Day 1 and could use some support

Hi, I'm new to this. What a great site!!! I am sooo happy I found it. This is exactly what I need PEOPLE!!! !! I've been spending alot of time alone lately...... I started walking 2 weeks ago and walk maybe 2 miles a day plus I work with weights for my flabby arms :( I've also been out of work for like 4 mos. I started packing on weight quick from being lazy & depressed. The walks have already helped somewhat for the depression. I literally have to force myself to go but once I'm out there walking I feel better. Its time I snap out of it!!! Summers just around the corner and I have a swimming pool in the backyard I would like to enjoy with my son this summer. All together I need to lose atleast 30 lbs. I'd like to lose 10 by summer. I need support. Thanks for listening... Susan


  • tcanning_17
    well you came to the right place!!! you can do it
  • jam3114
    jam3114 Posts: 250 Member
    Welcome to the site Susan - its definitely a place with people - good luck on your journey - friend request sent :smile:
  • kegrivergirl
    Welcome to MFP! Definatley a great place to find support and be supportive of others who are on their journey to a healthy lifestyle! Add me if you would like! Cheers!!!
  • sheriktz
    sheriktz Posts: 3 Member
    I was introduced to this site just over a week ago. I LOVE IT!! It is motivation all by itself. I absolutely love that after I fill out my food diary for the day, it will tell me what I will weigh in 5 wks if I continue to eat like this. I did weight watchers for three years and it was a struggle to lose weight. I followed the plan and would lose .2, .4, .8, then gain 1.2....ugh! My first week on this site watching my calories and I lost 4 lbs.

    I work out and have been since October, but have not lost any weight (until last week). I can tell that I have gained muscle though, since I sat in shorts the other day and didn't have a cottage cheese mess on my thighs.

    There is a fitness thread something like '100 miles in April' - since I noticed it this past weekend, I decided to try for 50 miles in April. 50 miles of walking - I was at 11 yesterday, and ordered my first Polar heart rate monitor this morning. I think it will be key to tracking the actual calories burned and help me reach my goal.

    Good Luck!! and Have Fun reaching your goal!!
  • Ilenejo
    Ilenejo Posts: 2
    I am new too, this seems like a great site. I have 40 pounds to lose and it feels a bit overwhelming, but no better time to start then today, right?
  • doodlebug32
    doodlebug32 Posts: 66 Member
    this site is great - speaking as someone who was out of work for some of 2009 and all of 2010, you are doing the RIGHT THING by getting out there and moving. Get yourself on some type of schedule as if you are going to work - finding work is a full time job these days! I would get up with my husband, get a shower, get dressed and go to my computer to look/apply for jobs for the morning. then I would do something active (like you are) in the afternoon to keep me going. You are on the RIGHT PATH doing something heathly for yourself every day - that comes from YOU (a gift for yourself) and no one else can take it away from you. GREAT JOB, KEEP IT UP!
  • Nunni3
    Nunni3 Posts: 12
    Susan, I haven't stayed with it either and am starting over today. I am not good with getting on here, I am never home it seems like and right now on here from work. Which isn't good either. I have got to loose this weight, I have never weighed this much before, even when I was pregnant....this is terrible...

    Debi aka nunni3
  • bjc101
    bjc101 Posts: 25 Member
    Congratulations on your new resolutions to start with a plan for better living. The walking is great, the weights are great and the weight loss will happen and it will be great too! Folks on this site will be here to help you through all the ups and downs. As with any change or new pan for living, it's best taken one day at a time.
  • ShaunaLaNee
    ShaunaLaNee Posts: 188 Member
    HI, this is my 3ard day, I have a lot to lose and could use support myself:) I have tried WW this past year and it did nothing, years ago it worked well. So I hope that this is the thing I need to keep track of and eat the right things. I've also started at the gym, I sick and tired of being heavy, and unhealthy!
  • kwiggit
    kwiggit Posts: 3
    Hi Susan,

    I signed up for the main reason that if you want to have lasting change, a support group is a must (along with new exercise habits, eating habits and mental framing) according to a good book I read recently called "Change or Die". It has several case studies with some very interesting info. So you've got the support group checked off (good job!). Now you need to make sure to have a meal plan established and a proven exercise routine that will show you the results that you are after. The idea is to not have to constantly think but just do. This will get you over the hump (that most can't get over) until you begin to see results and then start really feeling and believing that you will be the way you envision yourself. To help with that, you need to "act as if" you are already who you want to be.

    Kirk Wittig
  • goldengirl28
    goldengirl28 Posts: 130 Member
    Hi this is mt first day even though i registered at the weekend, i like you want to get weight off for summer about 28lbs, i want to wear shorts in summer this year :) i will accept all friend requests