Question about COFFEE



  • emmiee921
    emmiee921 Posts: 224
    i love coffee i work in a coffee shop so i drink a lot of it, throughout work (2 times a week)
    at home not much but a couple times a week ill buy one not a capp but just long white with skinny milk so
    only a bit of milk,
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    How is coffee going to dehydrate you? How many pots a day are you drinking?

    It's a diuretic, which causes you to pee more, which can dehydrate you if you are not drinking enough water.
    Simple science.
    You need to consume about 700mg of caffeine for any kind of diuretic effect to be seen. The amount of water you would consume drinking that much caffeine (roughly 60 oz) would negate any diuretic effect. Also, regular consumption of caffeine makes a person immune to the diuretic effect.

    This myth has been debunked time after time, it really needs to just die already.

    As for coffee's benefits, let's see, reduced risk of Type 2 Diabetes (consumption of 6 cups a day,) reduced risk of stroke, heart arrhythmia, dementia, Alzheimer's, and hypertension.

    I didn't really know that it was that good for you. I drink a fair bit of caffeine but I try to limit my intake because I think it might increase my anxiety.
    I drink it black on my fasting days.
    I drink it with skim milk on my non fasting days, and sometimes I will have a mocha or something as a treat. Be careful with some coffees if they add cream/full fat milk/sweeteners/syrups they can make a coffee 500cals+

    If I drink instant, I usually add half a sugar to help with the taste..
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    Thanks for all the insight guys! :smile: I genuinely didn't know any of this, all I've ever been told is that coffee is dehydrating, makes it harder to fall asleep (if coffee is drank later in the day) and that it is very acidic to the body. Didn't know of any health benefits :smile:

    Another question: is there any link between coffee consumption and acne? I've been monitoring how my skin responds to certain foods and it seems that any time I have coffee I break out, if I cut it out for even just two days the break out clears up, then reintroduce it and acne comes back...etc etc.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Thanks for all the insight guys! :smile: I genuinely didn't know any of this, all I've ever been told is that coffee is dehydrating, makes it harder to fall asleep (if coffee is drank later in the day) and that it is very acidic to the body. Didn't know of any health benefits :smile:

    Another question: is there any link between coffee consumption and acne? I've been monitoring how my skin responds to certain foods and it seems that any time I have coffee I break out, if I cut it out for even just two days the break out clears up, then reintroduce it and acne comes back...etc etc.

    Do you drink it with milk? I know if people who break out when they drink milk.
  • majd75
    majd75 Posts: 3 Member
    Thats right , caffeine in black coffey is the No. 1 fat burner.
    for that drinking alot of coffey helping in reducing fat ..
    but be carfull about blood pressure.

  • Lisamar74
    Lisamar74 Posts: 114
    I'm a tea girl but I think I'll start drinking coffee after reading all of this!
  • Eve1972
    Eve1972 Posts: 297
    The pros are it keeps me from killing people early in the morning. The cons? I can't think of any.

    HaHa, so very true!!
  • The caffeine in coffee (and cola and tea) helps to retain water, so limiting intake is advisable. If the slim coffee drinkers are using this to suppress apetite (by filling their stomach with liquid), the same effect should be achieved by drinking water.:drinker:
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    Thanks for all the insight guys! :smile: I genuinely didn't know any of this, all I've ever been told is that coffee is dehydrating, makes it harder to fall asleep (if coffee is drank later in the day) and that it is very acidic to the body. Didn't know of any health benefits :smile:

    Another question: is there any link between coffee consumption and acne? I've been monitoring how my skin responds to certain foods and it seems that any time I have coffee I break out, if I cut it out for even just two days the break out clears up, then reintroduce it and acne comes back...etc etc.

    Do you drink it with milk? I know if people who break out when they drink milk.

    Nope, just soy/almond milk or I have it black X
  • the jitters wear off and you eventually feel more alert , this is true if you have had a good sleep the night before and plenty of water before work, coffee mid afternoon slump and coffee before a workout yummmmmy
  • I'm a tea girl but I think I'll start drinking coffee after reading all of this!

  • avalonms
    avalonms Posts: 2,468 Member
    It's a diuretic, which causes you to pee more, which can dehydrate you if you are not drinking enough water.
    Simple science.
    There is NOTHING simple about science.
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    How is coffee going to dehydrate you? How many pots a day are you drinking?

    It's a diuretic, which causes you to pee more, which can dehydrate you if you are not drinking enough water.
    Simple science.

    As for coffee's benefits, let's see, reduced risk of Type 2 Diabetes (consumption of 6 cups a day,) reduced risk of stroke, heart arrhythmia, dementia, Alzheimer's, and hypertension.

    nice, I have been staving off diabetes and I didn't even know it
  • PinkKitty724
    PinkKitty724 Posts: 179 Member
    I have one cup a day. The coffee isn't bad, it's the creamer I put into it. I love french vanilla cream and the fat free kind is 20-25 cals per tbsp. Sugar free is 15 cals so I've recently switched to that. I generally have 2 tbsp per cup (so, 2 tbsp per day). I just bought some Designer Women's Aria Protein Powder and was thinking about putting coffee into that in the AM instead of drinking the coffee separately. Sounds like a good idea. I get the benefits of the coffee still (people don't die), I get the protein and if I add a dash of PB2 I get a little more protein and peanut butter flavor......
    MMmmmm.... coffee-peanut butter-vanilla (or chocolate) morning beverage sounds delightful!
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 558 Member
    The pros are it keeps me from killing people early in the morning. The cons? I can't think of any.

    the con is, sometimes people need to be killed


    French press is higher in cholesterol. The way it is made it extracts more cholesterol from the beans. Good thing I don't have a cholesterol problem!! Other than that It's not bad, just log the mix-ins and drink plenty water too :-)
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    My only problem with coffee is when I have more than 2 cups I turn into Cornholio (Beavis and Butthead) but beyond that I thoroughly enjoy a cup in the AM