Restarting diet...need help

I was on a different diet, when I had a fulltime job. I was much more active. With that I lost 55lbs in a year and a half. Then the economic downturn starts, I got laid off, went to college, graduated with the weight lost and gained back the 55lbs+. I'm trying to find ways to lose weight. I'm on FS, I have a part-time job. Still trying to get a fulltime one. I lost my motivation and became a couch potato again. I'm an emotional I have gained. I want to lose 90lbs. I just have trouble sticking with it on my limited budget. I have trouble even paying my bills month to month. I had to go to ER and that's another 2 bills and a MRI bill tacked on to my ever-growing debt. Its sad when you have to borrow money to keep the roof over your head. I'm looking for tips, food, exercise and a weekly plan to lose 2lbs a week at least. I do struggle with depression and I take meds for what I was in the ER for. I just have trouble staying on my diet without a support team. Food budget is only $200 a month. I have a stepper...that collects dust now lol. I did use it a couple days a week. I like going outside, but that I used to solve with me going to the store to get something for a 90 minute walk round trip.
Any tips?


  • amibeachcomber
    One of the best ways to stretch a low food budget and still eat healthy foods is to shop for fresh produce at your local flea market. Much less than at the supermarket and often better quality. Walking is free and so is this website for support. Good luck.
  • daldalita2012
    daldalita2012 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I used to have lots of execuses to myself. I know what you are going through is tough but you and you alone will be able to help you. I keep on saying to myself before that the reason why I keep on gaining weight is because this is the only thing I can afford, the reason I am not fit is because I dont have money to go to the GYM. Lots of execuses and I hate myself for doing that. I am still overweight for 5 feet with 65 kilos. I used to be 80 kilos. I am trying so hard and still is. I said this to you, we can do this. I dont need the gym to loose weight, I run outside. go to the park and run. I dont care how I look but I started with brisk walking, at first I thought I will collapsed. then walking and running and you wouldn't believe I can run straight now for goals is simple for now. to run for 5km with no stops. take note i'ts hot here in dubai but I managed to run. my Husband is so overweight as well and obviously we loved to eat and my husband and I are trying to help each other. I used to finish whole large pizza or 4pcs of KFC just by myself.

    But you just need to said to yourself that I wanted to change. Find it in your heart, it is so hard I know but you just need to stop making execuses. I hope I am not offending you. One step at a time.


    Do it for yourself and for your loved ones and not for anyone else. We can do this.
  • cjbennett2012
    cjbennett2012 Posts: 38 Member
    I was in a similar situation, lost my job really thought i could turn things round quicker but in reality it didn't happen overnight.

    Being on a budget it can be hard, u will buy what u think is the right food groups, only to go to the local shop and stock up on crappy foods when depression kicks in.

    Best thing you can do to combat both the depression and your outlook on life is to keep up with MFP, put the foods that u genuinely enjoy on a list and once a day have something that is a little bad for you but does not make u go over your calorie intake.
    Walking everyday for at least 30 mins will help tackle the depression steadily and when u feel ready do some light exercises for around 20 - 30 mins couple days a week, there are plenty of exercise plans online so u don't have to worry about spending a fortune on dvds or gyms.

    I hope you take it gently and that over time things will seem more positive and will give you the strength to get through this hard time, you are not alone and there are good people on here that are trying to combine all of the above in their own lives.

  • aquagurl12
    aquagurl12 Posts: 8 Member
    The bad thing about this that my ER visit found ulcers in my stomach, which makes me sick at times, queasy and I no longer have an appetite. I absolutely hate ulcers, good thing my gallbladder is fine. I do eat the healthy foods like watermelon, cucumbers, lettuce and just started on apples again. My energy is so low, that I'm back to sleeping 10-12 hours again. Looking for a fulltime job or a second job even.
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    Buy dry beans for protein! They are fabulous for a budget! Absolutely nothing wrong with frozen veggies if that's what you can afford. Buy in the dry bulk section if you can - usually it's cheaper because it's not packaged and you can buy only what you will use. Day old bread is a great option - just throw it in the freezer.

    Take it one step at a time. Start by walking everyday or increasing your water intake or eating a veggie with every meal. I started by just logging what I was going to eat normally - gave me an idea of what I was eating and where I needed to make adjustments. I imagine you would like to keep the weight off permanently this time (as would I!!!!). It may take a little longer, but will certainly be sooooo worth it in the long run. Make dietary changes you can live with forever. If you can't live without carbs, then don't cut them out completely!

    Good luck!
  • aquagurl12
    aquagurl12 Posts: 8 Member
    Lol beans give me gas, bad for IBS. I have that as well. I have no clue why my doc also said GERD. I don't get heartburn lol. My stomach is extra picky, but loves warm food. Aside from volunteering 4 hours next two days...i have 6 more days of boredom