Hi everyone! I have heard only great things about P90X. I want to lose 30lbs and also tone my whole body. For those who have done or are on the program, should I wait to lose more weight first and then start or is it ok to start now? I want to avoid being this body frame and being toned as opposed to being thinner and tone.
Thanks everyone!


  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    I started P90X at 5'11" and 221.5 pounds. After my first round, I was down 18 pounds. After two rounds of P90X, a P90X/TurboFire Hybrid and six weeks into P90X2 I am at 173 lbs. You don't need to lose weight before starting the program. The moves can be modified to your fitness level.You will get better at them and increase your weight, reps and intensity.

    Eating right is a big part though. My weight loss was initially slower due to me not eating right. Once I leaned out my food intake, the weight started to come off. If you want tips, just shoot me a message and I'll try and answer your questions.
  • SBerrio
    SBerrio Posts: 39 Member
    Thank you so much for your response. I ordered it today.
    Great job by the way and i'll def. have more questions along the way
  • mariacolumbus
    mariacolumbus Posts: 227 Member
    I would encourage you to keep up a dialogue with the previous poster....it is very important to have someone who has had experience with P90X to help you through it...and very encouraging also! I have gone through P90X as well as P90X/TurboFire Hybrid and can't imagine living with out it now! Doing the hybrid programs just keeps you from getting bored. It is a challenge, but anyone at any level of fitness can do it because you can modify each exercise.
    good luck!
  • SAMSON25
    SAMSON25 Posts: 58 Member
    ^^ I agree with smpreston 100%! Very well said. I have had pretty much the same experience.

    Nutrition is huge! Do NOT discount it. This really cannot be stressed enough. If you are truly committed to your goals, then you have to take the Nutrition side as seriously as you do the workouts. Otherwise, you're really only half-committed, and will have a much harder time of accomplishing the changes you are after.

    Good luck! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
  • robsgurl
    robsgurl Posts: 97 Member
    I just started p90x 2 days ago. I did try it out a few year ago but I didn't stick with it. I made it 5 weeks..this time I am determined to stick with it. I think the last time I lost about 7 pounds the first week and a total of 13 pounds the 5 weeks I did it.
  • SBerrio
    SBerrio Posts: 39 Member
    ^^ I agree with smpreston 100%! Very well said. I have had pretty much the same experience.

    Nutrition is huge! Do NOT discount it. This really cannot be stressed enough. If you are truly committed to your goals, then you have to take the Nutrition side as seriously as you do the workouts. Otherwise, you're really only half-committed, and will have a much harder time of accomplishing the changes you are after.

    Good luck! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

    I agree there will be no point of me or anyone killing it with the workouts if you're not going to properly eat.
    Thanks for the encouragement!
  • SBerrio
    SBerrio Posts: 39 Member
    I just started p90x 2 days ago. I did try it out a few year ago but I didn't stick with it. I made it 5 weeks..this time I am determined to stick with it. I think the last time I lost about 7 pounds the first week and a total of 13 pounds the 5 weeks I did it.

    awesome that you're trying it again! best of luck. I am scared to start but we can do this!!!
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    I lost weight/body fat and toned with P90X (did three rounds - lost about 50 pounds).

    I think you can go for it now - there's a great mix of cardio and strength training, so you'll get the benefits of both.
  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    Hello All,
    I have a p90x support group on FB. It is all about accountabilty and support. Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/181539361962903 Come join:)
  • SBerrio
    SBerrio Posts: 39 Member
    I lost weight/body fat and toned with P90X (did three rounds - lost about 50 pounds).

    I think you can go for it now - there's a great mix of cardio and strength training, so you'll get the benefits of both.

    50 lbs thats excellent!Thanks i ordered it today very excited
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    P90X, MyFitnessPal and a good Heart Rate Monitor all work together to help you lose weight, get stronger and have so much more confidence in yourself. P90X workouts are tough, but can be done. The first week is tough. Getting past that is hard for most people. the Yoga workout is long (90 minutes) and boring to many folks. However, you really need to do it. Plyo will be frustrating the first time. Don't let it bother you. Listen to Tony Do your best and forget the rest Can do a full 30 seconds? Do 15 seconds of each move if possible ad move up from there. The same goes for Ab Ripper X. 25 of each one is tough. When I started, I could do 25 of the first move, but it wore me out for the rest. So I switched to 12 of each, then 15, etc.

    Download the worksheets and the P90X Excel sheet to track your reps and you calorie burn. If you need help or motivation, post on the boards. There are a ton of us that have faced the same problems you will probably face. We've had the sore muscles and the frustrations when a one legged guy can out jump us in plyo.
  • pgp90xer
    pgp90xer Posts: 219 Member
    Knowledge is power. I have done 3 rounds of P90X and each time I learned more about exercises and nutrition. One site that has been very helpful is by a Beachbody Coach named Wayne. Check it out, it is full of information and if you have any questions he is most helpful. Plus he has by far the best body transformation I have seen from P90X, infact he is in the P90X2 videos!

  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Hello All,
    I have a p90x support group on FB. It is all about accountabilty and support. Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/181539361962903 Come join:)

    I just asked to join! Sounds great!