Least favorite 30 DS moves



  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member
    Chair squat V raise OMG.
    THE DEVIL, I tell you! :devil:
  • I am still currently on Level 1 and I hate the push ups!!
  • FoodieGal09
    FoodieGal09 Posts: 198 Member
    I'm in level 1 and hate the side lunges with anterior raises. They kill me each time.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member
    I am still currently on Level 1 and I hate the push ups!!
    The last day I did level 1 I was finally able to do ALMOST all the push ups in the regular (non-modified) version. I was glad of no push ups in level 2, but there are other devils living there. lol
  • 29candicanes
    29candicanes Posts: 30 Member
    Yeah I am on Level 2. Only second day and yes it is a killer. Im lacking sleep so I cant tell you what I hate at the moment (cant remember name).
  • AnnyaSB
    AnnyaSB Posts: 233 Member
    Level 1 I didn't mind too much apart from the push ups which I am pants at, but on Day 4 of Level 2 now and the plank with oblique twist are murderous all over and chair squats with V raise are KILLING my arms... I actually grunt when I do them.........ooooeeeeee!!!!!! But the upside is I have biceps that you can actually see :happy:

    All the jumping around on both levels had been grim as I have very weak ankles and feet and it hurts to do them :sad:
  • AnnyaSB
    AnnyaSB Posts: 233 Member
    The last day I did level 1 I was finally able to do ALMOST all the push ups in the regular (non-modified) version. I was glad of no push ups in level 2, but there are other devils living there. lol

    Unless you count the walk out push ups that is! I sooo hate them................
  • chicatita
    chicatita Posts: 193 Member
    Walking planks! Plankey-Plank! lol. Bicycle crunches too!
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member
    Level 1 I didn't mind too much apart from the push ups which I am pants at, but on Day 4 of Level 2 now and the plank with oblique twist are murderous all over and chair squats with V raise are KILLING my arms... I actually grunt when I do them.........ooooeeeeee!!!!!! But the upside is I have biceps that you can actually see :happy:

    All the jumping around on both levels had been grim as I have very weak ankles and feet and it hurts to do them :sad:

    True, my biceps are starting to look mighty sweet. :smile: yeah, whenever I start the high knees I feel like my ankles are gonna twist or something. After that mine seem to do okay though. I am a CHAMP at jumping jacks now. Hahaha
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member

    The last day I did level 1 I was finally able to do ALMOST all the push ups in the regular (non-modified) version. I was glad of no push ups in level 2, but there are other devils living there. lol
    Unless you count the walk out push ups that is! I sooo hate them................

    Those ones actually don't bother me too much... I think mostly because you only have to do like 5 or 6 per set.
  • colehook
    colehook Posts: 46
    Level one: side lunges with shoulder raise

    Level two: plank jacks, seated squat with v raise.

    I actually hate 90% of level two, can't wait for it to be over!

    This exactly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    The squat thrusts from level 2. I HATE them! I really don't mind regular squat thrusts that much. Okay, I don't like to do those either, but I really hate JM's level 2 squat thrusts. I just keep thinking, please let me stand up!
  • chrissaucier
    chrissaucier Posts: 252 Member
    I also hated all of level 2, I did it a couple times then skipped on over to level 3 which is my favorite!
  • misticache
    misticache Posts: 364 Member
    Push ups! I hope there aren't anymore in level 2 or 3. I do the modified ones and still have a heck of a time. This body was not made to do push-ups! Never has been, not even when I was a kid. I just have never had any arm strength. haha I'm such a weakling.

    Those bicycle crunches at the end are also a killer but I kind of like them. I feel like they are doing the most for my abs.

    I'm only on day 2 of level 1 so we shall see.
  • donnamorad
    donnamorad Posts: 22 Member
    Level One: Side lunges with shoulder raise and bicycle move for abs. Also, the combination of jumping jacks and jumping rope left me with the SOREST calves for a week!

    Level Two: Plank jacks and seated squat with v raise (this is the devil's work and I cursed Jillian out the entire time I was doing them).

    I have not done level 3 yet (I am on day 6 of level 2), but I am scared for what is to come!
  • misticache
    misticache Posts: 364 Member
    I am a CHAMP at jumping jacks now. Hahaha

    I used to love jumping jacks but she has killed them for me. If it wasn't for the jump rope the jacks probably wouldn't be that bad. For some reason the Jump rope hurts my ankles bad after awhile.
  • I think I'm the only one in here hating those punches done in squat position. :grumble: I absolutely HATE those punches! :grumble:
  • misticache
    misticache Posts: 364 Member
    Yeah I actually visual punching her in the face! haha

    I'm glad I am not the only one who grunts, sweats, and curses her out. :bigsmile:
  • mudjeff
    mudjeff Posts: 5 Member
    I feel so stupid asking this question but I am a noobie here. What is DS?
  • mdj1501
    mdj1501 Posts: 388 Member
    I am still currently on Level 1 and I hate the push ups!!

    ^^^^^^^^this^^^^^^^^ plus jumping jacks