is to just get coffee. I drink coffee while I make lunches for myself and my son (my husband likes to maximize his sleep so he doesn't have time to make lunches). I generally get up four out of 5 days a week. The things I have learned over the years of doing this is:

    1) Preparing as much as possible the night before is really key so that you don't have to think much. I have a workout bag that I keep toilettries and make-up in so all I have to do is put in clothes. That gets done the night before. Sometimes the workout stuff gets laid out too.
    2) I swim with a group that meets at 5:45 am. I have also done morning spin classes. Sometimes, what gets me to the workout is seeing friends that I don't see any other time.
    3) Getting to sleep on time is key. If I don't get enough sleep, especially after a hard workout day, my body will fight for another hour of sleep. I go to bed around 9 and try to turn off the light by 9:30.

    It is so satisfying to have your workout completed before starting your day!
  • suejonestx
    suejonestx Posts: 256 Member
    Hi. I get to the gym at 5am most weekday mornings and go to bed nlt 10pm. If your goal is weight loss, I've found (through years of trying) that weight loss is achieved mostly by diet, though. If you just can't get up early, maybe you should focus on eating strictly healthy, non-processed foods, including whole grains, fruits, veggies, lean meats, nuts and low-fat milk products. I've had success on this plan without exercise, but working out definitely makes me feel better! Good luck.