Falling off the Weight Loss Train-HELP!



  • MrsJaimeW
    MrsJaimeW Posts: 54
    You've accepted that you've fallen off the wagon. That's most of the battle. Now you hop right back on that wagon and get going!

    Seriously, no one can do it but you, and every day you wait is another wasted day in your life that you aren't working on it. Go back through today and fill out your food and exercise diary, then start planning what you are going to eat tomorrow and start entering that so you have a plan.

    Right now. Stop thinking about it. Fenceposts are pointy nasty things that just leave marks when you sit on them. Get off the fence and get going!

    And do 10 situps, right now, to kick off your second journey to the new you...

    - Pushy

    PS: You're still reading this. That means you aren't doing your situps. NOW! MOVE!

    FTW - I love this!
  • lucymarie19
    Oh I fall off the wagon all the time, it always baffles me cause I can be doing amazing, have one small weak moment, then I spiral out of control, once you do that I always keep telling myself Oh I'll pig out then do it tomorrow... tomorrow never comes. The only way I do it is by getting all the bad food outta the house, I'm too lazy to go buy it :P Then a few days and I'm back to normal :)
  • kristenlees122
    this thread is awesome :) very motivating.

    i lost about 15lbs total, was feeling and looking great, and then i dont know what happened. i lost all motivation to go to the gym and wanted to eat everything in sight. i have a very hard time with moderation, i cant have one chocolate, i must have 5 chocolates, 1 pint of ice cream, a packet of chips, some fries, a milkshake, and completely hate myself and then i'm done. i did this more than a couple of times and kept telling myself i'd get back on the wagon but didnt.

    i'm only 2 days in to being back on the wagon, but its true, only you can do it. something i like to remember is this: just because i had one bad meal / snack / day doesnt mean i'm completely off the wagon, i'm just going a little slower.. no point throwing myself off and eating everything in sight and not going to the gym. it doesnt help anything, certainly not my weight loss. every meal counts, every day counts.

    hope you're feeling better now and at the gym! :)