Body by Vi - anyone tried this or now about it?



  • Swizzle1986
    I have a few friends using this and talked me into it. They wanted me to do the 2 shakes a day and i passed. I'm currently having 1 shake for breakfast every day.

    Its about 185 calories for my breakfast with 2 scoops and skim milk. Which is awesome. And unlike a lot of other breakfast foods, it keeps me FULL for 4-5 hours.

    I agree shakes do not teach you proper nutrition or discipline. However with my lifestyle i was struggling with breakfast on the go. I love the shake. It tastes fantastic on its own, doesn't have alot of calories and fills you up. Its not cheap. $70 a month for one bag. You then have to buy the milk (i use lactose free so its NO cheap). Its not just protein, its vitamins and minerals.

    I would say if you are using something like this as a tool to a healthier lifestyle (i'm working out regularly and eating better for my other meals) then it can only help. I would not suggest the program having 2 shakes a day. You may lose weight, but you cant eat only shakes forever. You need to change your lifestyle completely.
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    I don't know anyone that's ever had any long term success with gimmicks. I personally plan to avoid any method that I can't sustain for life - including any gimmicks, giving up foods I love (though I have modified a great deal), or any crazy exercises designed to make me lose weigh super fast but that I know I won't maintain moving forward.
  • alcon79
    alcon79 Posts: 193 Member
    I don't understand the people that say they take this shake for the vitamins and minerals. Can't you just take a multi-vitamin in the morning, maybe through in some fish oil and calcium supplements and call it a day? Lot less calories that way too.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I don't understand the people that say they take this shake for the vitamins and minerals. Can't you just take a multi-vitamin in the morning, maybe through in some fish oil and calcium supplements and call it a day? Lot less calories that way too.

    Most multi-vitamins have more vitamins in them and are cheaper so I don't really understand buying a shake with questionable marketing practices over a multi-vitamin that is cheaper and more vitamin packed.

    Bottom line? Body by Vi is just a fancy multi-vitamin disguised as a weight loss solution.
  • egweena
    egweena Posts: 19
    Least week at the gym I had tasted a sample it was peanut taste good. It says it is all natural, gluten free, diabetic friendly. It doesn't taste like a diet shake at all. It is pretty costly.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Least week at the gym I had tasted a sample it was peanut taste good. It says it is all natural, gluten free, diabetic friendly. It doesn't taste like a diet shake at all. It is pretty costly.

    It's not gluten-free. They don't really understand what gluten-free means. :)
  • AshleyVeronica
    AshleyVeronica Posts: 69 Member
    People should research things before they attack. Unfortunately it's scaring people with an honest question away from something incredibly healthy. :( Your idea of one a day is PERFECT for getting the extra nutrition. You don't have to stop eating and drink shakes all day. Come on people. This product is FDA and (THE ONLY ONE) Health Canada Approved, as well as recommended by doctors to diabetics. Obviously there is more to it than most think. Although I know how easy it is to assume all weight loss products are useless and a scam, as there are SOOO many out there. I still eat 3 healthy small meals a day on top of my two shakes, am incredibly disciplined with my food and exercise and have had amazing success. The shakes make me FEEL amazing because of the nutrition that is in them (UNLIKE a protein powder, which is only PROTEIN, I get my protein from lean meats daily).

    Please don't let people scare you by saying it's a scam, I am here telling you as a user and NOT a seller that it's an incredible product that has changed my life in only 3 weeks. It has changed my whole family's life. Look up the nutritional specs and compare it to anything. Watch the video on what's in there, and you will see :) There is no substitute for good food, but there is a healthy option of help for those who need it :) And no one who has researched it would tell you that you can get the same nutrition in a vitamin or protein powder. Because you just can't. The nutrition is WHY it works, it gives your body everything it needs even on those days you just can't be that strict and perfect, and even on the days that you ARE, you would need to consumer over 10 thousand calories of GOOD food to get this level of nutrition. This is why your body reacts so well to it. Nutrition. Not calorie reduction.

