Rasberry Ketones? Yay or Nay?



  • moeviegrl
    moeviegrl Posts: 52
    I have been taking rasberry ketones for about 2 and a half weeks. For me, they seem like they give me that extra little pep to get up and do something. I have a bad habit of having good intentions of doing things but never doing them. Now, I want to go for a bike ride. I want to walk to dog. I feel happier and healthier. That said...I did also start watching my calorie intake and exercising more at the same time I started taking them so I am not sure if they are the reason for my extra energy or eating better. That said...seeing as how I don't think 30 dollars a month is alot of money to "waste" I'm staying on them. Cant hurt me, can only help me. :)
  • JessicaRaeValdez
    I just ordered some so we will see! :)
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    Has anyone tried using Raspberry Ketones with a low cal diet and exercise? Have you had any results good or bad?
    Looking for responses from people who have actually TRIED them and had a good or bad experience. Please dont respond if you havent tried them

    Ummmm....well, since you asked a question I was going to answer it. My answer was going to be no. But then you said we're not allowed to respond if the answer would be no. So now I'm just confused about why those first two sentences have question marks after them. Were they hypothetical?
  • tammyclinch
    tammyclinch Posts: 103 Member
    currently using them. high energy but no extra weigt loss
  • rjo921
    rjo921 Posts: 130
    Looking for responses from people who have actually TRIED them and had a good or bad experience. Please dont respond if you havent tried them

    I have been on them for about three weeks now and personally I have not noticed a difference. I have not lost any weight as a result of taking them...but I have heard you need to be on them for awhile to have a real affect.

    I figured that I would at least try this bottle out....if I don't start seeing results then I won't order another bottle. I hope this helps :smile:
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    Well, true raspberry ketones cost $10,000 per pound. So what do you think?
  • tarisa222
    tarisa222 Posts: 27 Member
    i just bought a bottle and I have been taking a pill throughout the day for about a week now. I feel like I am seeing results. Its hard to give credit just to the rasberry ketones by itself. but since I started taking them, I have been eating less, and I already weaned myself off refined sugars. I do about 3 hours worth of exercise a week. Even if its only really a placebo, taking it through out the day is reminding me of my goal. I may come back when i finish a bottle and let you know what i see in few weeks!
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Google "placebo effect". That will explain any positive results from them. They're another weight loss scam.
  • Aimelish70
    Aimelish70 Posts: 48 Member
    I've been on them for a few weeks, I have not noticed additional weight loss yet but have nocticed that i have more energy without being jittery like other weight loss pills. I'm going to keep taking them until I run out and see what happens. Good luck
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Looking for responses from people who have actually TRIED them and had a good or bad experience. Please dont respond if you havent tried them

    You do not need to try them to know they are junk and a waste of money. People who know science and read scientific journals can understand that. Just because you aren't getting the response you want, doesn't mean it is wrong. It's simple, NO pill makes you lose weight over and above a basic calorie deficit. It's been proven tons of times.
  • healthy287
    i have used them for about a month before i joined this website
    and i have to say (yay) because i lost 10 pounds with the pill!! the
    only thing is you have to change the way you eat and exercise
    after i lost the weight i stopped rasberry ketone and i still was
    losing weight but it was happening slower than with the pill
    so i RECOMMEND 100%
  • I just took them for the first time today.
  • b2kelly
    Dr. Oz is a modern day snake oil salesman, he pitched these horsepoop koolaid pills, they do not work it is a scam, just follow your calories and exercise (or don't exercise) it is the only easy weight to drop weight quickly.

    Note I have taken these before and they do not at all work it is total BS.. they also gave me insane anxiety for some reason, similar to when I used to take an ECA stack... not good for your heart at all.
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    Has anyone tried using Raspberry Ketones with a low cal diet and exercise? Have you had any results good or bad?
    Looking for responses from people who have actually TRIED them and had a good or bad experience. Please dont respond if you havent tried them

    Ummmm....well, since you asked a question I was going to answer it. My answer was going to be no. But then you said we're not allowed to respond if the answer would be no. So now I'm just confused about why those first two sentences have question marks after them. Were they hypothetical?

    I was going to respond also. But since I'm not *allowed* to I guess is better not tell you what I know.
    I'm little confused too. Do I get to start my own thread and give out rules about who can and cannot participate in the forums? Or are there just certain members who have mfp power privileges???
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Looking for responses from people who have actually TRIED them and had a good or bad experience. Please dont respond if you havent tried them
    Are you looking for validation of a decision you've already made?
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Ok you want people who tried them? Most people wont though cause they know it's a waste of money. BUT I have tried them, I lost weight regardless of having them or not. They made no difference apart from making me smell like raspberries (I have a habit of smelling like the stuff I eat)

    Want to waste your money then go for it, nobody stopping you. But you will find out that you don't need them, they do nothing at all and are a placebo that makes you think you are getting some benefit out of it.

    Forgot to add that I had taken them right at the start of my journey 2 years ago when I didn't know any better.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Has anyone tried using Raspberry Ketones with a low cal diet and exercise? Have you had any results good or bad?
    Looking for responses from people who have actually TRIED them and had a good or bad experience. Please dont respond if you havent tried them

    Ummmm....well, since you asked a question I was going to answer it. My answer was going to be no. But then you said we're not allowed to respond if the answer would be no. So now I'm just confused about why those first two sentences have question marks after them. Were they hypothetical?

    I was going to respond also. But since I'm not *allowed* to I guess is better not tell you what I know.
    I'm little confused too. Do I get to start my own thread and give out rules about who can and cannot participate in the forums? Or are there just certain members who have mfp power privileges???

    OP wants people to tell her what she wants to hear. No more, no less.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    The OP posted this 2 years ago.
  • yogablondegirl
    I have been using it for Three Months now and I have lost 65Pounds, With it I have lost Five pounds a week making it twenty pounds a month, But you also have to maintain a Regular exercise routine and maintain a healthy Diet . I wish you good luck