WOW. I suck already. Any advice?



  • rjo921
    rjo921 Posts: 130
    Everyone is giving you great advice. I have days that I go way over. I just start fresh the next day. So what? I am doing better than I was before I started this. As you become aware of how many calories are in certain foods, you will begin to ask yourself.... do I REALLY want that? Do I want to waste that many of my calories on that one thing? I filled my fridge with fresh cut fruits and vegetables. I just took a couple hours and cut everything up all at once and now when I feel like I need to snack, I just go grab some fruits or veggies. If I just have to have chocolate, I have one small piece. Don't be so hard on yourself. It is a gradual process and you will get there. I wish you luck!!!!! Not to mention....This is a great source of support. So many on here have been where you are now and understand. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!

  • jarredondo
    jarredondo Posts: 284 Member
    I also have had binge eating problems. A couple of things I do.... I keep my "trigger" foods out of the house. Also, someone mention brushing your teeth.... Mint chewing gum works for me, as well. It gets easier with time if you put in the work to start. Stick with it.
  • pattyhild
    pattyhild Posts: 32 Member
    First of all, this is just day one. You did not put the weight on in one day, nor will you take it off in one day <---good news/bad news. :)

    Secondly, remember that you are in the process of learning how to eat healthy and take care of your body. See first statement; it takes some time to learn something new.

    Finally, I'm an emotional eater, too. I am always in danger of eating during the exact times you describe. Now, before I put anything in my mouth that is unplanned for the day, I make myself count to 30, all the while reminding myself that it will taste good for 5 seconds, but after that the memory will be fleeting. It takes a little while to retrain your thinking, but this is a good place to start. :)

    Oh, and what others have already said: plan out your meals, especially if you won't be near MFP to check caloric count for things you're not sure of.

    Good luck! You can do this...I promise you. :)
  • Qatsi
    Qatsi Posts: 2,191 Member
    The reason many of us got to where we needed this site was because we didn't realize how MANY calories we were taking in before. So when you first start logging everything you eat and drink, it's a real eye-opener. ("Wow - that Cinnabon is really 880 calories?")

    What this site does is make you AWARE of your daily intake and helps you to identify where you need to make better choices. Once you've done it for a few days, you'll get a better feel for how to plan your meals so that you can hit your target easier.
  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    I have the same problems. I have been having the same thing every day for breakfast and lunch. That way I know what the calories are, and I tend to eat less if I eat the same thing every day. I also compulsively eat, but since I have been doing this, I have only had one really bad day. I think that just knowing that I am going to have to type it all in gets me to pause and think about it. It's your first day... give it a week and see if it makes a difference.
  • meryl135
    meryl135 Posts: 321 Member
    A rule of thumb that seems to work for me: 200 calories is an amount I'd eat if I was feeling peckish but not full on starving.

    Take nuts, for instance. If I'm feeling peckish, I'd have a small handful of nuts, not a massive bag. That's about 200cals. Or mini scotch eggs: I might have 3 or 4 if I were peckish. About 200cals again! A packet of crisps? Well, if I'm peckish, a 25g is just under what I'd want to eat... I'd rather have a bag and a half... 1 bag is about 125cals!

    Hi there, forgive me for checking out your profile, but you've mentioned that you're a Type 1 Diabetic, which means the sugar that is carried in your bloodstream does not actually get into your cells and tissues very well. Sugar is your body's preferred energy source so if your cells/tissues aren't getting enough, your brain will force you to eat, because it thinks you're starving - your brain will make you binge (you may even feel a bit of anxiety if you try to resist - sweaty palms, the shakes, heart racing, etc).

    This may be a factor with what's happening in your case. Keeping sensible snack portions handy (as many people have mentioned) is the best way to combat binge-eating, so you don't let your body get to a point where it thinks it doesn't have enough. Also check with your doctor about the dose of insulin you are on; it may need to be adjusted as you increase your activity levels.

