I WAS doing good until...



  • leigh72
    leigh72 Posts: 18
    Hi Everyone....where are you? I keep checking in, but no one is here! Hopefully that means you are all out and about excercising and enjoying your days!! I just got back from the gym, myself and I am happy it was early and over and done with...I am really trying hard here! Would like to be 15-20 lbs lighter by Xmas!! Hope you are all doing well and staying motivated, strong, and sexy!!! :wink: :smile:
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member

    I agree Jodi, where is everyone?? Glad to hear that you got your workout in already! I am already startig to see the scale go down a bit!!! and i haven't even started working out again!!

    Well I have a busy day, so need to get going, let's hope some others check in today as well!!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    This is why health professionals use 2+ yr windows to evaluate the success of any weight loss plan.

    It is hard work--and it is hard to keep going. I don't know exactly what the physical/psychological mechanisms are in each individual, but don't kid yourself into thinking this is easy, or that you are somehow a "failure" if you start to struggle after awhile.

    That's why we always try to talk in terms of "lifestyle changes" rather than "diets" and emphasize long-term, gradual, permanent changes rather than rapid weight loss.

    Some psychologists talk about our internal body image--how we get used to a certain image of ourselves--positive or negative--and subconsciously try to maintain that image. Even when we are overweight and consciously look in the mirror with dissatisfaction, our internal image and routines are more "fixed" and we find it hard to change. I think most of had to experience a noticeable "shock" to our routines (what change experts call the Big D or Dissatisfier) to motivate us to start our programs.

    Those who have experienced success then reach a point where you feel so much better, are receiving compliments, etc, that you start to become accustomed/satisfied with the new body image and start to relax. This is the next important phase of the program and may be every bit as important, if not more so, than your original efforts.

    My story is similar. I got some pretty negative medical feedback in March 2009 that was my big Motivator. I have lost 53 pounds since then Everything has been great--it has been pretty easy to change eating habits, I have been able to deal with eating out, parties, etc just fine, fitness level is better than in a decade or more, lots of compliments from friends--but I started hitting the wall. The biggest thing for me was getting my follow up bloodwork done--everything is now normal: cholesterol, blood glucose and blood pressure. I also have tested a lot more of my "old" foods with my glucose meter and have found that many foods, such as ice cream, chocolate and cookies, no longer cause a spike in blood sugar readings the way they used to.

    I am finding that I am starting to slip back into some bad habits--mainly snacking while I read at night. The snacks are healthier than before, but still snacks. I also realized that I was eating too few calories and needed to increase my intake by about 30%. I had been following a pretty regimented eating schedule and am having trouble "recalibrating" my meals and portion sizes. It's easy to just eat more, instead of measuring more.

    And, to top it all off, I slipped on a wet bike path while running a few weeks ago and injured my hip. As so often happens in cases like this, I didn't want to interrupt my exercise program so not only did I continue running after the fall for another 30 min, I continued to ramp up my whole routine. The hip injury became a hamstring strain, so now I have had to cut way back to rehab the injury. I can do cross trainer and stairmaster, but it's not the same as running 60-90 min.

    So keep supporting each other, cause the finish line is a long way off.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Chart
  • leigh72
    leigh72 Posts: 18
    Hi Everyone! I have a question...what exactly does it mean when it says that you earned calories from excercise??? That you earned more calories to eat? I never use them....

    I blew it last night with Eggplant parm and wine...but I am not beating myself up...I am back on track

    Paula...I started to see the scale move as well....the weekend is coming up, so that is my challenge to stay on track!! But I am working Sat and Sun, so it should not be too hard.

    Good day everyone and Azdek, I hope you are on the mend and feeling better with that hip/ham string injury....Be well!! :happy:
  • leigh72
    leigh72 Posts: 18
    Where IS everyone????
  • justforme8
    justforme8 Posts: 68 Member
    :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed:
    I am such a dork sometimes, I looked and looked for this thread forever, not remembering where I put it, until DUH I could easily go to my topics!!! hahaha Im sorry!
    How is everyone doing?! I doubt anyone even checks it, its been a coupel of weeks.. I hope everyone is doign well school is hectic and Im TRYING my best to exercise more!! no more excuses! I did go to the gym for only 45 mins, but now Im off to a study group and I will work out tonight as well!! Hope to see some of you again soon onhere!! Sorry again :grumble: I would lose my head if it wasnt attatched! LOL
  • I completely understand. My husband and I do really well following what we are suppose to eat and exercise, but then we are on the go all day (for one day) and it messes us up. If we cheat just once...we cheat the rest of the day. It's really hard when we live so close to town that nothing but fast food is around us.
    Today I got back on track and did a brisk walk for an hour (with hills). :wink:

    Good luck and stick to it!!!

