60+ lbs gone. Got some new manly muscles too!



  • jmp1031
    jmp1031 Posts: 95 Member
    You look great! Awesome inspiration!
  • Blew28
    Blew28 Posts: 11
    Absolutely inspirational! I read your post thinking "wow, this is me in almost every aspect..."
    I will definitely be taking some tips from your post. Its the beginning of a loong journey for me, but you know what, that's ok! This post has motivated me and I'm sure many others... Standing ovation, you are awesome!
  • AmberCHM
    AmberCHM Posts: 425 Member
    Great transformation and you are absolutely adorable!!
  • steelersfamily6
    steelersfamily6 Posts: 138 Member
    My story isn’t complete – I’m still in progress – but I’ve been struggling with some self-esteem issues lately and a friend urged me to post this today in an effort to encourage, motivate, maybe even inspire myself and anyone else interested. When I first got started on MFP – before knowing anyone or anything – I read the success threads everyday in an attempt to get myself motivated to workout. Seeing normal people having success without pills, diets, or other fads really helped me to see that I could do this too!

    I never had a weight problem until I had kids, became severely depressed (not a result of the kids, I don’t think, hah!), stopped taking care of myself, and just let it all go to ish. I honestly don’t know what clicked one day to get me started – other than hearing my doctor say I needed to start watching my cholesterol unless I wanted to be on meds for it. :noway: I was 29 and I have a family history of high cholesterol. Oh, and I was 5’4”, 220 lbs, size 18, and felt grosser than ever. I don't have any full body pics.


    So doc prescribed me phentermine (appetite suppressant) in an effort to show me some quick motivation. :huh: Within two to three weeks I was off of that drug – made me sick feeling and I was feeling too much rage. I lost 10 lbs (of water, hah) though and kept that off throughout the coming year. I cleaned up my diet a bit more and started walking a couple of times a week. Nothing drastic and I was still eating entirely too much, so no real changes or losses.



    Well, October 2010 came and there was this new “diet” that was all the rage around my town. And seeing as how I was desperate, I hopped on board the awful HCG train. :sad: (If you don’t know what this is, please don’t ask – it’s not worth it!) Let me repeat – I was DESPERATE. Sure I lost some pounds but I lost a lot of other things too (i.e. my health, lean body mass, hair, money, etc). Oh, and the weight ALL came back within a few months as I hadn’t dealt with the underlying issues.


    In June 2011 I bought a cheap treadmill at a garage sale. I figured if I could put this in my bedroom and see it first thing in the morning, I would have NO excuse not to get some easy exercise in. My joints ached, my knees hurt, but I had to do SOMETHING to get started. In July, I decided to start C25K – having never been able to run longer than two minutes in my life due to asthma. I’d read a lot of reviews from people saying they had exercise-induced asthma and yet they were able to complete the program so I got determined to do it too. Shortly thereafter I discovered MFP from the C25K facebook page.

    Enter MFP. At first I wasn’t losing any weight. I had done C25K for seven weeks and lost about four or five pounds over that time period – mostly water, however, and I was discouraged and frustrated. :angry: I lacked any real support from IRL friends it was hard to stay motivated. I was using MFP merely for the APP and not any other part of it. In August I got fed up with no losses in weight or measurements (I was really trying to limit my calories and stay at 1200, didn’t eat back exercise calories either). I increased my workouts to 5 days a week for an hour (and eventually started 30 Day Shred). No changes. WTH was going on?!! I swallowed my pride and posted my first thread on the forum. Gulp I am so thankful for those initial replies and not feeling berated for my ignorance. :flowerforyou: It was recommended that I pick up some MFP friends for my support system and that was one of the BEST things I ever did for myself. At first I had thought – these are a bunch of strangers – what do I care what they think or have to say? But I quickly learned how priceless it was to have these strangers’ words and praise every day! These were my first "before" pics that I literally was shaking taking.



    I started losing weight finally…and then it slowed. I stumbled upon some threads where the girls were encouraging us to EAT MORE. I didn’t buy into this right away – it just seemed so counterproductive given eating more had gotten me fat in the first place. LOL But the more I read about it, things started making sense in my little mind. So I ate back more of my exercise calories…and found that I was consistently losing at least a pound a week when I ate between 1700-1900 cals a day (to be fair – I was doing Turbo Jam/Turbo Fire workouts 3x a week and Chalean Extreme 3x a week). My body LOVED being fueled and responded in kindness! :drinker:

    This pic below is in the middle of doing Chalean Extreme. My lower body is very slow to respond... :grumble:

    Overall I have lost about 62-65 lbs (depends on the day), 30 of that from being on MFP. But more than having lost the weight, I have developed a healthy attitude about food, make MUCH better choices with food (usually, LOL), have an appreciation and love for heavy lifting, and am really enjoying the process of transforming my body. It’s been a slow process for me…no doubt. I’m not in a race and I have no one to impress, aside from my husband (who I really like to impress, *wink* :love: ). And I want to do this slowly so that:
    1. My skin has time to firm up (fast weight loss tends to equal saggy skin)
    2. I can enjoy eating out and holidays without feeling like I am going to gain 5 lbs of fat if I eat too much in one sitting
    3. The fat stays off
    4. I don’t want to get burned out
    5. I want to keep up this lifestyle for…uhm, life?! :laugh:
    6. I need to eat enough in order to fuel my body to gain strength and muscles
    7. To stay sane :drinker:



    And this is a picture of my back taken two weeks ago. I never look at my backside unless I'm trying to see how big my butt is looking in some jeans and I happened to catch a deltoid so I decided to try to take a photo of some back progress. My jaw nearly hit the floor when I saw I had revealed some beautiful muscles!! :love:



    So I know I’m probably not nearly as inspirational as some of the people who have lost 100 lbs in a year…or 10 lbs a month….or whatever. I am a little envious sometimes of their ability to do that…but I know what’s right for me, my body and the slow boat to China seems to be getting it done too. :wink: Little changes here and there have equaled up to big results for me. Losing weight is surprisingly VERY simple…but the mental part is NOT, at all.