    My thoughts exactly (as well as her other posts). People who bash the challenge haven't actually bothered to research it and are making assumptions based on basic details. Most people who take on the challenge, like myself, research it like crazy for months before realizing it really IS all that it claims to be. There is no starving yourself, you have your shakes and one or two meals depending on your goal and snack whenever. You watch what your intake is just as you would any other healthy diet and it's not hard to get at least your 1200 and stay under whatever your goal is. It wouldn't even be possible to eat enough food in a day to access the nutritional benefits that the shakes provide. Any problem that comes to mind can easily be relieved with some research. Not just googling and reading that trashing sites that are affiliated with competitors whether you realize it or not. My endocrinologist, pharmacist and dietician all reviewed my kit before I even started and were very excited about it - AND they couldn't believe all of the kit was available for such a low price! People freak out about the price because you pay up front - but when the average person takes an honest look at their budget they will see they are actually saving money. Considering the three for free offer too - you cannot beat that. You get it FREE. Then you're only buying maybe one meal and some snacks a day. This is NOT just another protein shake - which is why it is so successful (just like the people who take on the challenge!). It's not only about weight loss - it's about having energy and feeling amazing. People who stop their challenge and begin eating junk of course will gain weight. Same goes for people who are eating healthy food then start eating junk. There is no difference lol Most people continue on but with the one shake a day once they meet their goals because they want to maintain the nutrition.
    As for the pyramid scheme thing - I laugh every time. Where you work do you have a manager who is paid more than you and has more responsibilities? Do they have a supervisor? Does the supervisor have a regional manager? Does that regional manager not work for someone? And so on and so on until you finally reach whoever owns the company? EVERYTHING is a pyramid "scheme". Take a look at the government lol
    So heaven forbid a company use the exact same methods only make it so the people at the "bottom" are actually getting benefits and what they work for - UNLIKE most jobs where the people at the top take it all and the one's at the bottom are stuck busting their butts off for min. wage and lucky to have benefits! (something promoters may not even need so much as they will be so healthy they barely need the medical care!).
    Its funny when people talk about promoters pushing products on here...hello they can't share their links to their selling sites so how will THEY benefit from telling you how amazing it is? You would just go sign up with whoever you know that does it - not them. So why would they care unless it were to simply encourage an amazingly, healthy lifestyle??
    Body by Vi is SAVING LIVES whether you want to believe it or not. It may not be for everyone and that's fine - but there is no need to go around bashing a product you don't actually understand, scaring off people who may truly benefit from it like so many of us do!
  • AshleyVeronica
    AshleyVeronica Posts: 69 Member
    I don't understand the people that say they take this shake for the vitamins and minerals. Can't you just take a multi-vitamin in the morning, maybe through in some fish oil and calcium supplements and call it a day? Lot less calories that way too.

    I would just love to know exactly which vitamins people should be taking to ensure they get the equivalent to what is in the shakes. THEN I would love to compare the price. Vitamins are EXPENSIVE, especially if you want high quality ones that aren't made with plastic and other garbage. Thanks to the food system of today we don't get what we need naturally anymore and so it's time for a change. As for less calories - you save on calories with the shakes because instead of having say 400 calories for a bagel - not to mention the cream cheese and/or butter, or the bowl of cereal that's 200 calories before milk, etc. you are getting less than 200 calories for your entire meal which unlike most options - actually fills you! Take a look at a fast promo for how much nutrition is in it -
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I don't understand the people that say they take this shake for the vitamins and minerals. Can't you just take a multi-vitamin in the morning, maybe through in some fish oil and calcium supplements and call it a day? Lot less calories that way too.

    I would just love to know exactly which vitamins people should be taking to ensure they get the equivalent to what is in the shakes. THEN I would love to compare the price. Vitamins are EXPENSIVE, especially if you want high quality ones that aren't made with plastic and other garbage. Thanks to the food system of today we don't get what we need naturally anymore and so it's time for a change. As for less calories - you save on calories with the shakes because instead of having say 400 calories for a bagel - not to mention the cream cheese and/or butter, or the bowl of cereal that's 200 calories before milk, etc. you are getting less than 200 calories for your entire meal which unlike most options - actually fills you! Take a look at a fast promo for how much nutrition is in it -

    FYI: No matter the source, DRINKING your vitamins is not more 'natural'.

    The natural way to get vitamins is to eat food and get your vitamins through that food.
  • pmdhardy
    pmdhardy Posts: 40 Member
    a few of my friends tried them and they found that after a couple of days they all had bad stomachs.. so they dropped it and just do weight watchers and also this website.. No more shakes for them.. and I dont plan on trying them.. but if they work for some people than good for them.. Everyone has to try out different options and see what works for them.
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    Thanks to the food system of today we don't get what we need naturally anymore and so it's time for a change.

    But the change should be to the food system. Creating unnatural overly processed food stuff is how we got into the nutritional mess we're in. Creating something else in the lab isn't the solution. Demanding (and seeking out) better quality foods that ARE nutrient rich is.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    So let's get's this straight, you drink a shake for breakfast and lunch then have a supper and you lose weight. Of course you do, you've successfully been fooled into lowering your caloric intake and all it cost was 100$ a month for a product that testing is starting to show has dubious health benefits.

    I have no doubt you are losing lbs on a scale but does the system offer any type of body analysis testing to actually show how in what way you are losing weight? Are you dropping fat, water, muscle?

    People keep thinking that losing weight on a scale is a measure of health, it's not. You need to determine if you are actually making your body healthier, not lighter.

    And of course this product is so amazing that it can only be sold by a friendly multi-level marketer, it can't possibly be sold directly to the consumer in a store.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    So let's get's this straight, you drink a shake for breakfast and lunch then have a supper and you lose weight. Of course you do, you've successfully been fooled into lowering your caloric intake and all it cost was 100$ a month for a product that testing is starting to show has dubious health benefits.

    I have no doubt you are losing lbs on a scale but does the system offer any type of body analysis testing to actually show how in what way you are losing weight? Are you dropping fat, water, muscle?