    And no, you do not suck. You are an incredibly brave person who has decided to take her health and her future into her own hands. Good on you! and much love as you continue.
  • vsay215
    vsay215 Posts: 44 Member
    Don't get discouraged. If u have never dieted before u can make better food choices. If u are eating whole fat items switch to low fat/ fat free choices. White grains to whole wheat, bake instead of fry.. Since ur profile says u have diabetes r ur sugar levels under control? Do u have diabetic friendly recipes. I lost weight for the first time 20 yrs ago in college. Even though it is hard to lose weight it was much easier when I was in the 20's then it is now 19 yrs later and two kids. Also weigh and measure ur food. Start again tomorrow and don't give up. You can do this. I wish you luck on your journey.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    For my first week I just ate normally and logged everything horrifying though it was to see how many calories I was going over. Then I went through the diary day by day and looked at where the highest calories were and where I could make changes. Seeing how many calories you eat normally will help you make better choices in the future. It is a slow process but as other posters have said you will get better at judging cals and making better choices.

    As for the binge eating I can do the same but since I started logging I find it is not so bad, I am more aware of what sparks it off and that way it helps me to avoid it. Use the notes part of your diary when you binge to record what started it that way you can see the patterns and hopefully change them.:flowerforyou:

    PS I still have bad days from time to time but I don't let it stop me and you shouldn't either just keep going and you will see results.
  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    Congrats on making the decision to live healthier! Yes, it will get easier--- I promise! Just keep at it.

    As long as you don't give up on yourself and your goals, every little bit will help.

    Some people feel they need to do everything perfectly all at once. Other people make gradual changes, one at a time--- maybe starting with drinking more water every day, or changing up a snack, or skipping dessert. It's OK if you go over your calories at first, the important thing is to learn from it. You are learning how many calories are in various foods, and how hungry you feel after eating something. All this will help you later on. You only suck if you give up on yourself! :flowerforyou:
  • mistyladidah
    mistyladidah Posts: 210 Member
    Only 700 over on your first day logging? Seriously, that's awesome! You are here, trying and learning, and even if it had been 2000 over, you would still be taking the first step.

    I spent like a month getting things figured out, just look at my diary a month ago vs now... About a week or two not changing anything much, then as I was seeing what I was eating too much of, I decided to make better choices one by one. After that month I felt like I was on track and could even be held accountable for my choices, so I joined a " challenge" on here with a group of people and it's really kind of fun! At first I left the bad days off all together (not wanting to see a big red -1000), but after the first couple weeks, I was logging every day and getting closer and closer.

    Just stick with it... Things will almost seem to work themselves out.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,607 Member
    I have two big problems, the first being I don't have a smart phone and am not near a computer most of the day so I am unable to look up food or chart as I go. The second, worse problem for me is that I have severe binge issues. Especially when I'm stressed, sad, bored or alone. I just eat and eat and eat. I don't know how to stop myself, it's worse than chain-smoking. I won't even be hungry, but rather I just compulsively put food into my mouth. Someone, please give me some nugget of wisdom to help me change.
    You sound like you're gonna be fine once you get into this.. I really don't think I'd have done anywhere near as well if I didn't sign up for mfp and get my phone on the same day. It's still a toy and a game after 8 months. without that instant knowledge, punching into the data base or scanning bar codes, I'd still be shoveling it in. My nugget of wisdom would be to try to plan ALL your food intake ahead of time and stick to it, in lieu of buying a smart phone. that would be my first suggestion...
  • chebanse
    chebanse Posts: 1
    Hi I can't add a lot, but perhaps this'll help.

    1) It takes some time to gain myfitnesspal fluency. Give yourself a chance to play with it, experiment, and get used to it. It takes time to develop new eating patterns. There's a learning curve, and you're simply learning. Far from sucking, you're asking and trying to learn ON YOUR VERY FIRST DAY. That's a predictor of success!