    And that brings me to my problem today. I am struggling with my self-esteem. Occasionally I pass by the mirror and I see the fat girl still. :sad: It upsets me to think I got to that point, how did I let myself go like that? Depression was my biggest enemy. That fat girl is no less valuable or worthy…so why can’t I just see myself for WHO I am? I’m a freakin’ Bad *kitten*! (Okay so I tell myself that so that one day I’ll embrace it and believe it, haha!) I’m not in love with my body yet and even if I drop another 20 lbs, I don’t know if I will be then either. There is so much mental crap to this process – I now understand why we really ought to be in therapy in the meantime!

    Every day is a new day and we get to make the decisions that will bring us closer to our goal. The only workout you will ever regret is the one you didn’t do. So get to it. Stop making excuses, find the time, and love yourself. Also – be a good encourager to others – my MFP friends will never know just how valuable they have been and continue to be for me in this quest for better health. :blushing:

    Start weight: 220 lbs, who knows how much bodyfat, sz 18, XXL/1X-2X tops
    Start MFP weight: 187 lbs – 36% bodyfat – sz 14-16, LG – XL tops
    Current weight: 157 lbs – 27% bodyfat – sz 8, S-M tops

    My cholesterol went from 224 mg/dl (Dec '09) to 155, HDL 77 to 57, LDL 128 to 86 (Dec '11) and hopefully it's still improving!

    I don’t have any pictures of me at the full 220 lbs – I did my best to stay out of the camera’s view. My goal is to get to a size 6 and 18-20% bodyfat. Who knows how much I will weigh at those points...but I do know that having muscle in the body is making everything a lot less jiggly and whole lot more pretty. :D I am really enjoying being able to see my collar bones, finally! If you got to this point - you deserve a cookie - thanks for reading this far!! LOL


    First I must say, you are absolutely gorgeous. Second, congrats on such a huge success. You should seriously think about writing a book just to show what you have been through and the struggles you have had to face bc I am sure there is a lot more people then just us MFPers that need to read your story. You are amazing inspiration and you totally just rocked my night. Thank you so much for being my strength when I really needed, you are such an amazing person. :)
  • LinsenNRoses
    LinsenNRoses Posts: 284 Member
    Wowwww!! You look incredible!!! Awesome job!!! :happy:
  • you are so fantastic for posting this to inspire everyone that is just starting out, thank you! You look amazing!
  • Flissbo
    Flissbo Posts: 302 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story. You have a beautiful face and a gorgeous body and I hope you feel proud of your fab achievement - well done!! :drinker:
  • KacieK1
    KacieK1 Posts: 15 Member
    You look amazing and you have the most beautiful cheekbones ever!
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    I just wanna say that i reckon you look so much younger in your after pics ... i reckon almost taken about 10 or more years off you ... what i bonus!!!
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Nothing manly, just beautiful tone - I do love physiques like yours, strong and capable but still so feminine.

    Well done, you look fantastic x
  • mranselmo
    mranselmo Posts: 11 Member
    Looking great!
  • rjcelmer
    rjcelmer Posts: 431 Member
    You look absolutely gorgeous! Amazing progress!
  • rachellosesitall85
    rachellosesitall85 Posts: 497 Member
    Congratulations! You look absolutely amazing, that back is friggin' crazy gorgeous girly. You should be very proud of yourself for all of your hard work. You sound like a lot of us, you're being real and we need that. Thanks for the encouragement and I pray your self esteem rises high because you deserve it, just look at you!
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    you look absolutely beautiful ! i know you are in a little funk right now but you must be so proud of yourself !? If I had your weightloss and muscle definition right now I would be shaking with excitement like a little school girl ! Try and get a balance of working on your outside and your inside. Maybe take a few therapy sessions just to figure out what is at the root of your issues and get a plan of action together so you can beat this. You are doing marvelous. PS Share some of those muscles would ya! They are awesome

    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • BrittaneyHG
    BrittaneyHG Posts: 98 Member
    Amazing <3 You look wonderful!
  • harleyj
    harleyj Posts: 28 Member
    You are a complete Rock Star and Bad *kitten* as you said. You look fantastic!! You are healthy and strong! Amazing. An inspiration to many. Be proud of yourself. :happy:
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    don't sell yourself short. you are VERY inspirational and i'm about to add you NOW.
  • Spamee
    Spamee Posts: 148 Member
    You look Fantastic!
    Thanks for sharing your Inspiring Story
  • niecyc23
    niecyc23 Posts: 402
    Congrats You look great and reading your post let's me know that it can be done just need to take one day at a time. Thank you:smile:
  • GetFitE
    GetFitE Posts: 247 Member
    bump to read for later!
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