Inches not coming off

Here is my situation: I started working out almost 3 weeks ago. I was running 6 days a week and doing strength training as well, so it totaled out to be around 1+ hours a day of exercise. I also started doing the Butt Bible last Sunday. At first, I was 120.8 lb. The next week, I was 122.6 and have lost a couple inches from my waist and hips. Problem is, my upper thighs are not losing any girth. They have stayed at 21 inches since I started exercising. I am wondering if the tape is not moving because I am simultaneously building muscle and losing fat in that area. Any thoughts are appreciated!


  • annabanana1786
    annabanana1786 Posts: 48 Member
    Im having the same problem, so I'm interested to hear the responses!
  • themotto
    themotto Posts: 15 Member
    My gut would say that if you're receiving the positive feedback of losing inches in your waist, then you're doing it right. I've got a similar problem but I'm working my *kitten* off, eating very well, and not losing anything anywhere.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    You can only gain 10-15 pounds of muscle/year (over all)...unless you're on steroids. So probably not that.
    I'm pear shaped, so I tend to loose weight last in my hips and thighs, maybe 1/2 inch in the hips per month.
    Also depends on how much weight you have to start with, water retention due to the cells retaining water for high sodium intake or the exercise your doing (squats, deadlifts, lunges, ect).
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    You've lost inches form your waist and hips, so you're obviously doing something right! Unfortunately you can't spot reduce or target where on your body the fat comes off. It doesn't come off evenly. Lots of people find that the waist/belly is the last place to lose, and lots of other people (especially women) find that the hip/thigh area is hard to shift fat from. I think you're doing great, just keep at it and give it more time. 3 weeks is not a long time in the grand scheme of things!
  • Mgrogers09
    Mgrogers09 Posts: 61 Member
    I've always heard- and its play out with my experience as well- that the first place you gain is last to lose- so the part of your body that has held the most fat for the longest will be the last place your lose it. I have the same problem with my thighs. I have lost a bunch of inches on my waist but the thighs have lost barely any...i think its a matter of just keep plugging away and eventually you'll start losing in the problem areas
  • momma_a
    momma_a Posts: 117 Member
    I have never been overweight, even when I was pregnant with my kids. I only gained 14 pounds during my pregnancies, and my kids weighed 7 lb when they were born. I definitely think my thighs are the problem area, so it sounds like I can expect them to be 21 inches for a while. I'll just keep pegging away at it :)
  • kwiggit
    kwiggit Posts: 3
    I agree with JesterMFP. Sounds like you're having a hard time realizing just how much progress you've made thus far. You should really focus on tracking TI (Total Inches) lost and you'll realize just how much change is going on with your body. Start measuring (and logging) your neck, biceps, chest, stomach, hips, quads and calfs. Add those numbers up each week to get your TI and you'll quickly see you're overall results. Also, it sounds like in your case, you should ignore the scale as it won't accurately reflect your body composition change that's going on within. Too many people feel they aren't getting anywhere and give up when they are making progress but don't know it because they are using the wrong tools for tracking.
  • NaeNaeJanae
    NaeNaeJanae Posts: 261 Member
    My thighs are the last thing to lose inches! I think my legs get tighter starting from my ankles, tightening slowly up my legs. It'll come, slowly by surely!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    A few things i noticed. First, too much cardio. Cardio is good for burning calories but not fat. Second when you do WT and cardio together your body will compete for resources to repair itself. Also your carbs are pretty high due to the forum defeats.

    My suggestion, do 3-4 days of heavy weight training where you fail at 8-12 reps max. Do 1- 2 days of cardio if you want to and 1 day of yoga if you can. Also set your goal to 1/2 lb per week for weight loss and eat 50-75% of your exercise calories. Then set your carbs at 40% , protein at 40% and fats at 20%.
  • momma_a
    momma_a Posts: 117 Member
    Thanks to the suggestions! I will reevaluate and see what happens :)