    2) I don't hit my goal daily. I just hit it mostly. The days I miss my goal aren't a big deal when I mostly hit it. 700 sounds like a big number, but it's 1/6th of a pound, or half a cinnabon, and only an issue if it happens every day. It won't as you get better ate measuring, planning, and adapting.

    3) Exercise is key for me. Bicycling hard for about an hour gives me around 1000 more calories to play with. I'd go nuts if I tried to monitor calories in only. Expending 'em through bicycling, gardening, housework, walking, whatever -- that's where myfitnesspal really pays off for me.

    So, cut yourself some slack as you learn (nobody get's an "A" just for showing up, we have to learn and execute); look at the big picture (each day is just a part of a week, or month, or year, or whatever measuring stick you want to use); and fold in some exercise (we can succeed by consuming fewer AND by burning more!).

    Good luck!

    Today was my first day using myfitnesspal, and I devastatingly ate almost 700 calories over my target amount. Am I always going to be so horrible at this? Does anyone have any tips/help/ advice? I have two big problems, the first being I don't have a smart phone and am not near a computer most of the day so I am unable to look up food or chart as I go. The second, worse problem for me is that I have severe binge issues. Especially when I'm stressed, sad, bored or alone. I just eat and eat and eat. I don't know how to stop myself, it's worse than chain-smoking. I won't even be hungry, but rather I just compulsively put food into my mouth. Someone, please give me some nugget of wisdom to help me change.
  • shaelataylor
    shaelataylor Posts: 224 Member
    i dont have a smart phone either and am not always near a computer so i plan my meals out the day before normally and then leave a little wiggle room in case im starving and carry a few snacks in my purse. :)
  • determined2lose89
    determined2lose89 Posts: 342 Member
    It takes some time to get the hang of it. This is your first week. It may take you a few days, a few weeks or a few months to fall into new healthy habbits. I still find it hard to always remain in my goals. I find pre-planning my days help!
  • steflbrown
    steflbrown Posts: 168
    Don't feel bad. You are just starting. Take a hard look at what you ate all day. And start to notice where you can cut back. Swap fatty foods for fruits and vegetables. The first step is signing up and being honest about what you are eating. You clearly did that. It will take time, but you will get the hang of it!
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    Weight loss is a slow process. There will be mistakes. You will eat badly some days. You will gain a pound of two back sometimes. It happens. That doesn't mean you should get discouraged, that just means you need to understand your mistake, and then move past it so it won't happen again. Dwelling doesn't do any good.

    After a while you'll start knowing ballpark calories and won't need to look at everything. You'll adjust. Just give it some time. I mean, it was your first day. A new lifestyle takes time to establish and get used to. No worries.
  • I'm sure someone already said this, but give it more than one day! My first day, and first couple of days at least, were awful. Sucked the big one! It was a life style change. I'd say I'm better, but still working on getting it right after 8 mo! Like everything else, it takes practice. Don't get bummed out over one day. There will probably be rough days like this further down the road too. :smile:
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    I guarantee you no one here is perfect or hasn't had bad days. Just resolve to learn from mistakes and move forward. It might help you to preplan your meals and snacks at least for a while until you get a better feel for how to judge things you're eating better. You CAN do this and it WILL get easier.
  • Try the 100 calorie serving containers. This way, you satisfy the craving and you're able to keep count of the calories. My favorite is the 100 calorie bags of microwave popcorn. It's a visual feast AND you get to eat the whole bag!!

    Also, drink lots of water. Add limes, lemons, oranges even cukes...anything. Just drink it up!

    Stay strong!
  • gumigal82
    gumigal82 Posts: 350
    First off, you don't suck! Especially if it's your first day using a calorie/fitness diary-cut yourself some slack. Second, it takes time to get used to using this type of program:) Everyone has days where they eat over the calorie amount allotted to him/her even after months of using this.
    Try to plan your meals ahead of time, and put it in the diary (I don't really do this, but many people do) I know this works well for a lot of people. Also put in your exercise , which is something I do actually plan ahead of time as a motivator.
    Good Luck and stay positive!