Cellulite - how do i get rid of it?!

Hi all,

So i have lost 19 pounds so far. I have another 18 to go and i'm at my goal. Although my cellulite has faded a bit i still think it's soooo bad in some light. will shifting the final stone get rid of it?!

Does anyone use any amazing cream that works to minimise it?!

thanks! xxx


  • Maldivesbeachbodplease
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    I wish there was an easy cure... unfortunately I don't think there is but hopefully someone can give some helpful info :)
  • Lissakaye81
    Lissakaye81 Posts: 224 Member
    I have heard and read body brushing and massage helps but I think it is genetic, and cant do anything unless you loose the fat under the skin. I have started body brushing daily, and using raw unrefined shea butter, jojoba oil and cocoa butter. The unrefined shea butter has more vitamins in it. It may be a waste of time, but I am loving how soft my skin is. I am gonna do pics just to see if there is any change after a few months.
  • adietron
    adietron Posts: 155
    There is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that uses ultrasonic waves to reduce fat and cellulite. The clinical term for it is fat cavitation, but the procedure is also marketed under several other fancy/brand names.


    That youtube vid explains the process. I've read some scientific papers about it, and the research shows that it is well-tolerated by patients with almost no side effects. It basically breaks apart fat cells, and your body excretes the broken lipids, but it doesn't affect your cholesterol levels or kidney/liver function.

    it's no miracle cream, but it's not a waste of money either, considering how well it works.
  • wrecked_willow
    I've tried 6 different creams and it never worked.
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    I have heard that there is a laser treatment...but it costs $2500 per area.

    Which leads me to believe, cover ups and backing out of a room are the way to go. ;)
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I copied this article for your reading pleasure, and there is an additional link at the end of the page. Diet and exercise are important; however; genes, age, hormonal changes, and skin thickness are more important. We can control our diet and exercise habits, but not the other factors. Sorry ladies for the bad news.

    "Cellulite is the lumpy substance commonly found on the thighs, stomach, and butt. You may have heard people say it looks like "cottage cheese." Cellulite is actually a fancy name for collections of fat that push against the connective tissue beneath a person's skin. This makes the surface of the skin pucker and look lumpy.

    You can check to see if you have cellulite by pinching the skin around your upper thigh. If it looks a bit lumpy, you probably have it. If you do have cellulite, you're definitely not alone: Most girls and women — and some men — have cellulite.

    Several things influence whether a person has cellulite and how much they have. Your genes, your gender, the amount of fat on your body, your age, and the thickness of your skin are all associated with the amount of cellulite you have or how visible it is.

    It doesn't matter what causes cellulite, there aren't any miracle products, treatments, or medicines that can make it go away. Some "treatments" may temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite. They won't last, though. For example, fancy salon treatments use deep massaging to puff up the skin. That can make cellulite look a little better for a while.

    Liposuction (surgery to remove fat) and mesotherapy (injection of drugs into cellulite) are expensive. But they're not very effective. For example, liposuction is designed to remove deep fat. But cellulite is close to the skin.

    Even top models can have cellulite, but if you have it, you probably don't like it. Almost everyone wishes that something about their body was a bit different. This is particularly true during our teens when our bodies go through all sorts of changes caused by puberty.

    If you decide that you want to try to reduce the amount of cellulite you have, the best thing to do is to decrease excess body fat. If you think that you are overweight (and your doctor agrees), eat fewer calories and exercise more.

    An exercise routine that combines aerobic exercise with strength training is the best weapon against cellulite. In the meantime, if you want to conceal your cellulite, try using a self-tanning product. Cellulite tends to be a little bit less noticeable on darker skin.

  • ArielBasile
    Hi! I am very slim but I STILL had/have cellulite and stretch marks on my hips and thighs. I have been working with an author of a book called "Body Back". Reading and re-reading the book during my work with her taught me that it is not just about diet and exercise, it is about CIRCULATION in those areas. Exfoliation, dry brushing, pinching. I have been doing her tips daily and I have noticed a significant difference in appearance and feel. Even my fiance noticed WITHOUT prodding him for an opinion. He just noticed out of nowhere!

    Anyway Heather just did a video on cellulite with all the tips. Try them and use them daily and give it a month or so and I promise you will notice a difference.

  • joynova
    joynova Posts: 65 Member
  • Arestoktra
    I've only lost 5 lbs so far (my goal is around around 15 lbs) and I've always had cellulite previously no matter what I do, but now, they're all GONE! I don't know if there's any specific thing I do, I don't think so but I just drink lots and lots of water each day (2-3 litters each day) and do lots of squats and other thigh/bum toning exercises (hello, pear shape in here). Maybe these can work for you too?