30 Day Shred: Jillian Micheals



  • mburesh00
    mburesh00 Posts: 1 Member
    I just did it for the first time yesterday...Good Luck everyone!
  • jojo888va
    jojo888va Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in! I've have started it a couple of times but never have finished.
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    I did this last summer and loved it! I plan on starting again tonight! Let's do this~!
  • Fockertots
    Fockertots Posts: 221
    Is everyone doing it every day? What about muscle rest. I'm going to try for 3x per week.

    I was wondering this too...
  • Yasmeen174
    Yasmeen174 Posts: 43 Member
    I JUST bought this on Ebay TODAY! lol! Friend me... i'd love to be a part of the group. Can't wait to do some shredding. :smile:

    I wish there was some way to have my friends seperated by group so we all know our 30 Day Shred peeps are!! :)
  • elisabej
    elisabej Posts: 30 Member
    I'm doing it now! I did workout 1 for about 2 weeks (still can't do a full set of freaking real push ups to save my life) and switched to workout 2 this week. I don't do it on the weekends (rest days) and I actually get up at 5 am every weekday to do it so I know I got at least a little exercise in that day. My plan is to do workout 2 for the next couple of weeks then switch to workout 3 for a few weeks. After that I'm going to go back through and do them all again. I will either slow down the abs & strength (for muscle confusion) or add weight. I haven't noticed scale movement yet, but the pants are certainly lighter and yesterday someone at work commented on my weight loss. :smile:
  • Yasmeen174
    Yasmeen174 Posts: 43 Member
    I have been doing the Jillian Micheals workouts, but I am also an independent distributor and very faithful user of Herbalife meal replacement shakes and green tea and can't say enough about how much they helped melt the weight away :smile:
    If you would like more information e-mail me and I can definately help: herbalifeaction7@yahoo.com.

    I have to say, I have utilized Herbalife on and off for a while! It does work! When I first started it, I dropped aprox 30 pounds in maybe 3 months. The only problem is that my body stopped responding to it (I have to admit I was "cheating" quite a bit though). But for those of you who haven't tried it...I recommend it. Wildberry with Silk Vanilla soy is the best. :)
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member
    Is everyone doing it every day? What about muscle rest. I'm going to try for 3x per week.

    I was wondering this too...
    Someone posted a while back that Jillian had stated in a blog (or something) that you should take at least one rest day per week, and that (at least supposedly) the 30-day part of it was for marketing purposes. I'm doing it M-F early mornings. I try to get out and walk at some point most days as well. On one day of the weekend, I either do a Zumba DVD or some 10 Minute Trainer. But on my rest day, I try to at least get out and walk a bit. HTH :smile:
  • Fitby31
    Fitby31 Posts: 95 Member
    Is everyone doing it every day? What about muscle rest. I'm going to try for 3x per week.

    I was wondering this too...

    I'm gonna try for everyday - Hopefully I actually do it.
  • Addicted2_fitness
    Addicted2_fitness Posts: 396 Member
    Hi Yasmeen and "30 day shredders!" I worked out to this DVD last year for about 60 days and lost 25lbs and countless inches (I don't remember the actual measurements..) It works! As long as you stick to it and "eat right." There is something about JM that pushes me to do my best!! Count me in on this 30 day experience and feel free to add me as a friend! I am restarting the program today... Are you all tracking your progress here?
  • Yasmeen174
    Yasmeen174 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi Yasmeen and "30 day shredders!" I worked out to this DVD last year for about 60 days and lost 25lbs and countless inches (I don't remember the actual measurements..) It works! As long as you stick to it and "eat right." There is something about JM that pushes me to do my best!! Count me in on this 30 day experience and feel free to add me as a friend! I am restarting the program today... Are you all tracking your progress here?

    I will add you as a friend. Maybe we can all use this thread to "check in" as well as posts on our pages....what do you think? Should we start a "group"? I am also starting today. :)
  • Addicted2_fitness
    Addicted2_fitness Posts: 396 Member
    I wanted to join another group, but it was already "in session" and members were finishing up week 2- I only have 2 friends:'( so not much motivation here... Maybe I need more friends or...be a part of a group just starting (for motivation...) I would love to see everyone's progress, though... it's totally up to you--No pressure! I am sure there are current groups of ladies who are just starting...just have to do some searching!
  • Per the program, you are supposed to do it every day for 30 days straight. I have heard of people taking a day break between each level and have still had the results. Let's face it though, if you're not working out now and you go to do the workout 4-5 times a week, it can only be a benefit! I am aiming for everyday for 30 days but realize life happens. :)
    Is everyone doing it every day? What about muscle rest. I'm going to try for 3x per week.

    I was wondering this too...
  • I just did day 1 of the shred today as well so if anyone wants to add me as I have no idea how to add anyone on here!!
  • I started Day 1 week 1 yesterday. This is my third time doing this video. It really never gets old, after week 4 I take a 2 week break doing something different and then start over again.
  • i'm on level 2 day 4 was today...tomorrow is a rest day but thursday will be day 5 level 2, anyone can add me if they want. =D
  • shellsy0424
    shellsy0424 Posts: 127 Member
    I am doing the 30 day shred also. Any suggestions on how to log it in the exercise diary?? It doesn't come up as a choice that is already in the database.

    I created my own exercise and for 30 day shred and added the calories I burned form my HRM
    if you go to my exercises you can add it in, that's what I did.
  • cwalsh1989
    cwalsh1989 Posts: 10 Member
    Good for you!! I'm on day 4 and I can feel the burn in my legs! No pain no gain though, I kinda dont mind the burn if you know what I mean?......Its nice to know its doing something! I find her so motivating! Hope you do to :) WE CAN ALL DO THIS!
  • GailEMac
    GailEMac Posts: 90 Member
    Hi all, I am on day of the shred and I didn't know I could have rest days! Friend me for moral support.. I sure could do with some! xx
  • laura_fat2fit
    laura_fat2fit Posts: 82 Member
    Starting 30 day shred tomorrow morning. I have completed the 30 day shred before but didn't get any results and wasn't happy (not sure what went wrong). I'm starting again to see whether or not this time round can be more successful.

    Anyone feel free to add me if you like and i Will help t motivate you through this and wouldn't mind some motivation myself after the last time round. Good luck everyone!