    People keep thinking that losing weight on a scale is a measure of health, it's not. You need to determine if you are actually making your body healthier, not lighter.

    And of course this product is so amazing that it can only be sold by a friendly multi-level marketer, it can't possibly be sold directly to the consumer in a store.

    I love Canuck's and this post is why. :)
  • alcon79
    alcon79 Posts: 193 Member
    I would just love to know exactly which vitamins people should be taking to ensure they get the equivalent to what is in the shakes. THEN I would love to compare the price. Vitamins are EXPENSIVE, especially if you want high quality ones that aren't made with plastic and other garbage. Thanks to the food system of today we don't get what we need naturally anymore and so it's time for a change. As for less calories - you save on calories with the shakes because instead of having say 400 calories for a bagel - not to mention the cream cheese and/or butter, or the bowl of cereal that's 200 calories before milk, etc. you are getting less than 200 calories for your entire meal which unlike most options - actually fills you! Take a look at a fast promo for how much nutrition is in it -

    FYI: No matter the source, DRINKING your vitamins is not more 'natural'.

    The natural way to get vitamins is to eat food and get your vitamins through that food.

    Word to that. I just googled the shake's nutrition and one-a-days, which aren't fancy vitamins by any stretch. The shakes only have 30% of your general vitamins and only 5% iron. Not exactly knocking your socks off. And the Vi site doesn't give grams for each vitamin, only percentages, which I find interesting.
  • jtotheno
    jtotheno Posts: 123 Member
    Hhahaaha. If you don't want to use it, don't. Don't spend your time bashing a healthy product that makes people feel great and helps them with their eating issues. It's not so easy for everyone to just "eat better and exercise DUH IT'S SO EASY!" LOL.

    If it was that easy no one would be fat, and MFP would not exist. Everyone here has issues with food.

    The shakes are making people happy and helping them reach their goals in a HEALTHY way, so why now just back off the people that are okay with that? It's not like they are taking a freaky *kitten* pill that can kill you. It's vitamins in a shake, FFS (That happens to have over 100 recipes to make it taste like pretty much any dessert out there... don't you think that helps so many people with their *sweets* addiction? I say GOOD FOR THEM! A yummy shake full of vitamins VS a big fat piece of cake HMMMMM??) . .

    As for the calorie restriction and "starving yourself" crap, anyone who is doing either is not following the plan correctly, and again, it's no one's business but the person on the program. :) I love how everyone on this site is now a nutritional expert and has the right to tell everyone else what they should and should not eat. There is not one bad thing about this product, and that should be all that matters.

    Let people do what they want to do and stop trying to make them feel like **** for it, it doesn't affect anyone but themselves. And you should probably all quit your jobs, because you all work likely at the bottom of a "pyramid scheme".
  • cath1024
    cath1024 Posts: 79 Member
    I have been taking the Body by Vi Shakes for the past 2 weeks and after trying many different protien shakes out there i was sceptical and trying this one - because I absolutly hated the taste of all the others i ever tried.
    I LOVE the taste of this shake! OMG it is seriously the best i have ever had.
    I got 2 bags for a very good deal from someone who decided it wasnt for them - i will be ordering more when these bags are done.
    I have lost 3 lbs in the 2 weeks i hacve been taking them - I have one for breakfast which is better then before as i would never even eat breakfast before - i have a light lunch and then another shake in the afternoon to tie me over until dinner.
    They do satisfy my hunger and i love that I am getting all the vitamins and nutrients i need.

    I feel everyone can have their own opinion on everything - everyone will always have soemthing negative/positive to say about EVERYTHING - look at the people so against having a c-section vs having natural, being a vegan vs eating meat, circumsizing your son vs not - list could go on and on.
    I just wish everyone would let everyone do what they want and what works for them - no need to bash somehting just because you dont agree with it.
    I like the shakes and am realy glad i tried them - they are also a great motivation seeing the weight drop for me to eat better and advoid so much junk that i find hard to resist.
    If you want to try for a month go for it and see for yourself if it is for you or not.
    If you are worried about the ingredients ect dont try it and try somehting else. You are yourself and shouldnt let others make decisions for you based on their own opinion only :-)
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    Not enough protien for the price.
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    Just my 2 you want to be spending money on if forever or do you want to learn the correct eating habits on your own that will make the change a lifetime one?

    It may work but it's just anothr fad in my opinion.
  • nessa786
    nessa786 Posts: 107 Member
    Ill let you know, I have some samples coming in the mail.
  • nikkimcd08
    Herbalife is much less expensive, tastes great, and works as well! If you stop taking Herbalife, you wont gain weight back because it is a lifestyle change! While on the shakes, you start to get fuller on less food, you eat better meals, and you educate yourself on eating healthy! The shakes help you lose the weight and thrust you into that new change in eating habits and a way of thinking! I have a client who is down 50lbs in the last 3 months, her medical stomach problems have gone away, and she has created a whole new life for herself and her family!