peanut butter & cheese sandwiches



  • _trickpie
    _trickpie Posts: 87
    How about peanut butter and banana sandwiches? I am the only person I've ever met that has ever even considered it!
    Love peanut butter and banana, also peanut butter and tomato! :love:
  • I keep laughing... because I just want to know WHAT people were doing when they came up with the combos? I mean, how do you come up with some of these things...

    BUT... I have to confess that I was talked into trying the thing - and it wasn't bad... I think that grilled with cheddar would be better, but with the recipe given, it wasn't half bad! LOL.

    Peanut butter and BBQ chips... hmmm... why BBQ?!? LOL.

    Yeah, funny thread... funny, funny thread...

    I don't know, but it works! It's SO SO SO good. The BBQ chips have to be spicy though, not sweet like stupid Lays chips.
    This was one of my favorite sandwiches growing up! I don't do dairy anymore, but I remember them fondly!

    I also love peanut butter and barbeque chip sandwiches. It sounds ridiculous, but it's awesome.

    Oh god, i went through a stage where I had bbq chip and ketchup sandwiches after school every day during a specific year of middle school.

    Confession? I love plain chips and rasperry jam in sandwiches. It was my middle school snack that I hid from my mom.

    Nowadays I'd skip the bread and sit there with a jar of Bonne Maman raspberry or strawberry jam and a bag of greasy plain chips. No wonder I'm on this site...:laugh:
  • Yes! I love them, especially if they're grilled...
  • Gilesdj
    Gilesdj Posts: 3
    I do. First had them n Australia about 20 years ago. Also have it with grated carrot in. Yum yum!
  • the hubs ate one once cause he had no jam... was the weirdest thing i ever saw...
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    Never done it, but I do dig...

    Peanut Butter & Jam/Jelly
    Cheese (cold slices, not melted) & Jam/Jelly
  • tzeoli86
    tzeoli86 Posts: 75 Member
    My wife's family introduced me to the joys of Peanut Butter and GRILLED Cheese sandwiches. They are AWESOME!!!
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    Dunno about peanut butter and cheese but I love peanut butter and mayo sandwiches... I might try your idea since I have to tell everyone no to knock mine till they try it.

    my mom eats those Ive never been able to though
  • MsMuniz
    MsMuniz Posts: 399 Member
    How about peanut butter and banana sandwiches? I am the only person I've ever met that has ever even considered it!

    love that, also banana and mayo sandwiches or peanut butter and lettuce....all good!
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    Aw - this reminds me of my late grandpa. He used to swear by peanut butter and cheddar cheese sandwiches, and I would eat them with him. Love you Grandpa Jerry!

    Oh, I will have to try this grilled - that sounds awesome! We always used to eat them cold.

    I'm also a big fan of PB & Banana (sometimes with bacon), PB & Marshmallow Fluff (sometimes with banana), and PB & Sriracha, although I haven't had that by itself (great on burgers of the meat or veggie variety).
  • k0nfyo0zed
    k0nfyo0zed Posts: 313 Member
    i put cheese on my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches sometimes... does that count? :)
  • mollyonamission
    mollyonamission Posts: 268 Member
    I do yummy
  • who eats 'em?

    (I know I can't be the only one here that does ... )

    Grill them - they're the BEST
  • aelarek
    aelarek Posts: 83 Member
    The real trick of the peanut butter cheese sandwich is to have thinly sliced apples on it.

    Like, butter-bread-pb-apples-cheese-bread-butter. Then, grill/fry it up like a grilled cheese, then eat it with a little bit of sourcream, ranch & hotsauce, or with fry sauce, the especially pickly kind.
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    One of my favorite combos! Now my stomach is growling, thanks :)
  • TinaLTaylor79
    TinaLTaylor79 Posts: 140 Member
    LOL I totally use to eat that combination!!!! I liked my bread toasted though when i ate cheese and PB together! Now...i bet i can say im alone when i say i also use to eat Mustard sandwiches....LOL Yup just mustard..but that was a long time ago....cant imagine eating that
  • No, but, my friend has jam sandwiches with salt & vinegar crisps.

    Also, on the subject of weird combinations.................CHEERIOS & ORANGE JUICE. Do it.
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    These were my brothers staple sandwich growing up, I thought he was the only weirdo that liked this combo!!
    no, chips on any sandwich are good. I love adding crunch.

    ^^ Now this I can get on board with!
  • leika79
    leika79 Posts: 114
    peanut butter and veggie hot dog (i'm sure the same can be achieved with normal hot dog sausages!) sandwiches.............. go on try it know you want to! it is om nom nom nom nom
    the king of sandwiches! :love:
  • aelarek
    aelarek Posts: 83 Member
    This was one of my favorite sandwiches growing up! I don't do dairy anymore, but I remember them fondly!

    I also love peanut butter and barbeque chip sandwiches. It sounds ridiculous, but it's awesome.

    Oh god, i went through a stage where I had bbq chip and ketchup sandwiches after school every day during a specific year of middle school.

    I too still love ketchup sandwiches, especially with pb & relish. Nomnom.