  • justforme8
    justforme8 Posts: 68 Member
    GOOOOOOD FRIDAY MORNING!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: How is everyone? Im doing prettty good. Judt waiting for the kids to get ready to send them off to the bus stop, then me and my youngest are going for our friday morning walk around the sub.. I REALLLLY want a starbucks pumpkin spice latte skim milk no whip RIGHT now! :love:
    Anyhow, Im going to get them off and I shall return!! :heart:
  • hello all...I gave up on this thread! I checked in daily for the chat/support, but nobody ever seems to return. They are here for the first couple of days and then everyone disappears. Anyhow, just checking in to see if anyone else ever does. I stopped for a while since I never saw anyone. I am at school now, subbing and thinking about how I must get on the treadmill tonight!

    Good luck everyone in reaching your goals!:smile:
  • justforme8
    justforme8 Posts: 68 Member
    :grumble: :grumble: I hate RAINY NASTY DAYS!! I just want to cuddle up on the couhc and watch TV, and with my 2 yr home, it is soooo doable! but nope, I am cleaning house working out and studying!!
    Leigh, Im here!! I forgot about this and cmae back and then no one was around!! haha I know Im a slacker!!:frown: But Im back now!! BIG football game 2mrw.. mich Vs mich state! having people over to watch it, so its munchies allll day! Im making a killer chili (all healthy because the guys with NEVER know) and then veggies, and some chips and chili dip. As long as I keep busy I shall be fine! and NO drinking for me til new years, and even then we shall see! Hope everyone is enjoying their friday!! :drinker: :drinker:
  • Hi Everyone! I have a question...what exactly does it mean when it says that you earned calories from excercise??? That you earned more calories to eat? I never use them....

    MFP determines your daily calories through a combination of age, gender, weight, weight loss goal (eg loss per week), BMR (the number of calories per day you need to eat to mainain your weight), & activity level (the more active you are, the higher your BMR is). If you eat your daily calories & do not exercise (exercise does not include activities that are part of your lifestyle), you will lose your weekly weight goal.

    If you do exercise then your net calories (calories eaten - calories burned through exercise) will be less than your daily goal. Ex: goal is 1200 cals & 500 cals are burned by exercising. Net calories = 700. At that low of a level your body could go into starvation mode. Think of your body like a car. If you fill your car's gas tank up you can drive 300 miles on a tank. If you only fill the tank up halfway you won't be able to drive 300 miles because you'll run out of gas long before then. Your body is the same except that when it recognizes that it's not being fed enough it can divert resources away from necessary bodily functions & store that savings as fat in case it doesn't get fed at all one day. That's starvation mode! Personally, I always eat at least 50% of my exercise calories & have lost 47lbs in 16 weeks :)
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    this topic just makes me wanna not get married. I gained a bunch of weight just moving in with my bf and 'playing housewife' (aka not working so I can keep the house pretty and spoil him)

    Ive already almost left him so I can go back to where all my friends are and work my butt off and walk to see my friends all the time again and lose all that 'relationship weight'
  • justforme8
    justforme8 Posts: 68 Member
    And the weekend comes and goes in a blink of the eye. . . UUUUUUUGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH LOL Back to the work week, and I neeed to go grocery shopping for myself and the kids lunches. ITs the PERFECT temp out today, COOOOOL maybe too cold! ;) Ok just stopping in to say hello!
  • justforme8
    justforme8 Posts: 68 Member
    GOOD afternoon!! Just checking in! SO this weekend me and hubby decided we are ready for another baby! but I told him, lets both lose 30lbs and trhen start trying! I ahve been doing so well I just wanna keep on trucking on the weight lose wagon!
    Other then that, a whole weekend of studying! How about everyone else? What was your weekend like? HAPPY MONDAY!:flowerforyou:
  • ianconway
    ianconway Posts: 185 Member
    Soooo Im sure we have all been here before, at least I know I have! And I hate it:grumble: Soo I was doing so good, working out, running (for some reason I LOVE it) Then BAM, got engaged march 5th, keep working out, but messed up here and there, Married on july 4th, where I was at my lowest! and then honeymoon on aug 1st-the 8th.. Now since then, I have just been drinking, and eating WAY too much!:noway: I am Soooo tired again, all the time and i miss the energy I had before. A Little back ground, I am a full time nursing student with a 5 year old and 2 year old. While Im not in school it is so very difficult to keep track and stay on top of things. But while Im in school it's like I almost discpline myself if I don;t stick to schedule. (I am kinda anal when it comes to schedules IE study time,bath time,dinner time):huh:
    I guess the point of this post is to get it out there, to admit to myself that I have to get back on track for myself and my kids! And since I spend a lot of time on this site, I just thought I would put myself out there! Im off to work out, and then I have school this afternoon from 1- 10 pm! busy busy! Hope everyone has a good day!!:drinker:

    It happens to the best of us! When I was on vacation in May, my diet and exercise went out the window! The best thing to do is to pick yourself up and start fresh and not to let anything hold you back because you're going to come back fierce!

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