Hi, need some support to gain weight.

Hi everyone, my name is Abi, I'm 24 (25 in june) and i have joined because i want to gain weight. i'm 4"11 and gaining weight is very very hard for me, I try so hard to try and gain the weight, so i need friends to maybe encourage me and i can do the same for them. please feel free to add me :)


  • MsStrife
    MsStrife Posts: 1
    Hi Abi! My name is Amber and I also have a June birthday! I'll be turning 22 soon. :D I have the same problem as you when it comes to gaining weight. I actually joined this site to help encourage me to gain weight. Actually just started on here yesterday so I'm actually starting on square one with weight gain. :] I hope to be 105 and I'm at 93 right now. Use to be way less, got to where I am now, but now I appear to be stuck here or I drop. Closest I've been to my goal was 95, and I regressed. I think finding others to help support you with the same issue is a wonderful idea. :] I'll send you an add right now.
  • Hey :) I joined yesterday too! :D
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Abi, I'm 24 (25 in june) and i have joined because i want to gain weight. i'm 4"11 and gaining weight is very very hard for me, I try so hard to try and gain the weight, so i need friends to maybe encourage me and i can do the same for them. please feel free to add me :)

    It's important that you not just gain weight, but the right kind. You don't want it to be all fat. Try to add some muscle by doing strength training.
  • Really? Gain weight? So you decide to come to a Fat Peoples site to get insight? Really?

    OK, Eat a lot of Pizza, Ice Cream and French fries! Don't exercise at all! You'll have no problems!!!!
  • Ms_Cindyrella
    Ms_Cindyrella Posts: 61 Member
    Really? Gain weight? So you decide to come to a Fat Peoples site to get insight? Really?

    OK, Eat a lot of Pizza, Ice Cream and French fries! Don't exercise at all! You'll have no problems!!!!

    Thats what I woulda said, as being I have a good sense of humor

    But really, keep your eyes open here, I am sure other will know exactly the right things to say as how to gain weight correctly.

    Good luck to you!
  • millers617
    millers617 Posts: 21 Member
    Really? Gain weight? So you decide to come to a Fat Peoples site to get insight? Really?

    OK, Eat a lot of Pizza, Ice Cream and French fries! Don't exercise at all! You'll have no problems!!!!

    Definitely DON'T do that. Who wants to be skinny fat and eat all processed CRAP? Start strength training to gain muscle and eat more protein. Under my goals, you can chose lose weight OR add weight. You can get a lot of advice in the message boards. Also look at the book, New Rules of Weightlifing for Women. I am not expert on gaining muscle, so definitely search the boards.
  • i'm sensible, and i know that is not the way to go. i eat homemade food most of the time and am trying to get back into drinking water more :)
  • cgair
    cgair Posts: 1 Member
    It used to be that I would have felt the same way as the person who said eat more pizza to someone who wants to gain weight, but I have a friend who is struggling and losing with an eating disorder. To me whether you are looking to lose or gain weight it's the same battle. Basically, it's about body image, and finding the weight where each of us should be. I send you lots of support on this journey. Strength training and getting some healthy fats such as avocado, natural peanut butter, and almond butter is my suggestion. Also, make sure that you're eating three meals a day with two snacks. Good luck! And you're on the right site, as we're all working toward health.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Dimplybutt
    Dimplybutt Posts: 123 Member
    Really? Gain weight? So you decide to come to a Fat Peoples site to get insight? Really?

    ... Fat Peoples site ? You need to take a better look around if you truly believe that.
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    Take the advice you think will help. There's always a SNARKY person that cannot be consructive. Don't let that bother you.
  • Superchikanthem
    Superchikanthem Posts: 362 Member
    Really? Gain weight? So you decide to come to a Fat Peoples site to get insight? Really?

    OK, Eat a lot of Pizza, Ice Cream and French fries! Don't exercise at all! You'll have no problems!!!!

    I'm pretty sure its called My Fitness Pal. Not my Fat people pal. Seriously grow up! This site is for people trying to be healthy and not to just get "Skinny"
  • Superchikanthem
    Superchikanthem Posts: 362 Member
    Good luck on your journey! I hope you can find lots of friends in the same boat as you. :)
  • Not matter if your trying to gain or lose it is a hard road. In order to get the right kind of weight as you can see from above you should try to do some strength training it will help ypou to become more healthy and to gain weight in the right way. Also if you do start the weight training you should try to take in about 1g of proteing per body weight this will help your muscles to recover and build faster you could also try to add in some fish oil capsules to help with a good source of healthy fats omega-3s. Good luck on your journey!!
  • outdoorslife
    outdoorslife Posts: 28 Member
    Gee, I thought the site was called My Fatness Pal! Yea… FITNESS. And everyone can benefit from fitness!

    The overall guidelines will help you tailor how many calories you need to eat so you are not deficient and burning more than you are taking in. For myself I still need to loose weight, so I take in less (1500 food + exercise) than I burn (2000 ish) a day. With a deficit I burn my oh so lovely stored fat!

    For healthy weight gain, you will need to push weights, thats what will build muscle, and luckily muscle does weigh more than fat!!
    Add in protein and stay away from the cheap white carbs!
  • Add me into this category too. I too am a petite woman, 5 ft and 90 lbs. I want to gain 10 to 20 lbs, and would love to be friends with you other ladies out there as well. I know through out the years, the only time I have ever been over 100 lbs is when I was pregnant with my children. I am tired of people assuming that I do have an eating disorder (which I do not, heck my husband and kids can vouch for that.) It is extremely hard for me to gain weight as well. I've even tried the weight gainers but I cannot stomach the taste. I'll motivate y'all. :) Oh and ps to the smart *kitten* who is all like "come to a fat person site to gain weight." This is a site for people of ALL shapes and sizes to motivate each other to get in shape, whether it be losing or gaining weight!!
  • Take the advice you think will help. There's always a SNARKY person that cannot be consructive. Don't let that bother you.

    Snarky? Really? I don't like slamming people but come on. This pretty lady is just looking for attention. And yes, this is a Fat Peoples site! Plain and simple. I am Fat!!! At least 95% people here are just that. I don't mince words or try to be the nice guy not hurt anyone's feelings. Truth is, Most of us here want to loose a lot of weight. Why, Because we are FAT! Nobody's fault but our own!

    Admiting it without sugar coating it is the first thing to getting in shape and not being FAT. If we weren't FAT we never would be here!

    You must be one of those people who thinks everyone wins a trophy in competitions.

    Just Say'n....

    Sam :)
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    i suggest a good protein powder... and strength training
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Really? Gain weight? So you decide to come to a Fat Peoples site to get insight? Really?

    OK, Eat a lot of Pizza, Ice Cream and French fries! Don't exercise at all! You'll have no problems!!!!
    I'm sure this was a joke..but this is a fitness site too, not just a weight-loss site, even though far more people ARE here to lose.

    Good luck to the OP..and welcome.
  • MaryBowen27
    MaryBowen27 Posts: 132

    Admiting it without sugar coating it is the first thing to getting in shape and not being FAT. If we weren't FAT we never would be here!

    Without sugar coating, you're an *kitten*. People are here to improve their health. Even if the majority of those people are trying to lose, do you really need to undermine people on the other side of the spectrum? Why not go onto everyone's intro post and say they are seeking attention? Why not make everyone else feel like crap?

    Anyways, to the original poster, welcome and good luck on your journey. Most of the people on the site aren't as rude, or judgmental as some on this post.