Running on consecutive days



  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    I'm not an expert, and am not a long-term runner. But what I have heard and read from those who are, I would say no, it is way too early for you to start running every day. Our cardiovascular systems adjust to running much faster than our joints and ligaments, so we think we are ready to do more than we are. We think that since we can breathe more easily and are in better shape, that we can start running more than we can. You need to get a lot more time on your legs before you start daily runs, or you are going to get injured. You need the time to rest and heal in between. Find another workout to do on your off days to "step things up".
    I just got back into running in the past month or 2. I am really struggling to lose weight and need to step things up
  • BaseToThePlace
    What I've been doing on the treadmill is cycles of 4 minutes of running at 6mph and 1 min of walking. Originally I did this for 20 minutes, now I can do 30 minutes.

    Today given I've been doing this a wee while I thought my fitness would be up and I could maybe do 15 or 20 minutes without slowing down but by the 10 min mark I needed to stop running.

    The problem is all these 30 minute sessions have got me capable of doing is 4 minute bursts of running. I need the walks to catch my breath.

    PS - I should add that while I currently am totally out of shape and haven't done much running in the past year or 2, I did used to be very sporty and fit. I can still sprint fast in short bursts (I tried HIIT for a while) but the slow running on the treadmill for what seems like hours just kills me physically and mentally.